• 尽管空中依旧弥漫着暴风雨气息,而西而来人群仍源源不断的耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)老城[注],冰冷的石墙淹没蓝白色海洋[注二]之中。

    WITH the damp of a rainstorm still hanging in the evening air, a human wave bore down on Jerusalem's old city from the west, engulfing the cool stone walls in a blue-and-white sea.


  • 航天头版消失——尽管所有报纸周六头版都会报道说美国东部时间周五上午11:29,比预定时间两分亚特兰蒂斯发射成功

    Spaceflight dropped off the front pages - though on Saturday, all will report the successful launching of the Atlantis, at 11:29 a.m. Eastern time Friday, two and a half minutes behind schedule.


  • 每天早95工作时间很长,尽管科技日益发达,但比起我们代,我们生活似乎忙碌

    The days of the 9 to 5 job are long over and despite huge advances in technology, our lives seem to be a lot busier compared than that of previous generations.


  • 我们母亲只知道烘烤糕饼,而且尽管一整天都乖,但她们谁我们一尝那些糕点。

    Our moms had been baking all day, and even though Ben and I had been good all day, neither of them would let us 5)sample anything!


  • 尽管该政策并不完美,在时机上肯定算不得毕竟此前政策为好,也好过没有

    Not a perfect one, and certainly not a moment too soon, but a better one than before, and better late than never.


  • 但是非洲已经开始——尽管有些——其他地方已经经历的人口转型人们越来越富有,他们孩子越少

    Yet Africa is also starting out, a little late, on a demographic transition that others have already traced: as people get richer, they have fewer children.


  • 尽管卢卡没有精确了解这些进大学的人是否处于自愿的研究至少可以证明空档不能保证成功

    DeLuca did not pinpoint whether these students voluntarily started college late, but at the very least, her work indicates that taking a gap year doesn't guarantee success.


  • 尽管如此,巴诺维斯教授表示现在解救这些濒危哺乳动物其他濒临灭绝物种为时

    Nevertheless, Prof Barnosky said it was not too late to save these critically endangered mammals and other such species.


  • 尽管已然千钧一发,枢密院最终11月4日发现了上议院地下的地窖萨福克伯爵建立首功,同一托马斯·奈维特爵士寻获

    Though rather slow to act, the Privy Council eventually had the vaults beneath the Lords searched on the 4th November, first by the Earl of Suffolk and late the same evening by Sir Thomas Knyvett.


  • 北京时间21日法国闹剧般的世界杯之旅终于耻辱落幕。 而南非尽管2比1击败法国,但仍成为世界杯历史上首支没小组出线东道主

    France's farcical tournament ended in disgrace Tuesday night as they lost 2-1 to South Africa, who became the first hosts to go out in the group stage.


  • 梦想什么时候不算尽管可能会失败但是知道自己尽力了。

    Have a dream what time is not late. Though may fail, but I know that I tried my best.


  • 尽管格尼尼来得巴赫,但还能作品里能听到许多巴赫的元素,尤其在他的24首随想曲中

    And even though Paganini came along later than Bach, you can hear a lot of Bach in his compositions, particularly in his 24 Caprices.


  • 尽管顾虑,但夏阳光照耀下,高沼地诱惑了。

    Despite misgivings, the attraction of the moor in the late summer sun was too strong.


  • 周六牢骚酒吧”,村民依旧乐意威廉斯勋爵”祝酒,尽管头衔现在只能引来阵阵笑声。

    On Saturday night at the Grouse's Nest, they're still willing to raise a glass or two to "Lord Williams", though now his title prompts laughter.


  • 母子俩絮叨了一王奋发尽管心里不乐意,第二天还是跟着父亲

    He and his mother talked all night. Wang Fenfa despite filed unhappy, he still followed his father to send dung.


  • 梦想什么时候都不算尽管可能会失败但是知道自己尽力了。

    When you have a dream, it's not too late. You may fail, but you know you have tried your best.


  • 航天头版消失——尽管所有报纸周六头版都会报道说美国东部时间周五上午11:29,比预定时间两分亚特兰蒂斯发射成功

    Spaceflight dropped off the front pages - though on Saturday, all will report the successful launching of the Atlantis, at 11:29 a. m. Eastern time Friday, two and a half minutes behind schedule.


  • 尽管我们动身我们还是设法准时到了。

    In spite of our late start, we managed to arrive on time.


  • 如果几天没准儿赶上同一个生日,如果早几天又有可能妈妈同一个生日,所以尽管出生时天气寒冷,心里也一阵暖意

    Maybe his(her) birthday will be the same day with mine or my mother's. So even (s)he will be born in the coldest season, we feel very warm in our heart.


  • 由于手腕受伤尽管科比没有出现在周六训练中,但是科比非常期待自己出战周二揭幕赛

    You don't have to worry about me. "Although Bryant didn't practice Saturday because of the wrist injury, he is expected to play in Tuesday night's season opener."


  • 很多伦敦市区工作郊外……,尽管意味着他们不得不早出

    Many people who work in London want to live outside it… , even though this means they have to get up earlier in the morning and reach home later in the evening.


  • 因此尽管从早到是坐着,但一天下来还是觉得精疲力竭

    As a result, I always feel exhausted by the end of the day.


  • 尽管目前关于断裂性质的问题还没有完全统一,作者认为郯庐断裂的性质为寒武之后形成的走滑断裂

    Even there are different views about the Tan-Lu Fault's characters, the author think that the Tan-Lu Fault is a huge transcurrent fault which was formed after the Cambrian.


  • 尽管目前关于断裂性质的问题还没有完全统一,作者认为郯庐断裂的性质为寒武之后形成的走滑断裂

    Even there are different views about the Tan-Lu Fault's characters, the author think that the Tan-Lu Fault is a huge transcurrent fault which was formed after the Cambrian.


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