• 怎样的知识怎样的教学观知识影响教学观的重要因素

    Different views on knowledge will lead to different views on teaching. Views on knowledge are important factors that influence views on teaching.


  • 无论是教师教学还是学生学习知识信念为基础,怎样的知识就有怎样的教学观学习观。

    Either teachers' teaching or st ud ents' learning is based on their belief in knowledge. Teaching outlook and lear ning outlook depend on knowledge outlook.


  • 但是如果这些医生能够他们知识经验汇集在一起创造出一个机器执行外科护理标准,那会怎样呢?

    But what if these doctors could pool their knowledge and experience together and create a surgical standard of care, to be carried out by machines?


  • 告诉怎样运用知识使服务器更有效率地工作,以使其负荷量减少30%。

    Do tell me how you applied your knowledge... operation to decrease server load by 30%.


  • 但是关于颜色到底是怎样其他因素作用来影响布料紫外线防护系数UPF)的科学知识存在一些缺口

    However, there are gaps in scientifi c knowledge about exactly how colour interacts with other factors to infl uence a fabric’s ability to block ultraviolet protection factor (UPF).


  • 测算dna个问题(事情更好些?);解决怎样利用现有知识阻止蚂蚁扩散是另一个问题。

    Sequencing DNA is one thing; figuring out how to use that knowledge to halt the ants' spread is another.


  • 在有工具术语的基本知识之后,接下来一步就是理解这两个工具之间是怎样进行交互的。

    Armed with this knowledge about tool terminologies, the next step is to understand how they interact with each other.


  • 期待他人知道怎样自己知识专长经验注重实效相结合,有一种谦卑

    What I look for in people is a sense of how to combine their knowledge and expertise and experience with a focus on results, and a sense of humility.


  • 图片记忆或者唤起感觉,气氛和场景。所以计划阶段想一想怎样收获是哪记录模板等等,这些都会你收集到相关信息知识

    It is helpful to give some thought in the planning phase to how you want to harvest - what kind of records, templates etc. will help you gather the relevant information or knowledge.


  • 一家叫做ZDNet技术新闻网站上,出现了怎样保护企业知识产权?”

    How do you secure your corporate I.P.?,” referring to intellectual property, read the slides, which appeared on ZDNet, a technology news site.


  • 敏感问题因为大部分客户都会误会(不管怎样知识产权是一个棘手课题)。

    This is a very sensitive subject because most clients misunderstand it (intellectual property is a tricky subject anyways).


  • 我们能够辨别发自内心的微笑并不愉快的微笑吗?应该怎样运用这些知识呢?

    Can we tell an enjoyment smile from a non-enjoyment smile, and how do we use this information?


  • 篇文章提供丰富实践知识,如关于敏捷项目什么时候怎样以及按照什么顺序执行演示

    This article provides a wealth of practical wisdom on when, how, and in front of whom to perform demos on Agile projects.


  • 是通过教你怎样赚钱而赚钱的,一些教你怎样销售的课程关于博客平台的一些知识

    He made that money by teaching you how to make more money through courses like teaching Sells and through selling Wordpress themes like Thesis.


  • 研究表明人类一对一家教至少通过两种标准偏差来提升知识——我们知道你们怎样才能通过机器人家教接近那种模式。

    Studies have shown that human one-on-one tutoring improves learning by as much as two standard deviations - we want to know how can you try to approximate that with robotic tutoring.


  • 不论怎样,总有一些方法让可以用来学习新知识提高自己的能力的。

    No matter what you’re doing, there’s some way you can learn more and improve yourself.


  • 关于这些工具知识团队能够做出关于怎样使用工作流程正确决策

    With a working knowledge of these, your team can make the right decision about which workflow to use.


  • 篇文章说明这个方法工具怎样帮助软件发布经理来实现九个知识领域中的四个领域。

    This article will show how the process and tool can help the Software Release Manager enable four of the nine Knowledge Areas.


  • 决定是否使用怎样使用栅格之前应该了解栅格一些基础知识以及创建方法。

    Before deciding when, why, and how to use a grid you need to know the elements of the grid and how to create it.


  • 确信需要提倡严格限制3D打印机使用关于知识产权怎样存在诉讼应该实用

    There are sure to be calls for restrictions on the use of 3D printers, and lawsuits about how existing IP laws should be applied.


  • 好的教你里一个知识是,物质能量的相互作用我们可以见证,巴尔末线系怎样证实波尔模型的。

    All right. The other thing I have to teach you is matter-energy interaction so that we can see how the Balmer series validates the Bohr model.


  • 希望展示我们怎样构建面向未来的有用目录使用我们图书馆中的知识技能,也运用来自他处的贡献。

    And I hope to show how we construct useful, practical concept-oriented catalogs for the future, building both on the knowledge and expertise we have in libraries, and on the contributions of others.


  • 不管怎样那时美国知识意识彼得斯会让他们难堪也渐渐的销声匿迹了——人们也不再谈论它。

    Anyhow, by that point the American intellectual community realized that the Peters book was an embarrassment, and it sort of disappeared-nobody talks about it anymore.


  • 如果想要理解我们怎样产生这个想法以及怎样开发这个程序,关键了解一些糖尿病知识

    I'm thinking understanding how we conceive the idea and how we develop is important for us to understand a little bit about diabetes.


  • 怎样平衡理解一种根本发病机理需求利用眼前一切知识和治疗手段治疗病人的需求?

    How can you balance the need to understand the fundamental mechanisms of a disease, and the need to treat sick patients now, with whatever knowledge and therapies are at hand?


  • 那么,怎样气候变化纳入知识产权战略中去呢?

    So how can you work climate change into your IP strategy?


  • 不管怎样故事结尾,那回去了,我们知道他已经掌握了概率论知识

    Anyway, the story ends and Nala goes back and is now armed with probability theory, we assume.


  • 不管怎样故事结尾,那回去了,我们知道他已经掌握了概率论知识

    Anyway, the story ends and Nala goes back and is now armed with probability theory, we assume.


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