• 1973年,德国法国荷兰比利时下令突然停止持续已的外籍工人计划,使一个十年的痛苦经济萧条提前到来。

    Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium all called an abrupt halt to long-running guest-worker programmes in 1973, anticipating a painful recession that decade.


  • 这些河流包括俄勒冈南部特科河,一些金矿工人计划用吸扬氏挖泥船把这个一些最适合大马哈鱼产卵的河底挖深

    They include southern Oregon's Chetco, where gold miners plan to suction-dredge some of the best salmon spawning grounds in the state.


  • 尽管采取所有这些举措我们也不能完全确保边境的安全,除非我们消除边境上的压力——就要求要有一项临时工人计划

    Yet even with all these steps, we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border - and that requires a temporary worker program.


  • 这次罢工最初开罗北部尼罗河三角洲迈哈莱城镇爆发。在那里,2万5千名工人计划举行罢工,他们提出得到更高工资其他一些要求

    The strike call originated in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla, north of Cairo, where 25, 000 factory workers had planned a strike for higher wages and other demands.


  • 工人全然不知出售公司计划

    Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.


  • 木匠监工监督特定项目木工工作确保工人按时完成计划

    Carpenter supervisors oversee carpentry work on a specified project to ensure that workers are on schedule and executing plans accordingly.


  • 工人退休时他们可以计划中提取资金

    When workers retire, they can withdraw money from the plan.


  • 工人拥护者批评哈斯拉姆的计划意味着一些校园工人失去工作福利

    Worker's advocates have criticized Haslam's plan, saying it would mean some campus workers would lose their jobs or benefits.


  • 1911年,这个国家通过了第一部《国家工人赔偿法》,这一计划很快就扩展全国

    The first state workers' compensation law in this country passed in 1911, and the program soon spread throughout the nation.


  • 接受以色列电视台关于这位泰国工人致死报道,并且计划继续致力于和平而工作。

    She was interviewed about the death of the Thai worker on Israeli TV and she plans to continue to work for peace.


  • 然而只有工人意识DC型计划他们基本收入来源时可能有效。

    But this will be possible only if workers learn to regard their DC plans as the basis for an income stream.


  • 就业计划包括延长削减工人雇主工资包括企业增加员工提供援助

    His jobs plan includes extended cuts in the payroll tax for workers and employers. It also includes assistance for businesses that add workers.


  • 同时那些失意检查美国安保体系。他承诺改善失业保险完善再培训计划老年工人提供更多工资保险。

    He also wants to overhaul America’s safety net for those who lose out, promising to revamp unemployment insurance, streamline retraining programmes and provide more wage insurance for older workers.


  • 最终计划工作分配给所谓“空闲”的工人使工作——当时主要指重工业建筑行业——可以系统地进行。

    Work from the resulting plan was “dispatched” to workers as they became idle, enabling work — at the time, heavy industry and construction work — to proceed systematically.


  • 过去清理行动中,由于存在人脉广工厂老板激进的工人计划委员会很难强加意志

    But in past purges, the planning commission has struggled to impose its will, thanks to well-connected factory bosses and militant workers.


  • 白宫表示,“计划眼下可以美国工人创造就业岗位增强我们经济未来可以提升我国增长率生产率。”

    The plan wouldcreate jobs for American workers to strengthen our economy now, and increase our nation's growth and productivity in the future,” the White House said.


  • 密歇根州落下一个工人计划失业未充分就业工人提供州立大学系统免费学习不超过的机会。

    In Michigan, the state's 'No worker Left Behind' program offers up to two years' worth of free tuition in the state university system for unemployed and underemployed workers.


  • 同时我们设立了广泛的培训计划工人进行自己权力要求安全有尊严工作环境教育

    We have also created extensive training programs to educate workers about their right to a safe and respectful work environment.


  • 麦凯恩则同样包括了乔.沃泽尔巴赫,那个奥巴马俄亥俄州会见过水暖工。 提高税收妨碍扩大业务包括雇佣两个工人计划

    McCain said this would include Joe Wurzelbacher, whom Obama had met in Ohio, and would prevent him a planned expansion of his business that included taking on two workers.


  • 参议院消减了该计划里的关于增加卫生经费减少工人纳税的部分。

    The Senate also trimmed back his plans for expanding health provision and workers' tax breaks.


  • 卫组织工人健康全球行动计划

    WHO's global plan of action on workers' health.


  • 第二线攻击就是检修计划——帮助工人重新培训鼓励他们寻找工作

    The second line of attack is to overhaul schemes that help workers retrain and encourage them to search for work.


  • 为了应对销售下滑丰田汽车公司第一美国工厂工人们实施买断性裁员计划一些工厂每周的上班时间缩短至原来的10%。

    Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its U.S. workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% to contend with falling sales.


  • 1955年,德国开始实施外籍劳工计划,先是南欧北美引进工人然后扩展到土耳其

    Germany's Gastarbeiter scheme began in 1955, drawing workers first from southern Europe and north Africa and then Turkey.


  • 人们群众直接参加公社管理他们计划工人掌控整顿工厂

    The mass of people participated directly in the running of the Commune, and they planned to reorganize the factories under worker's control.


  • 最终薪金确定给付计划长期服务的工人制定的。

    Final-salary, or defined-benefit (DB), schemes are in place for long-serving workers.


  • 埃克森美孚公司否认指责他们不公平对待受影响雇员公司坚持说,被解雇工人根据公司重组计划得到丰厚的补贴。

    ExxonMobil has rejected accusations of unfair treatment of the affected employees, insisting the workers fired under a reorganization plan received generous payouts.


  • 一些公司特别是咨询能源这样的公司,已经制定了共用退休半退休工人计划。退休和半退休工人可以给某个单独项目工作

    Some, notably consultancies and energy companies, have developed pools of retired or semi-retired workers who can be called upon to work on individual projects.


  • 纳吉计划给予外国技术工人放弃国籍大马人长期居留和工作

    The initiatives include a “resident pass” which will give foreign skilled workers, and Malaysians who have given up their citizenship the long-term right to live and work in the country.


  • 纳吉计划给予外国技术工人放弃国籍大马人长期居留和工作

    The initiatives include a “resident pass” which will give foreign skilled workers, and Malaysians who have given up their citizenship the long-term right to live and work in the country.


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