• 熊猫宝宝泰山华盛顿特区史密斯国家动物园庆祝过生日,第二妈妈登上了国家地理杂志封面

    A year after his celebrated birth at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C., panda cub Tai Shan appears on the cover of National Geographic with mother Mei Xiang.


  • 29明日木村附近主妇四个孩子的母亲,她三春樱花兴奋心情超过核辐射担忧

    Asuka Kimura, 29, a homemaker and mother of four from nearby Iwaki City, said that the thrill of an outing to see the cherry tree at Miharu had outweighed concerns over radiation.


  • 30时的爱好可以50变成份成熟职业。”哈尔

    "A hobby at 30 can become a full-blown career at 50," says Hulvershorn.


  • 进入井静网站首先映入眼帘的一个73大个子男子声嘶力竭日本民歌视频

    ENTER Shizuka Kamei’s personal website and the first thing you encounter is a video of the portly 73-year-old straining to sing a Japanese folk song.


  • 进入井静网站首先映入眼帘的一个73大个子男子声嘶力竭日本民歌视频

    ENTER Shizuka Kamei's personal website and the first thing you encounter is a video of the portly 73-year-old straining to sing a Japanese folk song.


  • 不过一次回来了——以她特有的方式驾临这个娱乐的世界。 2007年,24的绘里老公高城离开了日本打算英国西班牙留学逃避日本媒体对她的指责。

    The 24-year-old had left Japan with her husband Tsuyoshi Takashiro following press attacks on her attitude and bad behaviour in 2007, chosing to live and study in England and Spain.


  • 22时,天子和一个叫孝光的帮派分子结婚。之后他们分手了。“前夫其实人不错。”

    At 22, Shoko Tendo was married to a yakuza member named Katamitsu. They later divorced. "My ex-husband was a sweet guy, though," remembers Shoko.


  • 旅馆位于西雅图以南80英里处草木苍翠尼尔山雨林中,建50英尺高处棵200树上。

    Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier.


  • 一天温亚德地区郁金盛开节日6孙子来说,幸运的是直升机操作员正在销售15分钟的娱乐航班

    It was Blooming Tulips Festival Day at Wynyard and fortunately for me and my six-year-old grandson, the helicopter operator was selling 15 minute joy-flights.


  • 提(Shanti其中位,是一位六十五乞丐。 她经常路边着,希望路人能够朝手中枚硬币

    People like Shanti, a 65-year-old beggar, who said she was detained by police for sitting on the side of a street, where she always sits, hoping that passers-by will drop a few coins in her hands.


  • 因为价格增长41Jon43Dan开始寻找更多的有价格竞争力零食项目比如花生和麦片。

    As prices rose, Jon, 41, and Dan, 43, decided to explore more price-competitive snack items, like flavored peanuts and granola.


  • 今年40的李凝说,很多人都只是通过电影认识李小龙

    Too many people know her father just from his movies, the 40-year-old Ms.


  • 奈尔之前世界非常长寿纪录保持者是一只是28、名叫布奇的狗,它于2003年赴世。

    Chanel became the world's oldest dog following the death of Butch, the 28-year-old former record holder, in 2003.


  • 中国历史上有名二十四,就这样例子汉朝,就已经懂得怎样孝顺父亲了!

    Here is an example from the Twenty-four Filial Sons of Chinese history. In the Han dynasty, there was a boy named Huang Xiang whose mother died when he was only nine years old.


  • 1997年8月31日戴安娜王妃巴黎车祸消玉英国流行歌手女孩利莱·艾伦当时仅仅12

    When Dianna was killed in a Paris car crash on August 31, 1997, bad girl of British pop Lilly Allen was just 12 years old.


  • 世界上现存最老奈尔(),今年已经年满20(狗龄计算102)。

    Chanel, the world's oldest living dog (see photo), is 20 years old (or 102 in dog years).


  • 东汉仅仅懂得尊老爱幼,孝顺父母。

    Thee eastern han dynasty huang-xiang just nine years old, he know aged respected, filial piety.


  • 另一个29模特琳娜马鲁兰达上个月自杀,同样让人心碎漂亮海报女孩爱米诺也可能消玉勋。

    Another model Lina Marulanda killed herself last month at the age of 29. And now there is the heartbreaking news of what Noemi Lenoir the most beautiful of the M&S poster girls is going through.


  • 十七姨妈们又一次抛弃送到孤儿院奈儿在那里度过了孤单痛苦的

    When she was 17 years old, Chanel was again abandoned by her aunts and sent to an orphanage where she spent the next three years.


  • 本人因而雪梅,不得上船。”

    "Because there is more than words cloud:" only frets sweet plum trees, not blood thousands of carry on the boat.


  • 世界年龄最大狗“奈尔”本周三迎来21生日,生日当天,她不仅得到吉尼斯世界纪录颁发的证书,还享受入住旅馆水疗的待遇。

    Chanel, the worlds oldest dog, celebrated her 21st birthday on Wednesday with a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records and a visit to a dog hotel and spa.


  • 今年5月,纽约年迈的杂交腊肠犬“奈尔”迎来21生日。直到最近人们认为奈尔当世长寿的奈尔整整比马克斯小5

    Until recently it was believed that Chanel, a geriatric Daschund-cross from New York was the oldest dog alive but Chanel, who turned 21 in May, is a full five years junior to Max.


  • 今年5月,纽约年迈的杂交腊肠犬“奈尔”迎来21生日。直到最近人们认为奈尔当世长寿的奈尔整整比马克斯小5

    Until recently it was believed that Chanel, a geriatric Daschund-cross from New York was the oldest dog alive but Chanel, who turned 21 in May, is a full five years junior to Max.


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