• 针对公司激励存在问题现实,提出激励机制实施方法以及实施效果评价

    Last, to outlook the research of incentive mechanism. and point out that the need of human being is dynamic and there is bad repcatability for the implementation of all kinds of incentive methods.


  • 公司还有项设计处于酝酿阶段18个月后这些交通工具草图走向市场了,那时一些底特律车门装饰规格会因此改变

    Several more designs are in the pipeline, and the company says it can take a new vehicle from sketch to market in 18 months, about the time it takes Detroit to change the specs on some door trim.


  • 除了韩国大型企业外鲜有其他公司具备领域进行竞争所需的研发资源

    With the exception of the South Korean conglomerates, few other firms have the research-and-development resources to compete in these areas.


  • 经济繁荣期,信用卡接近透支极限消费者借债更多金融公司整个富裕国家里债务增加,削减债务现在处于开头阶段

    Debt rose across the rich world during the boom, from consumers maxing out credit CARDS to financial firms taking on more leverage, and the process of reducing it is still at a very early stage.


  • 一年电力的产量再一次增长100%;公司现有雇员12000人。

    This year its production is likely to grow by 100 percent yet again; the company will employ 12,000 workers.


  • 哈佛呆了23数学天才杰夫·哈默·巴赫尔,他进入Facebook的时候,这家公司处于起步阶段。

    As a 23-year-old math genius one year out of Harvard, Jeff Hammerbacher arrived at Facebook when the company was still in its infancy.


  • 东芝寥寥数提供完整windows平板电脑支持的公司之一

    Toshiba is one of the few companies left that still offers a full complement of Windows-based Tablet PCs.


  • 德太阳能电力有限公司采访中到要建立市场占有率美国市场销售太阳电池板因为小于原材料组装运输成本

    A company called Suntech Power Holdings said in an interview that to build market share, it's selling solar panels on the American market for less than the cost of materials, assembly, and shipping.


  • 1933年加入了麦肯锡雏形期的公司当时公司芝加哥有一个办事处

    In 1933 he joined McKinsey's fledgling firm when its only office was in Chicago.


  • 原因清楚:98%公司产品销往国外的。

    The reason is clear: almost 98 percent of Suntech's production goes overseas.


  • 陶醉案件胜利中的美国反垄断官员又开始摩拳擦掌准备下一场信用卡公司的较量。

    Still flushed from their victory in that case, US competition regulators are flexing their muscles for a battle with the credit card industry.


  • 公司创始人施正荣公司辩称,正是因为他们太阳能变得更负担的起,才使之同不能源进行竞争

    Shi Zhengrong, the founder of Suntech defended his firm, saying it was making solar more affordable so it could compete with dirtier forms of energy.


  • 公司规模某人置于管理岗位可谓艺术,因为你需要团队其他成员尊敬接纳

    It's an art when you're a small company and you put someone in a management position because you need the rest of the group to respect and want that person.


  • 公司颠覆性冥王星电池组技术极大地减少了电池板反射率,也就是保证更多太阳能吸收率产出

    Suntech's revolutionary Pluto technology decreases reflectivity of cells, ensuring that more sunlight is absorbed and increasing output to record-breaking levels.


  • 有些公司没有披露具体金额因为这笔花销不到需要报告下限其他公司其列为一般性业务费用

    Some companies don't disclose a dollar figure because it is below reporting thresholds; others count security as an ordinary business expense.


  • 无锡德太阳能电力有限公司2002年获得赠款,用于开发智能型光伏系统控制箱。

    One such company (Suntech or Wuxi Shangdu by its Chinese name) received a grant in 2002 to develop an intelligent controller for PV systems.


  • 近来的大型艺术展上,将几位艺术家同台展示蔚然成风,画展的名字则好似那些附庸风雅的广告公司一般——“马蒂斯.毕加索”,“特纳.惠斯勒.莫奈”, “.曼.皮卡阿”。

    IT HAS become a trend for big exhibitions to feature more than one artist, so they sound like arty advertising agencies—"Matisse Picasso", "Turner Whistler Monet", "Duchamp Man Ray Picabia".


  • 即使中国这样一个可能拥有现代世界上数量最多为雏形工业巨擘的国家里,龙纸业有限公司也是出类拔萃的

    EVEN within China, home to perhaps the modern world's greatest collection of embryonic industrial giants, Nine Dragons Paper is exceptional.


  • 巴里AKeenan太阳能公司CEO,太阳能的安装者,也是电力加利福利亚首批客户之一,他说:“在2005年2006年,我们没有太阳能的来源,需求远大供给。”

    "In 2005 and 2006, I couldn't get solar panels," says Barry Cinnamon, CEO of Akeena solar, a solar installer and one of Suntech's first customers in California. "Demand was way bigger than supply."


  • 公司Efird美国已经提供激励方面落后于欧亚国家一些外国公司已经领先一筹。

    The U.S. has lagged behind countries in Europe and Asia in providing such incentives, giving some foreign companies a head start, Suntech’s Efird said.


  • 中国太阳能公司建立一家低碳博物馆宣传降低二氧化碳排放方法

    Suntech, a Chinese solar-power company, has established a low-carbon museum to celebrate ways of reducing carbon-dioxide emissions.


  • 西蒙房地产集团近期透露将出资100亿美元并购其竞争对手通用增长公司公司目前处于破产保护中。

    Simon Property revealed it had made a $10 billion offer for General Growth Properties, a rival which is in bankruptcy protection.


  • 对于Groupon这等处成长阶段西方初创公司来说中国代表着大片有待开发的潜在市场。

    For budding Western startups like Groupon, China represents a lot of untapped potential.


  • 图宁酒店坐落洛阳偃师市,是河南悦酒店管理公司旗下中端精品商务酒店,路途中的旅人带去一份舒适宁静

    Tuning hotel is located in Luoyang Yanshi City, Henan Delight Inn is the management of the company's mid-range boutique Traders Hotel, for road travelers take a comfortable and quiet.


  • 祝贺收购江南宇清公司成功脱硫环保行业第一迈进了大步

    Congratulations on Shangshi Group acquiring Jiangnan Yuqing company successfully, its one step closer to industry leader of the desulfurization denitration environmental.


  • 热烈祝贺公司年会盛典顺利完成,祝福所有员工,新年快乐

    Congratulations on the company annual festival is completed, all best wish to you all, happy Chinese New Year.


  • 酒店管理公司筹划全新推出旗下“金鹰美”连锁酒店品牌。

    The company is planning to promote the chain hotel brand "G. E. Summit".


  • 酒店管理公司筹划全新推出旗下“金鹰美”连锁酒店品牌。

    The company is planning to promote the chain hotel brand "G. E. Summit".


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