• 官方悄悄加强回流艺术品出口[管制]。

    The authorities have been quietly tightening up on the re-export of repatriated artworks.


  • 村支书官方表示熙和村民九月应该安全的地方住。

    Officials have said the Xihe villagers must move to safer housing, which should be ready by September, said Chen, the village secretary.


  • 甚至英国虽然官方统计的数据处于衰退中,但事实上可能开始增长了。

    Even Britain - although officially still in recession - is probably already growing again.


  • 美国官方派出6秘鲁用于禁毒警察训练的直升机,和4秘鲁军用直升机以及私人直升机一道加入营救

    U.S. authorities have sent six helicopters stationed in Peru for drug interdiction and police training to join four Peruvian military and several private choppers in the rescue.


  • 美国亚利桑那州名乌兹冲锋枪教练在教名9岁女孩操作冲锋枪时,因女孩操作失误被其击毙官方公布当时录像。 。

    Authorities have released video of an Arizona weapons instructor teaching a 9-year-old girl how to operate an Uzi just a moment before she fatally shot him.


  • 专家表示官方制定一个多方位策略反应堆爆炸泄出情况下保护民众的安全,不致出现1986年4月26日切尔诺贝利灾难

    Specialists say the authorities have a several-pronged strategy for shielding civilians if there is an explosive breach of the reactor, as in the April 26 1986 Chernobyl disaster.


  • “象牙海岸”官方下令调查事故,据NPR新闻的奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,目前无法马上得知造成恐慌并引发事故的原因。

    The Ivorian authorities have ordered an investigation and NPR's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports it's not immediately clear what led to the panic that triggered the crash.


  • 这家韩国公司全球最大的智能手机制造商。 。 在此消息发布之前,美国官方已强烈要求用户切断Galaxy Note7手机电源,不要飞机使用充电

    Thee call from the South Korean company, the world's largest smartphone maker, comes afterUS authorities urged consumers to switch the Galaxy Note 7 off and not to use or charge itduring a flight.


  • 符合官方安全标准设备全部车间撤走。

    Equipment not conforming to official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.


  • W3CDIME注释在2002年底终止了,所以现在没有任何关于DIME的官方规范了。

    The DIME note in W3C expired at the end of 2002, so there is no official specification for what is called DIME.


  • 世界范围内会有更多女性发起更多袭击,一新现象引起美国官方高度关注

    There will be more women launching more attacks, a fact that is provoking new and growing concern among U.S. officials.


  • 世界范围内会有更多女性发起更多袭击,一新现象引起美国官方高度关注

    There will be more women launching more attacks, a fact that is provoking new and growing concern among U. s. officials.


  • 采访昆明上海高铁线转包承建商得知,由于官方强调安全第一,该线路的建设进度落后原计划几个月

    A high-speed line between Kunming and Shanghai is months behind schedule because officials are now making safety a high priority, according to interviews with subcontractors working on the project.


  • 今年五月流感疫情爆发之后,英国有100所学校关闭但是由于猪流感十分普遍,英国官方改变了建议,这些学校很快重新开课了。

    About 100 schools closed after the start of the outbreak in May but soon reopened when official advice changed because swine flu was becoming so prevalent.


  • 世界各国产品进口官方限制创纪录低点不过随着中国不公平竞争的指控增多这种势头似乎正在逆转。

    Countries' official blocks on imports have fallen to record lows, although that trend seems to be reversing as complaints against unfair competition from China increase.


  • 越南跌破官方汇率,仍在不断下滑,并使得黄金和黑市美元蓬勃发展。

    Vietnam's currency is consistently falling below the official exchange rates, creating a thriving black market for gold and dollars.


  • 因此,今后中国绝大部分经济增长将来源于内需而非出口——而且现在中国国内消费量超出官方数据所示。

    Most of China's growth comes not from exports but from domestic demand-and consumption is stronger than the official figures suggest.


  • 根据卫报发布官方简报国防部调查了14个化学武器工厂英国武器库造成的污染状况。

    The Ministry of Defence has investigated 14 former chemical weapons factories and stores across the UK for contamination, according to an official briefing seen by the Guardian.


  • 穆锐没有列为官方嫌疑人但是法院文件鉴定51岁医生过失杀人罪调查对象

    Murray has not been named as an official suspect but court records have identified the 51-year-old physician as the subject of a manslaughter investigation.


  • Onconova官方人员表示,Ex-Rad疗法动物实验初现输光,多年研究

    Onconova officials say Ex-Rad has shown promise in tests on animals, but several more years of research are needed.


  • 官方星期二关闭古道上路游客得要完成4天的跋涉。

    Authorities closed the trail Tuesday, but tourists already on the trail are still completing the four-day trek.


  • 总体来看(采用官方数据),世界范围内通胀率增长5.5%,达到99年以来最高点

    Taken as a whole (and using official figures), the average world inflation rate has risen to 5.5%, its highest since 1999.


  • GuillaumelaForge担当项目领导因此能够更新plugin官方版本,将积累了一时间的问题修复包含在内

    Guillaume la Forge made me the project lead so that I could update the official release of the plugin to include fixes for issues that have been in the pipeline for some time.


  • 宣布完约翰·f·肯尼迪(John F . Kennedy)死亡确实消息时,他流下眼泪尽管克朗凯特一直抵制着不愿相信的诱惑直到代表官方说完这条新闻。

    He shed a tear when he announced that President John F. Kennedy, indeed, had died, though Cronkite resisted the temptation to speculate until the word was official.


  • 官方找回2000名孩子,其中一些回到亲生父母身边。

    Officials say they have saved around 2, 000 children and returned at least some to their parents.


  • 野生华南虎经濒临灭绝(2007年10月曾有官方消息声称30多年来首次野外发现华南虎,但这消息沦为新闻广为取笑)。

    The South China tiger is close todisappearing in the wild (official claims in October of the first wild sightingin more than 30 years have been widely derided in China as false).


  • 官方表示恢复工作包括外国要员的会见报纸撰写专栏——题目包括布什饥饿死亡气候变化

    Officials say that he has resumed work. This has included occasional meetings with foreign dignitaries and regular newspaper columns on topics ranging from "Bush, hunger and death" to climate change.


  • 官方表示恢复工作包括外国要员的会见报纸撰写专栏——题目包括布什饥饿死亡气候变化

    Officials say that he has resumed work. This has included occasional meetings with foreign dignitaries and regular newspaper columns on topics ranging from "Bush, hunger and death" to climate change.


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