• 指没有做好自己工作应承担不利后果强制义务

    The two is not doing his job, and should bear the adverse consequences or mandatory obligation.


  • 财产所有权得以确立核心和关键社会群体根据无害义务准则而给予一致公认。

    It is crux to establish property rights that the social group will recognize unanimously, in accordance with the norm of the innocent obligation.


  • 美国小学年级12年级的孩子实行强制义务教育,孩子们必须学校里读完12年,或者至少16岁

    In the us we have free compulsory public education for all children from grade 1 to grade 12. Children must stay in school through grade 12, or at least until they are 16.


  • 本文探讨GATS具体承诺含义质入手,说明具体承诺GATS中作为选择义务特点以及所处的核心地位。

    Firstly, from the point of the meaning and feature of specific commitments in GATS, the article illustrates that as a selective obligation, specific commitments is on the core of GATS.


  • 然而需要提的这样合约社会义务具有法律强制所以贷款人必须信任他们借钱或者冒着全盘损失风险

    It should be noted however, that the agreement is a social obligation rather than a legal one, so lenders have to trust who they are loaning their money too, or risk losing it all.


  • 京都议定书》给予发展国家削减温室气体排放豁免截止2012年,使得“后京都时代”国际气候制度谈判重点不可避免地要触及到发展中国家实质义务的承担。

    The immunity period for the developing country in Kyoto Protocol will end in 2012. The Post-Kyoto negotiations should pay a lot of attention to substantial obligations for developing countries.


  • 这个机构义务的,不是为了赢利

    The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.


  • 当地医院从事一些义务工作

    I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.


  • 尽管由于社会学术义务地方合作有时会超出有效,但国际合作可以得到发展放宽。

    Whereas local collaborations sometimes persist past the point of usefulness, because of social or academic obligations, international ones can be cultivated and dropped more freely.


  • 公司法律上建设义务支付这些款项。

    The company has a legal or constructive obligation to make such payments.


  • 但是那样来说费用应该义务的——税收

    But then the fee should be compulsory - a tax.


  • 尽管外界并不期望后来义务支付会得到股东支持,但该交易还是花费了40.8%的国浩股份高于29.9%的起拍点

    The deal took Guoco's shareholding to 40.8%, above the 29.9% threshold where it had to make a bid - although its subsequent compulsory offer was not expected to gain much support from shareholders.


  • 真正问题在于出现在教堂高层侵事件,大司祭拥有教徒的注意义务,”麦克·威尔士(MichaelWalsh)这样说道,他是英国历史学家以前曾耶酥天主教会的一员

    "The real problem is an abuse of authority, the duty of care that pastors have to their flocks, " says the British historian, and former member of the Jesuit Catholic order, Michael Walsh.


  • 位伦敦律师很多客户问起了合同的有效,此类问题应接不暇,他说:“使用欧元付款属于合同的义务人们四处打听如果没有欧元,将如何是好。

    “There is a contractual obligation to make payment in euros, ” he says. “People are asking what happens if there isn’t a euro.”


  • 作为永久居民拥有特定权利义务

    You have certain rights and responsibilities as a permanent resident.


  • 透明度一家慈善机构对外公开机构关键数据财务管理效果等方面的义务主动

    Transparency is an obligation or willingness by a charity to publish and make available critical data about the organization, such as its finances, governance and effectiveness.


  • u.c,利弗莫尔退休人员没有退休义务一点威胁到了机构财政长远可行

    At the University of California, retiree obligations, even absent the Livermore retirees, threaten the institution's long-term financial viability.


  • 我们大家都义务建设创造方式相互交往,寻求可行的解决方案

    And all of us have an obligation to engage constructively and creatively toward a workable solution.


  • 业务战术目标——实施PCI遵从方面通过跟踪失败登录尝试识别正常数量系统受到攻击时的非正常数量,确保企业尽到勤勉义务

    In enforcing PCI compliance - ensure that due diligence is ensured through tracking of failed login attempts and identifying what is the normal amount and what constitutes a system under attack.


  • 团队必须拥有书写更具维护代码能力义务

    The team must have the ability and the commitment to write more maintainable code.


  • 不是一件小事,这个重要问题国际义务阿富汗持续紧密联系在一起。

    It is no small order, but it is a crucial issue that is closely linked to the duration of international commitment to Afghanistan.


  • 复杂东西甚者,未来罗马二世规则对于非契约义务(4)的法律适用目前处于起草阶段。

    To complicate things even more, there is also the future Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations, (4) which is currently still in draft form.


  • 这些带来一连串毁灭后果比如森林火灾生态旅游收入损失。 之所以发生这样的事,是因为干了事的义务后果买单

    This leads to a profusion of damaging outcomes such as forest fires and lost ecotourism revenue that happen because those responsible are not obliged to pick up the tab.


  • 健壮可伸缩计算允许快速地扩大收缩规模,没有时间限制,也不需要承担长期义务

    Robust scalability: Cloud computing allows for immediate scaling, either up or down, at any time without long-term commitment.


  • 多数情况下,几方合作伙伴签署保密协议说明方都义务保护尊重其他合作方信息机密

    In most situations, partners will first sign a confidentiality agreement, obligating each to safeguard and respect the confidentiality of the other's information.


  • 2005年之前常见策略义务农村服务契约强制农村服务作为进入研究生课程学习的优先条件。

    Before 2005, the most common strategy was compulsory rural service bonds and mandatory rural service for preferential admission into post-graduate programmes.


  • 更具突击核查机制虽然也创建起来各国却并没有义务接受

    A system of more intrusive inspections has been created, but countries are under no obligation to subscribe to it.


  • 在从安全气候变化问题上所采取建设国家举措必须得到鼓励,使履行义务国家看到负责任的行动所带来好处

    Constructive national steps on issues ranging from nuclear security to climate change must be incentivized, so nations that choose to do their part see the benefits of responsible action.


  • 在从安全气候变化问题上所采取建设国家举措必须得到鼓励,使履行义务国家看到负责任的行动所带来好处

    Constructive national steps on issues ranging from nuclear security to climate change must be incentivized, so nations that choose to do their part see the benefits of responsible action.


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