• 根据欧洲物理研究所报道现在大型强子对撞已经打破了迄今为止世界上密集对撞粒子记录,超过台质子-反质子对撞机。

    CERN reports today that the LHC has broken the record for the world's most intense beams of colliding particles, snatching the title from the Tevatron.


  • 对撞之后这些能量生成一些新的粒子,它们可以在围绕加速复杂粒子探测器测量跟踪

    After collision, the energy condenses to create new particles that can be measured and tracked inside the complex particle detectors around the accelerator ring.


  • 法国瑞士交界处地下深处,世界最大粒子加速器正在接近光速速度完美精确的将质子加速对撞

    Deep beneath the border of France and Switzerland, the world's most massive physics machine is sending subatomic particles smashing into each other at speeds nearing the speed of light.


  • 现在一次计算机模拟首次确切地证明利用粒子对撞可以制造黑洞

    Now a computer model shows conclusively for the first time that a particle collision really can make a black hole.


  • 现在最大希望寄托新的粒子加速器上,位于瑞士日内瓦大型强子对撞器(LHC)有史以来建造最大的加速器。

    The best hope now could be a new particle accelerator? The large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland? That is the largest ever built.


  • 现在最大希望寄托新的粒子加速器上,位于瑞士日内瓦的大型强子对撞器(LHC)有史以来建造的最大的加速器。

    The best hope now could be a new particle accelerator - the large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland - that is the largest ever built.


  • 但是离子对撞将会不同的;因为离子完全原子核组成——而不仅仅只是一个单一亚原子粒子(subatomic particle)——它们质量多。

    But the lead ion collisions will be different; because lead ions are composed of complete atomic nuclei - not just a single subatomic particle - their masses are far larger.


  • 物理学家这些本质就是尽可能这些对撞充满能量并且高效使这些粒子质量转换为能量(这爱因斯坦颠补不破方程E=mc2结果)。

    What physicists are basically doing is making the collisions as powerful and as efficient as possible to turn particle mass into pure energy (as a result of Einstein's bedrock equation E=mc2).


  • 通过研究粒子对撞的结果,他们希望发现宇宙怎样含有形成星系恒星行星,或者至少是形成生命本身物质

    By studying what happens, they hope to discover why the universe contains the matter that has formed galaxies, stars, planets and, in at least one place, life itself.


  • 日内瓦时间下午1对撞操作人员操纵着数十亿个粒子组成质子束流,以接近光速的速度实现了首次对撞

    Collider operators steered the proton beams, comprising billions of particles accelerated almost to the speed of light, into their first collision just after 1 p.m. Geneva time.


  • 例如,发光效率欧洲对手更好。发光效率决定对撞速率进而决定了看到罕见粒子(比如:希格斯玻色子)几率

    For one, it still gets the better of its European rival when it comes to luminosity, a measure which determines the collision rate and thus the chances of seeing something rare, like a Higgs boson.


  • 范德梅尔先生通过粒子相互对撞来获捕粒子

    Mr Van der Meer wanted to get particles to hurtle into each other head on.


  • 而且,现在大型强子对撞每秒粒子对撞处于世界最高,一状况可能推动一些发现

    The LHC had already broken the record for collision energy, but now it has the highest rate of particle collisions per second as well, which should speed up new discoveries.


  • 欧洲粒子物理研究所一个控制室内成功记录第一对撞爆发出一阵热烈的掌声。

    Scientists at a control room at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, or CERN, broke into applause when the first successful collisions were recorded.


  • ATLASLHC其中一个对撞点上大型多用途粒子探测器

    ATLAS is a huge general-purpose particle detector which will be installed on one colliding point of LHC.


  • 使用相对论性强激光电子束对撞中产生辐射研究非线性康普顿散射粒子物理激光物理两个领域交叉前沿课题

    Using the collision of relativistic laser and electron beam to study the nonlinear Compton scattering is the interdisciplinary frontier of particle physics and strong laser physics.


  • 科学家们解释说如果对撞之内能量粒子对撞之后减少,说明部分粒子和能量已经穿越虫洞,进入了另一个时空。

    If some of the collision energy in the collider disappears, then this can be explained by the creation of particles that Pierce time through wormholes, scientists explain.


  • 这部美国机械建于欧洲的年夜型强子对撞正在竞赛,看谁第一个确定格斯粒子

    The US machine and the Europe-based LHC are competing to be first to identify the Higgs.


  • 日内瓦时间过下午1对撞操作人员操纵着数十亿个粒子组成质子束流,以接近光速的速度实现了首次对撞

    Collider operators steered the proton beams, comprising billions of particles accelerated almost to the speed of light, into their first collision just after 1 p. m. Geneva time.


  • 日内瓦时间过下午1对撞操作人员操纵着数十亿个粒子组成质子束流,以接近光速的速度实现了首次对撞

    Collider operators steered the proton beams, comprising billions of particles accelerated almost to the speed of light, into their first collision just after 1 p. m. Geneva time.


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