• 道歉好的治愈过程,它能带给平和心智,带给你舒适双方彼此都放松

    It is a wonderful healing process giving you peace of mind, bringing comfort and relief to both parties concerned.


  • 个调校你的消除那些没有效率的思想反省神志过程,渐渐的,将会转而注重有意义想法

    It is about conditioning your mind to clear out the inefficient thoughts that race through your consciousness. And, over time you will focus on meaningful and useful thoughts.


  • 我们讨论挑战心智真正原因,当人们试图混乱状态中解脱出来时,通常需要一个繁复思维过程,而挑战自己则会让这个过程变得简单。

    The reason why we are discussing ways to challenge your mind is because simplifying one’s life, from the chaotic state it may currently be in, takes a lot of thought process.


  • 系统化学习方法不同于头脑风暴学习心智图方法建立在怎样看待学习过程和你怎样吸收知识

    Holistic learning isn’t like a brainstorming technique or mind-mapping. It is fundamentally changing how you look at the process of learning and how you absorb information.


  • 死亡过程中,人类心智意识发生了怎样的变化呢?

    What happens to the human mind and consciousness during death?


  • 通过这个交互作用过程一个人自身变革心智转变件事儿,是不是可能相关呢?

    But is this not possibly relevant to this whole thing of the changing of one's own, the transformation of one's own mind, that it is through this process of interaction.


  • 问题不是患者有无术前用药而是术前用药是否削弱患者参与知情同意过程心智能力

    The issue is not whether the patient has been premedicated, but whether premedication has impaired the patient's ability to participate in the informed consent process.


  • 创作过程探索之旅。心智还没领会之前,就已经找到解答

    The creative process is a path of discovery. The hand makes drawings and arrives at solutions before the mind has even comprehended them.


  • 语用学中,“世界称为现实这是语言使用者一种心智功能在语言使用者的认知过程中得到激活并转变成语境意义

    In pragmatics, "world" is known as the reality, refer ring to the function of mind of the language user. It is activated and transformed into contextual meaning.


  • 第一还是很想吃东西就像杰克的那样,我应该身体心智还有情绪体上面,适应过程中会有的状况,如同身体食物过程般调整在自然状态。

    The first day I still wanted food. Like Jackie was saying I figured there would be some adjustment for my body, mind and emotions to accept this as a way to take food into the body.


  • 管理关键过程极为复杂神秘,是凭借最含糊信息并用难以言状的心智过程

    The key managerial processes are enormously complex and mysterious, drawing on the vaguest of information and using the least articulated of mental processes.


  • 认知心理学心智活动过程机制研究,极大地促进了心智现象及其内部过程细微认知理解

    Cognitive psychology, focusing on the process and mechanism of human mental activity, has greatly promoted our understanding of the phenomena of the mind, and their intra - processes.


  • 这么想,你头脑创造三种心智结合意象设定意图开始个连结具体心智抽象心智宇宙心智过程

    As you do this, you are using your mind to create a vision, set an intention, and start the process of linking your concrete mind, your abstract mind, and the Universal mind.


  • 客户价值理论基础,围绕客户目标及实现全过程提出了基于期望心智模式需求决策过程模型。

    Based on the customer value principle, this paper proposes the demand decision-making process with mental models of customer expectation for client goal realization.


  • 心智成熟一个逐渐剔除过程知道自己重要什么,知道重要的东西是什么。

    I don 't think that when people grow up. Conversely, I think it' s a selecting process, knowing what 's the most important and what' s the least.


  • 心智成熟是个逐渐剔除的过程知道自己最重要什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后一个纯简的

    I don't think that when people grow up. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.


  • 场胜利支球队心智大有益处,季后赛准备过程中。

    A win would be very beneficial to the psyche of this team, in preparing for the playoffs.


  • 计算机科学哲学关于人脑(心智)计算机(或机器)相互作用关系过程机制及其规律研究

    Philosophy of computer science mainly concerns the research of processes, mechanisms and rules in brain (mind) and computer (machine) interaction.


  • 心智成熟是一个逐渐剔除过程知道自己最重要什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。

    I don't think that when people grow up. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least.


  • 心智模型人类决策行为发生改变心理依据本文心智模型引入信息用户决策行为研究过程

    Mental model is the theoretical basis of the reason why people change their behavior. This paper leads the concept into the investigation of information users' searching behavior.


  • 不仅仅决定美术学院在人才培养过程中的教学水平,而且细雨无声地渗透到艺术学子心智系统中。

    Foundation teaching not only determines the teaching standard of art academies, but also influences the thoughts of students.


  • 认知学派研究焦点管理心智模式共同心智模式,以及意义构建和意义表达过程

    The research foci in the cognitive perspective of strategy are managerial and Shared mental models, as well as sense-making and sense-giving processes.


  • 认知学派研究焦点管理心智模式共同心智模式,以及意义构建和意义表达过程

    The research foci in the cognitive perspective of strategy are managerial and Shared mental models, as well as sense-making and sense-giving processes.


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