• 一些企业已经开始意识到消费者承担回收全部责任可能没有效果

    Some businesses have begun to realize it may not be effective to let consumers take full responsibility for recycling.


  • 需要说服,你已经准备承担意外悬崖风险

    You just have to convince him that you are prepared to take a higher risk than he is of accidentally falling off the cliff.


  • 到目前为止信用卡发行商已经计算出即便是塔吉特遇到的那种黑客承担责任,更换所有信用卡便宜

    Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic.


  • 希望可以说再换个时间行了知道怎么回事每个整个学期已经需要承担义务了。

    I wish I could say another time would be okay, but you know how it is, everybody's already got commitments for the whole semester.


  • 已经自己身份已经积累了自己的资源而且正是因为根基现在机会承担更大风险

    Your identity has been formed; you've built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.


  • 纳税人已经承担了部分供水费用,把亏损公共设施

    Taxpayers already bear some of the costs of water, shovelling money into loss-making public utilities.


  • 已经任职的两个副手承担新的责任:时间打理全球客户

    Two deputies already in place would take on new responsibilities and devote time to global customers.


  • 与此同时随着昂贵婴儿潮一代退休廉价非正式员工填补空缺,企业承担综合工资开支已经急剧下降。

    At the same time, the aggregate wage cost that firms bear has fallen sharply as expensive baby-boomers retire and cheap, non-regular employees take up the slack.


  • 它们从来没有打算承担开发人员加到负荷多年已经摇摇欲坠

    They were never intended to bear the weight developers have loaded on top of them, and they've been creaking for years.


  • 儿子7月份出生前我们已经付清了生育费用我们承担1,000美元。

    By the time our son was born in July, we had paid off our $1,000 share of medical costs for the delivery.


  • 自此以后,“寄生族”已经长大他们中的大多数之所以父母住在一起,不是处于自愿,而是因为他们无法承担独自生活的费用。

    Since then the "parasites" have got older, and a lot of them are living with their parents not because they want to but because they cannot afford to live independently.


  • 理解因为这件事情引发家人朋友对我所产生愤怒失望情绪对于已经对他们造成伤害我将不会任何借口地承担所有责任。

    I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused.


  • 如果已经准备承担更多的责任,告诉老板,你准备好了。

    If you are ready for more responsibility, tell your boss you are ready.


  • 有些已经认识到,两国不得不撤出稍早前希腊爱尔兰葡萄牙救援。提供援助的国家数量减少,各国承担负担

    Already some reckon the two will have to drop out of financing earlier rescues of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, placing even greater burdens on a shrinking number of creditors.


  • 这些国家已经承担传染病慢性病双重负担

    These countries are already shackled by the double burden of infectious and chronic diseases.


  • 虽然他们已经找到了至少筹款人,但英国皇家防止虐待动物协会足够承担埃丽手术

    Although they already have had at least one fundraiser, the RSPCA does not yet have enough money to pay for Ellie's operation.


  • 到目前为止哥本哈根次轨道组织看似已经采取了所有预防措施但是未来他们的小额预算将会使他们承担更大风险补充说

    So far, Copenhagen Suborbitals appears to have taken every precaution, but their small budget may lead them to take greater risks in the future, he added.


  • 一个更大的酿造厂已经得到资助——他们准备啤酒商店货架时,这个厂子可以把啤酒装承担这种酒的商业化量职责

    A bigger brewery-one capable of bottling the beer when they're ready to put it on store shelves-has been enlisted to take on the commercial production duties.


  • 这些要求已经许多传统开发团队转换承担更多责任软件交付组织

    These demands have already transformed many traditional development teams into software delivery organizations that field a broader set of responsibilities.


  • 大多数怨恨所针对的都那些已经我们生活中消失的人们我们苦苦地承担那些记忆痛苦伤害

    Many of our grudges involve people who are no longer in our lives, and yet we are the ones who carry the memories, the pain, and the hurt.


  • 因此,你们已经拥有了这样份礼物那么就得承担随之而来的责任。

    So you have been given a gift and with it comes a responsibility.


  • 但是已经承担较高可见损失受益有限纳税人是否继续支持这种方案呢?

    But whether taxpayers, who have high exposure to losses but limited scope for gains, are supportive of other such schemes remains to be seen.


  • 可能意味着尽管部分研究分析师股市已经持乐观态度,但中国房地产股很可能还将承担更多痛苦

    That likely means further pain for property stocks in China, despite some research analysts' optimism that the bottom has already been reached.


  • 很多公司特别是信用等级不高已经被不愿意承担更多的风险银行之于衍生市场之外。

    Many firms, especially those with weaker credit ratings, have simply been frozen out of the market for derivatives by Banks' reduced willingness to carry risk.


  • 2007年的好几个月里雷曼董事会没有意识到公司已经突破了承担的风险的极限

    Board directors were unaware for several months in 2007 that Lehman had breached its risk-appetite limit.


  • 随着这些机构无法继续承担负担它们不得不抵押贷款相关证券一个流动性不佳的市场卖掉,进而使本已经低迷价格进一步下跌

    As the entities couldn't bear the burden for long, they had to sell mortgage-linked securities into a hostile, illiquid market, pushing down already depressed prices.


  • 作为承担所有构建费、维护费操作门户所产生费用各方中的方,这种方法已经导致明显的低效率,并且产生风险,缺乏灵活性

    This approach has lead to significant inefficiencies, risks and inflexibilities as one of the parties is bearing all the costs of building, maintaining and operating the portal.


  • 现在已经不是抱怨父母引导自己方向时候了,如今的你们已经足够决定自己前进路程,责任要自己承担

    There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.


  • 现在已经不是抱怨父母引导自己方向时候了,如今的你们已经足够决定自己前进路程,责任要自己承担

    There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.


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