• 然后,再将非退化曲线自身双射对合充要条件推广到退化阶曲线两相列的情形

    Then, the latter necessary and sufficient condition is generalized to the case for the two different point ranges of degenerate second order curve.


  • 目的通过小型猪复方麻醉剂(XFM研究乙胺噻吩环己酮一氧化氮NO)的一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的作用。

    The objective is to investigate the effects of tiletamine on NO and NOS by XFM.


  • 如果经历的不谋而合,可能是对爱情上瘾而并非爱情本身。

    If this sounds like what you are experiencing, it may be this is a love addiction not love itself.


  • 仅仅因为应用程序这个开发者有意义,并不代表着用户也会觉得合逻辑

    Just because the application makes sense to you, the developer, it doesn't mean it seems logical to your user.


  • 再者分离还有助于我们组织治理控制合规报告以及通过治理政策企业战略计划敏捷性进行监督

    Furthermore, this separation helps us to organise the governance control, compliance reporting and monitoring of the agility to the corporate strategic plans expressed via governing policies.


  • 鲁尼有可能不会在明早米兰比赛先发出场,那样曼联只剩很少攻击手段,尽管曼联在第一回合3比2的比分领先

    Should Rooney fail to make the starting line-up against Milan tomorrow night, United, who go into the game with a 3-2 aggregate lead, would be left with limited attacking options.


  • 可能认为它们在过去一年中收益丰厚,因为几个月金融系统崩溃他们年前我们提醒不谋而合。

    You'd think that they would have cleaned up over the last year, since the disintegration of the financial system in recent months is almost exactly what they have been warning us about for decades.


  • 观察过年级同伴们不论他们班级有没有女孩,他们害怕她们她们退避三合,或者她们炫耀崇拜她们。

    I had observed my mates in tenth grade: whether they had girls in their class or not, they were afraid of them, or kept out of their way, or showed off to them, or worshipped them.


  • 但是如果伯利恒之真实那么古老经典中的记录而言这些包括木星已知是个强烈迷人的争议

    But if the Star of Bethlehem was a real event, these known conjunctions involving Jupiter are a strong — and fascinating — argument as to what it might have been recorded in ancient text.


  • 其它人则认为卡尔扎伊先生的言论发自内心的,去年夏天大选堆积他的指责仍然很愤怒真诚地相信第一回合中胜出了。

    Others think Mr Karzai is just talking from the heart, and remains enraged by the blame heaped on him during last summer's election which he genuinely believes he won outright in the first round.


  • 所知康复重要部分他人显示善意

    As you know, a crucial part of any recovery is showing charity to others.


  • 证券公司章程应当对合规总监的地位职责任免条件程序作出规定

    Rule of Securites companies shall prescribe on position, role and responsibility, appointment and removal condition, procedure and so on.


  • 德勤银行保险公司首席风险的调查发现,73%的人预计每年合规、风险、审计其它控制职能上的支出继续增加

    Deloitte surveyed chief risk officers at Banks and insurance companies and found that 73 per cent expected annual spending on compliance, risk, audit and other control functions to continue to rise.


  • 超级水果当前消费者营养添加/功能性饮料的需求不谋而合,我们可以预见,它能帮助生产者混合口味的方向转变

    Super fruits are in tune with current consumer demand for added value/functionality and can be expected to increasingly form part of producer innovations within flavour mixes, ” said Canadean.


  • 第二回合,“人民自由运动”失去北部城市诺瓦腊控制多人相信是划清界线的时候了。

    The second round, in which the League lost control of the north-eastern city of Novara, will make that view more widely shared.


  • 拍卖过程中,经销商们二手“大众”五十铃”的出价只有250,000福林(合1,172美元),他们担心,今年冬天批车恐怕多少钱。

    As the auction proceeds, dealers bid as little as 250, 000 forints ($1, 172) for used Volkswagens and Suzukis, fearing they won't be able to sell them for much more this winter.


  • 农田价格上涨农业盈利能力看好不谋而合农民尤其商品价格的增长中受益

    The rise in farmland prices coincides with an improving outlook for farm profitability with arable farmers in particular benefiting from the rise in commodity prices.


  • 如果摘要之后发现跟兴趣一拍即合那么简略一下里面各个标题,这样对整篇文章的内容了个大概的认识。

    If you have read the abstract and it has piqued your interest, then go ahead and briefly look at the various headings. The point is to perform a moderate overview of the entire paper.


  • 死亡态度,正好与关于琼斯修女笑话中的一个妙语不谋而合

    My attitude toward death was captured by the punch line in an old joke about Sister Jones, the most devout woman in her church.


  • 一张滑雪通行证费用为100卢布(约合3美元)。自行车供应七个小时,花费500卢布(约合17美元),天来说是绰绰有余。

    One ski pass costs 100 rubles (3 dollars). Bikers are offered seven Tours for 500 rubles (17 dollars) which is more than enough for a day.


  • 这里中国人不过是个比喻是对掌握中国语言(中国文化)的程度的比喻,而且是个挺合道理的比喻。

    Here, being "Chinese" is merely a metaphor, and a reasonable one at that, for Chinese language (and cultural) fluency.


  • 对于那些采用持续交付方式组织来说,他们需要对开发、测试运维环境进行统一管理,因此一组合模式对这类组织显得尤为适用

    This combination seems particularly fit for organizations adopting a continuous delivery approach where dev, test and ops environments are managed homogeneously.


  • 另外一个我们通往柏林冠军道路上的关键时刻托蒂1/8决赛澳大利亚比赛中的点球,也是出现比赛的最合阶段。

    Another key moment on the road to victory in Berlin was the penalty that Totti scored against Australia in the Round of 16, which also came right at the end of the game.


  • 大学毕业新生提供正式工作”公司部门提供最高达一千八百万日元每人(合两万两千美元每人)的补贴

    It also offers subsidies of up to 1.8 million yen, or about $22,000 per person, to large companies that offer so-called regular jobs to new graduates.


  • 英国咨询公司合益集团最近对1000名在职人员调查显示,2/3的员工被迫无偿加班

    The Hay Group, a British consultancy which recently surveyed 1,000 people, says that two-thirds of workers report they are putting in unpaid overtime.


  • 一月25号,发行5年期债券筹集80亿欧元(约合110亿美元)希腊公共财政的担心似乎有所下降

    Worries about Greece’s public finances seemed to recede on January 25th when it raised EURO 8 billion ($11 billion) in an issue of five-year bonds.


  • 一月25号,发行5年期债券筹集80亿欧元(约合110亿美元)希腊公共财政的担心似乎有所下降

    Worries about Greece’s public finances seemed to recede on January 25th when it raised EURO 8 billion ($11 billion) in an issue of five-year bonds.


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