• 床台宽度55CM根据人体工学设计使生产卧躺舒适。

    Bed width of 55 CM mattress under the ergonomic design, consultation and production to the seizure of lying when lying more comfortable.


  • 模型考虑钢轨抗弯刚度扣件刚度、基础刚度、床台护轨间隔等因素影响。

    In the model, the flexural rigidity of rails, the rigidity of fastenings, the rigidity of subgrade, slide plate, guard rail and spacer block are taken into account.


  • 纸板堆高自动调整倾斜高度升降电机,附刹车功能床台得以保持固定位置,不会下滑。

    The collection platform can automatically adjust the height of tilt along with the height of piling paperboard. Elevating motor with electric brake function to keep the platform stable.


  • 时候,我们你提供个属于自己房间,里面一张、一张桌子一对椅子电视机

    While you are here, we'll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV.


  • 个人住在90平方英尺房子里,家里一张椅子桌子总是锁定在京剧频道电视机

    She occupies a room of 90 square feet, furnished with a bed, chair, table, and television ever tuned to the Peking opera channel.


  • 已经放弃一切,只剩下大水杯茶杯,两个盘子,两餐具地上的一被子,一电视机25行头包括鞋类箱包笔记本电脑

    You've given up everything but a mug, 2 cups, 2 plates, 2 sets of cutlery, a futon on the floor, a TV, 25 pieces of your wardrobe including shoes and bags and a laptop.


  • 这个建筑可以同时住宿,其中包括双人,一个浴室,一个起居室屋顶观光

    Accommodates two people at a time, with a double bed, a small bathroom, a living room and a roof terrace.


  • 四处看着很小工作间,感到惊奇地倒不是丢掉的,而是多年她一直保留的:茶壶,大理石作顶的餐饮,遮有天蓬的

    As I looked around her tiny studio, I was astonished not so much by what she'd lost, but by what she'd managed to hold on to: her brass samovar, her marble-topped buffet, her canopied bed.


  • 住的房间这里舒适宜人、灯光很暗,有储备齐全厨房,一张白色豪华,一平面电视昂贵法国沐浴用品

    Just like my smaller room, it was cozy and low-lit and featured a stocked kitchenette, a plush white bed, a flat-screen TV, and expensive French bath products.


  • 工作晚上转换几个桌子尺寸恰当一个,根据工作空间所需大小重新安排。

    A working table transforms into a bed at night and several tables fit nicely under one another or can be re-arranged depending on how much workspace is needed.


  • 代工企业CBL集团5焊接机器人用于装配医护支架纽约地铁车厢座椅骨架

    CBL Group, a contract manufacturer, has five welding robots used to assemble brackets for hospital beds and seat frames for new carriages on the new York subway.


  • 1966年开始算起,总共吃了18辆自行车15架超市购物手推车7电视6展吊灯,1雪橇,1塞斯纳飞行公司产的轻型飞机电脑

    His diet since 1966 included 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket trolleys, seven TV sets, six chandeliers, two beds, a pair of skis, a Cessna light aircraft and a computer.


  • 卧室一张个储藏间、一张写字、一把椅子、一个以及其他一些东西

    In the bedroom, there are a bed, a closet, a writing-desk, a chair, a lamp and several other things.


  • 这间酒吧改造个“绿洲”,每张头都配有一电视机。甚至还有氧气尽快醒酒

    The bar has been converted into a 'green oasis' with each bed boasting its own television - and there's even an oxygen bar to boost your recovery.


  • 卧室一些漂亮家具两个简易椅子个地,一电视,一CD机,一DVD一个沙发

    The living room has some nice furniture. There are two easy chairs a floor lamp a television set a CD player a DVD player and a sofa bed.


  • 房子一张电视机

    The house has one bed and one television.


  • 房间电脑一张一张书桌把椅子一个书柜

    There is a computer, a bed, a desk, there chairs and a bookcase in my room.


  • 本人房间电脑一张一张书桌把椅子一个书

    There is a computer, a bed, a desk, three chairs and a bookcase in my room.


  • 我们必须卧室放一张一个梳装

    We have get to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.


  • 特别是狭小卧室利用浪漫又温馨降低了高度增加视野宽度利用隐藏增加收纳空间

    Especially small bedroom, using platform for bed, romantic and warm, not only reduces the height increases the field width, and use the hidden low ark increased storage space.


  • 公司主营产品桐木被架、桐木被架、桐木菜板、桐木松木、松木便利、桐木菜木制工艺品木制品以及柳编制品

    The main products of the company are paulownia wooden sunoko, wooden bed, wooden cutting board, wooden rice box, pine stool, pine convenient platform, wooden cabinet, wooden crafts willow products.


  • 本厂生产的主要产品、几

    Our prime products are bed, cabinet, shelf, contignation, table, chair, stool, teapoy etc.


  • 在管内工质温度不同、容量不同3循环流化锅炉上,测量了不同高度式水冷金属

    The membrane wall's metal temperature was measured at different heights, of 3 circulating fluidized bed boilers, of different capacity, and with different working medium temperatures within the pipes.


  • 还有一平板电视机不过不要想着在房间里面工作因为只有一张小圆桌,而不是写字,真要使用,必须坐在枕头上才行…舒适。

    A flat TV is added but don't try to work there as the table is definitly not a desk, or you will need your pillow on your seat…The bed was comfortable.


  • 免费提供无限上网被褥,每套间饮水机每周一次客厅打扫服务

    Other free special services includes broadband Internet access with no time limits, a suite of bedding per berth a set of water dispenser per apartment, and living room cleaning services once a week.


  • 免费提供无限上网被褥,每套间饮水机每周一次客厅打扫服务

    Other free special services includes broadband Internet access with no time limits, a suite of bedding per berth a set of water dispenser per apartment, and living room cleaning services once a week.


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