• 尽管可以保护我们面对恐惧恐惧手持利斧避难所短命

    But though doors can protect us from the horrors we don't want to face, when that horror has an axe, the sanctuary can be short-lived.


  • 目前为止,研究表明,在睡觉的时候学习一语言的语调和发音,甚至是单词的意思是可能的,尽管这比白天无意识学习的效果要差。

    So far, research suggests it may be possible to learn about the tone and pronunciation of a language or even the meaning of words while sleeping, although it is to a weaker level than what we do during the day without noticing.


  • 尽管如此,记者研究人员之间必需畅通

    Despite this, it must keep doors open between journalists and researchers.


  • 尽管代价很大只要所有市场参与者汲取经验值得学习的课程

    Though the cost has been high, as long as all the market players learn their lessons, it will be a lesson well learnt.


  • 茱莉亚,到了穿上人字,出了尽管知道人字拖会让的脚起泡,可还是穿了。

    Julia ran down the stairs to the front door, slipped into her flip-flops and ran outside, though she knew the flip-flops would blister her feet after biking.


  • 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)今天》(Today)节目主持人维埃拉(Meredith Vieira)均表示尽管理想中的学校拒绝令人沮丧却为他们打开了另他们遇到改变自己一生良师益友。

    Both Warren Buffett and 'Today' show host Meredith Vieira say that while being rejected by the school of their dreams was devastating, it launched them on a path to meeting life-changing mentors.


  • 尽管学习新的语言麻烦,但对于函数语言了解特点后,学起来就容易得

    Although learning a new language is a hassle, you get lots of bang for the buck from functional languages when you understand their features.


  • 更好电池捕捉光电完全取决于材料科学尽管是一失败基础上反复试验的科学。

    Better batteries, carbon capture and photovoltaics all depend on the material science, yet it's still a very trial-and-error science.


  • 日本漫画越来越受到海外读者的欢迎开始博物馆展览——尽管在日本国内,作为艺术形式仍然受到冷遇

    They are increasingly popular abroad and starting to make their way into museum exhibitionsthough in Japan itself they are still given short shrift as an art form.


  • 尽管我身穿同样校服也加入幼年女童子军,还合唱队担任女高音而且擅长拼字,但她们生活已经扇神秘的隔开

    Despite sharing the same school uniform, being in the Brownies, singing soprano in the choir, and being a good speller, my life and theirs were separated by the magic door.


  • 约翰·克莱尽管受过律师的训练,可还是要店铺房地产投机买卖来养家糊口。

    John Clemens, though trained as a lawyer, tried to support his family by running a store and speculating in real estate.


  • 尽管IPCC报告中没有出现严重到足以颠覆报告最终结论重大错误但是气候事件似乎使得气候变化科学脱离正轨。

    Yet the science of climate change has seemed to be derailed by climate gate and the discovery of some errors in IPCC reports, even the gravest of which come far short of undermining its conclusions.


  • 尽管我们因视为走捷径而否定山寨尤其创新者拓荒相提并论的时候——但是,山寨好歹也是艺术

    And while we may dismiss imitation as the easy road - especially when compared to the path-breaking of the innovator - there is an art to copying well.


  • 自从上过之后,体会到KISS中的最后字母s有着一些其他含义尽管它们表达差不多情绪色彩

    Since that course, I've learned of a few other definitions for the final s in KISS, but they all express a similar sentiment.


  • 从来不知道,尽管他确实带着钥匙,但从没上锁,因为仆人一次夜里遇到麻烦,所以安排所有人都反锁里边。

    Some servant had once got into trouble at night and so he had arranged that they should all be locked in.


  • 心思照顾这个白人女孩尽管知道,她如此用心的结果最终可能只会有一个让她和小女孩心碎的结局。

    She is devoted to the little girl she looks after, though she knows both their hearts may be broken.


  • 尽管采取了协调一致的行动调低利率把大量现金中央银行注入银行系统,但是扭转全球市场仍然不能确定科学

    Despite coordinated interest rate drops and massive injections of cash into the system from central Banks, turning around global markets is an inexact science.


  • 克莱他的同事们令人惊奇发现随着被改造过的这一实验小鼠的成长,它们体重变得超常,尽管它们的骨骼正在消解而并不实验对照组中的小鼠更多

    The most surprising finding for Clemens's team: as the modified mice aged they became overweight even though they were losing bone and not eating more than the controls.


  • 一个医院里尽管这里没有呼叫按钮没有明显

    He surmised he was in a hospital, although there was no call button, and no obvious door.


  • 尽管仍然很长的一段要走研究小组提出这些生物逻辑”有微观生物电脑构建建筑模组

    Although still a long way off, the team suggests these biological logic gates could one day form the building blocks in microscopic biological computers.


  • 尽管仍然很长的一段要走研究小组提出这些生物逻辑”有微观生物计算机构建建筑模块

    Although still a long way off, the team suggests these biological logic gates could one day form the building blocks in microscopic biological computers.


  • 赫普大学文学硕士课程学费3500英镑尽管可能“些许”的奖学金,但如果学员没有得到某个机构资助,就得自己负担。

    Fees for an ma course at the university are around 3, 500 pounds and students will have to fund themselves unless they win backing from another institution, although there may be "some" bursaries.


  • 尽管英语不是长处还是应当好好掌握外语非常重要

    Although English is not my strength, you should learn it hard. To master a foreign language is quite important.


  • 小说讲述葛若恩王权继承人的故事,尽管第一本书的故事开始时,还是个婴儿鬼城伯爵领地长大,因此被命名为泰忒斯,他后来开拓了这个世界之外地方

    The books follow the heir to the Groan throne, although the first takes place during his infancy, named Titus as he grows in the Earldom of Gormenghast, and later explores the world outside it.


  • 哈利回头看看十几个做小册子巫师,尽管他们都在着干活,但如果间空办公室他们面前打开很难设想没有注意到

    Harry looked back at the dozen pamphlet-makers: Though they were intent upon their work, he could hardly suppose that they would not notice if the door of an empty office opened in front of them.


  • 因此尽管我们荷马崇拜者,但我们不能崇拜写到的宙斯农的那个谎言之梦

    Then, although we are admirers of Homer, we do not admire the lying dream which Zeus sends to Agamemnon ;


  • 因此尽管我们荷马崇拜者,但我们不能崇拜写到的宙斯农的那个谎言之梦

    Then, although we are admirers of Homer, we do not admire the lying dream which Zeus sends to Agamemnon ;


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