• 社会政治学上看,该市20思想文化贡献同样意义重大。

    In social politics, too, the city's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous.


  • 从未摈弃自己20纪60年代理想主义崇敬。

    She never lost her respect for the idealism of the 1960s.


  • 20纪80年代经济繁荣导致高油耗汽车的喜爱。

    The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.


  • 18英国海军部官员很小的强制权力

    The eighteenth-century British Admiralty had few coercive powers over its officers.


  • 黑人舞蹈音乐20纪60年代以来主流流行音乐一直都是最重要的。

    Black dance music has been central to mainstream pop since the early '60s.


  • 拉纳莎士比亚亨利》的荧幕改编而获了次奖

    Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth.


  • 智商评估一直20科学心理学最大成就

    The measurement of intelligence has been the greatest achievement of twentieth-century scientific psychology.


  • 我们看看约翰逊博士18尔顿的《利西达斯》所做评论

    Let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.


  • 能培养孩子们创造力合作能力解决问题的能力。这些能力21劳动力来说都是至关重要的。

    It fosters children's creativity, cooperation and problem-solving skills—all of which are critical for a 21st century workforce.


  • 嗜好甜食女王伊丽莎白情有独钟。

    Queen Elizabeth I, who loves sweets, has a soft spot for egg tarts.


  • 法登是联邦顾问委员会主席,该委员会的专家被派份关于政府20纪五六十年代人类进行辐射实验历史伦理报告

    Faden chairperson of the federal advisory committee of experts they assigned to do a report on the history and ethics of the government's radiation experiments on humans in the 1950's and 1960's.


  • 由于电影的出现,未来20了解以往任何时期的了解都更加深入

    Thanks to film, future generations will know the 20th century more intimately than any other period.


  • 西方国家中国茶叶贸易始于19

    The tea trade from Western countries to China took place in the 19th century.


  • 19角色模型基于自由意志理解

    The 19th-century character model was based on an understanding of free will.


  • 在全球范围内可口可乐麦当劳这样的品牌可能广为人知家公司20美国影响都不能与迪士尼相提并论

    Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonald's may be more widely known, but neither concludes 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney.


  • 现代舞19纪末20发展起来,在大多数情况下观众这种全新表演艺术接受度很高

    Modern dance evolved in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, and in most cases, audiences were very receptive to this radical new type of performing art.


  • 14文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨创造力爆发之后,现代见证已有认知背离

    Following the explosion of creativity in Florence during the 14th century known as the Renaissance, the modern world saw a departure from what it had once known.


  • 20纪20年代欧洲国家开始第一次大战中恢复过来制定紧缩计划减少进口美国农产品需求下降了

    In the 1920s demand for American farm products fell, as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity programs to reduce their imports.


  • 19晚期地质学这些冰川沉积进行定位的时候,他们意识到有好几个漂流,位置低的早的冰川期。

    As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages.


  • 1920工业革命人口激增期间,人们需求急剧上升

    During the industrial revolution and population explosion of the 19th and 20th centuries, the demand for water rose dramatically.


  • 20早期生物学家得出类似结论不过他们概率的角度进行了限定没有理由可以说明进化不能倒退

    Early 20th-century biologists came to a similar conclusion, though they qualified it in terms of probability, stating that there is no reason why evolution cannot run backwards.


  • 到了19纪90年代自发微笑容易捕捉所以我们必须别处寻找解释为什么维多利亚时代的人仍然微笑犹豫不决

    Spontaneous smiles were relatively easy to capture by the 1890s, so we must look elsewhere for an explanation of why Victorians still hesitated to smile.


  • 二十科学家们认为,在更新期间,有四次不同冰川作用北美欧洲产生了影响

    By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistocene epoch.


  • 想想17天主教加利莱奥反叛信仰进行了审判诗人威廉·布莱克艾萨克·牛顿机械论界观进行了严厉的批评。

    Think of Gallileo's 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake's harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton.


  • 然而这种情况20纪70年代中期美国开始放松运输业的管制开始改变

    This started changing, however, in the mid-1970s, when America began to deregulate its transportation industry.


  • 20纪60年代以来,西方文化中随意实验性使用稳步增加

    The casual and experimental use of fly agaric in Western cultures has steadily increased since the 1960s.


  • 诺曼·洛克威尔20艺术家,他从未过《屏幕上滑动手指男孩》这幅画,我们完美童年时代的幻想也从未调整适应这种如今常见的场景

    Norman Rockwell, a 20th-century artist, never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never been adjusted to accommodate that now-common scene.


  • 他们作品《奥拉夫研究为数不多能够体现作品,这大多时候都能够反应我们自然景观体验

    Their Olaf Street Study, a square of brick-strewn waste ground, is one of the few works here to embrace the mundanity that characterises most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.


  • 19纪中叶摄影术发明极大地改变了人们可见感知

    Perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered by the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century.


  • 历史学家失业问题有所关注他们关注是20纪30年代萧条

    When historians have paid any attention at all to unemployment, they have focused on the Great Depression of the 1930's.


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