• 不过,2005年年底时中国证券监管机构就不再受理成立合资企业的申请开始着手重组国内证券业

    But in late 2005, Chinese securities regulators stopped accepting new applications for foreign joint ventures, and moved to restructure the domestic industry.


  • 海关应当受理退税申请日起30日内查实通知纳税义务人办理退还手续

    The customs shall verify and notify the taxpayer to handle the formalities related to the refunding of the overpaid part within 30 days upon accepting the application for duty refund.


  • 申请公证事项属于本公证处管辖。对不符合条件的申请,公证处应作出不予受理决定通知申请人

    The notary office has jurisdiction over the notarial affairs, and it also could make the decision not to accept the application mismatching the condition and inform the applicant.


  • 海关应当受理退税申请日起30日内查实通知纳税义务人办理退还手续。

    The customs shall verify and notify the taxpayer to handle the formalities related to the refunding of the overpaid part within30days upon accepting the application for duty refund.


  • 然后业务受理岗预约考试领取准考证速递凭证

    And then to the admissibility of post operational test and receive the admission ticket booking and express certificates.


  • 最近中国开始在县级市级建立一些环境保护审判庭。这些审判庭受理审判了若干环境公益诉讼案件

    In recent three years, environmental courts have been established at the county and city level in China. They accepted and heard several public interests environmental cases.


  • 由于没有能够受理解决争议上帝代言人神明裁判就此消亡,取而代之陪审团裁判。

    Since no representative of the Almighty to whom the settlement of the question had been submitted was available, trial by ordeal vanished, to be replaced with trial by jury.


  • 中国驻美大使馆网站发布通知签证受理日期改为六个工作日暂停受理加急或特急签证申请。

    The Chinese Embassy in the us released a notice on its website, announcing that the visa processing time will be changed to six business days while the express and rush service will be suspended.


  • 公司任何部门受理用户产品质量服务质量的投诉必须小时内反馈质量部填写〈质量信息反馈〉。

    The customer complains on product quality and service quality handled by any department must be reported to the Quality Department within two hours. And fill in "Quality Information Feedback Sheet".


  • 域名注册服务机构中国互联网络信息中心授权负责受理域名注册申请完成注册机构。

    Registrar refers to the entity authorized by CNNIC and responsible for acceptance of the domain name registration applications and completion of domain name registrations.


  • 他们希望最高法院最终能够受理案件做出他们有利的判决给其他法院这类案件的审判提供一个可以遵循的先例

    The agency is hoping the Supreme Court will eventually take up the case and issue a precedent-setting decision in its favor.


  • 对申请资料齐全符合规定形式的,应当受理书面通知申请人

    Where the application documents are complete and all in specified forms, the banking regulatory bureau shall accept and handle the application and give the applicant a written notice concerning that.


  • 受理客户质量方面的投诉及时作出处理

    The hurl which accepts customer's quality tells and make a source reason in time.


  • 银行方面也即将达到借贷上限,无力受理业务。这种债务基金用于为已经完工投入商业运营工程偿还银行贷款

    The debt funds would buy loans from the Banks for projects that have completed construction and entered into commercial operation.


  • 拥有能源号网站供应商账号供应商,在提交业务申请,可通过系统账号登录随时查询您的业务受理情况。

    Suppliers with an account on Energy Ahead can inquire handing progress of their business via logging into the system after submitting a business application at any time.


  • 然而本文作者认为文学重译必要试图角度分析文学作品重译的必要性意义

    The author believes that there must be some necessity and significance behind the practice of literary retranslation, and the paper aims to prove it from the perspective of reception theory.


  • 然而本文作者认为文学重译必要试图角度分析文学作品重译的必要性意义

    The author believes that there must be some necessity and significance behind the practice of literary retranslation, and the paper aims to prove it from the perspective of reception theory.


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