• 国家层面,对英语数学科学过度关注艺术学科带来了威胁与此同时学校预算减少意味着课外活动的减少。

    In the state sector, the excessive focus on English, maths and science threatens to crush arts subjects; meanwhile, reduced school budgets mean diminishing extracurricular activities.


  • 篇文章探讨反对支持学校教授历史观点得出结论是我们应该教授历史,因为学科价值不仅限于教室中。

    This passage will deal with the arguments that oppose and support teaching history in school, concluding that we should teach history, because the value of the subject goes beyond the classroom.


  • 最终编程可能很好地融入学校课程这样需要将编程作为一种单独学科了。

    Eventually programming may be embedded well enough into the schools and curriculums that there won't be a need for programming as a separate discipline.


  • 这里有个例子你知道,当很多同事或者学校管理部门谈话时,我们总涉及单个学科学科工作

    And here is the example if you think. You know when i talk to a lot of colleagues or our university, we talk about inner-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary work.


  • 所以进入劳斯莱斯公司以及其相关公司,当地学校的学生在诸如数学自然科学科目的分数也得非常高才行。

    So are grades in local schools for subjects such as maths and science, prerequisites for good jobs at Rolls-Royce and the firms that surround it.


  • 人们说,学校任何东西都会扼杀相应的学科文学生物皆不例外

    It's often remarked that learning anything at school tends to kill the subject, be it literature or biology.


  • 除了传统学科学校还提供广泛创造艺术计划大量体育方面机会

    As well as traditional subjects, the school provides a wide range of superior creative arts programs and many opportunities in sports.


  • 在内部,155间房间囊括了所有学习研讨区域还有间配给学校材料学科厨房

    Inside, there are 155 rooms containing study and seminar Spaces, and a kitchen for the university's Department of Materials Science.


  • 开发学校心理健康教育隐性课程学科渗透、寓于活动优化环境方面来进行。

    To explore potential curriculum of mental health education in schools, measures may be taken such as other courses' permeation, combination with activities and environment improvement.


  • 周日先生接受《每日邮报》采访时说:“希望全国学校都能够采用教学方法尤其数学科学这两个学科上。”

    Mr Gibb told the Mail on Sunday: 'I would like to see schools across the country adopt whole class teaching methods, particularly in maths and science.


  • 刚刚学校毕业,已经学习如何同时处理多项任务,知道轻重差别-权衡不同课程学科以及业余活动不是问题。

    You just spent years of college learning how to multitask and prioritizebalancing different classes and subjects, extracurricular activities, and probably living on your own for the first time.


  • 矿业学校早期阶段,同样老师讲授采矿冶金学科有时还要讲地质学矿物学

    In the early years of the schools of mines, teaching of mining and metallurgy, and sometimes geology and mineralogy were taught by the same professor.


  • 学科知识教学价值取向对于学校教学的目标内容方法手段效果,具有直接规范制约作用

    The values of subject knowledge teaching standardize and restrain the aim, content, methods, means, and effect of school teaching.


  • 学校课程学科中心确切地学生学习应被视为中心围绕基本课程开展,阅读写作历史数学科学

    The curriculum of the schools should be subject centered. In particular, student learning should be centered around basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math, and science.


  • 学校名师荟萃,实力雄厚,拥有大批包括特级教师学科带头人在内的优秀骨干教师。

    The school has a stuff of excellent teachers including some province-honored master educationists and leading teachers in different subjects.


  • 将来我们一定热爱英语,热爱各个学科,热爱我们学校老师

    We're sure to be crazy in the future, about English, about other subjects, and about our school and teachers.


  • 鲜明针对性较强实效性学校明显特征

    Fresh and clear pertinence and strong actual effect real are obvious characteristics of scholastic education research.


  • 论文试图立足于教育学心理学两个学科视角研究案例教学中等职业学校德育课堂中的运用问题。

    This article attempted to study the utilization of the case teaching method in moral class of middle vocational school, from the pedagogy and the psychology field of vision.


  • 固定学科课程可能会融为一体,学校自身不是因为实际位置那么至少会因为只招收儿童面临灭绝的威 胁。

    Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go into the melting pot and school themselves, if not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children, are threatened with extinction.


  • 学校中文吗?,她数学英语科学音乐美术体育其它学科

    Does she study Chinese at school? No, she studies maths, English, science, music, art, P. E. and other subjects.


  • 教学大纲规定了学校学科目的任务指导性文件

    A syllabus is also called an instructional program. It is a written document that sets the AIM and task of a certain course in schools.


  • 学科专业人才培养基础载体是高等学校社会结合桥梁纽带。

    Discipline and speciality is the base and carrier of talent cultivation, as well as a bridge of connecting higher education to society.


  • 高等学校专业建设学科建设水平直接影响着高校的办学水平办学效益

    The level of discipline development and specialty building of universities has direct influence over the level and benefit of running higher learning institutions.


  • 学科建设高校教学科研工作基础,是提升学校整体水平战略任务

    The construction of courses is the foundation of teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities, and it is the mission of strategy that increases the general level of a university.


  • 2006年的卫报大学指南排名中,学校包括英语艺术设计哲学建筑学等在内的多门学科英国排名20名

    In 2006 we were ranked top twenty in the UK for a number of subjects, including English, Art and Design, Philosophy and Architecture.


  • 学校工作我会感到非常高兴因为一份非常有趣工作,我会学生汉语英语数学其它有趣的学科,我我会把他们教得好。

    I work in school, I feel very happy because it's an interesting job. I can teach my students Chinese, English, math and other interesting subjects. I think I can teach them very well.


  • 双语教学是指学校里同时使用母语第二语言外语作为教学语言进行各门学科教学的一种形式。

    Bilingual teaching means using mother tongue and the second or foreign language to teach subjects. Bilingual teaching began in u.


  • 教研组学校学科教学一个专业性基础组织,是各学科教师提高专业知识水平交流教学经验学科研成果的基本单位

    Teaching-research group is a professional basic unit of school Subject instruction, through which the teachers can enhance their professional knowledge and exchange instructional experience.


  • 教研组学校学科教学一个专业性基础组织,是各学科教师提高专业知识水平交流教学经验学科研成果的基本单位

    Teaching-research group is a professional basic unit of school Subject instruction, through which the teachers can enhance their professional knowledge and exchange instructional experience.


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