• 分析阶段不是关心细节因此需要表明存款为正数

    During the analysis stage you're not so concerned with the details, so your diagram needs only to signify that the deposit is positive.


  • 分析把这归因为存款收益降低导致资金储蓄账户理财产品转移

    Analysts attribute weakening deposit accumulation to the migration of funds from savings accounts to wealth-management products.


  • 很多分析怀疑这些存款是否起到一些作用。

    Many analysts doubt whether those savings would have materialised anyway.


  • 花旗集团分析最近一份报告中这样写道:“我们开始注意到各家公司正将其存款西班牙意大利法国比利时抽离的迹象

    We are starting to witness signs that corporates are withdrawing deposits from banks in Spain, Italy, France and Belgium, ” an anlayst at Citi Group wrote in a recent report.


  • 八月信贷工业产值以及零售额超过分析们所预测位数,目前的通胀率达到1.25%,超过一年期银行存款利率

    In August, loans, industrial output and retail sales topped analysts' median estimates, while the inflation rate was 1.25 percentage points above the benchmark one-year deposit rate.


  • 投资者猜测央行可能提高存款利率抵御通货膨胀援引分析陈建波的话。

    Investors are speculating that the central bank may raise the deposit rate to combat the erosion of savings by inflation, according to analyst Chen Jianbo.


  • 一方面,详细分析更广泛的文件进程净值客户提供多元存款各种来源

    On the other hand, a more detailed analysis, with a more extensive documentation process, would be required for high net worth customers with multiple deposits from a variety of sources.


  • 从实证分析情况看我国存款行为主要受居民通货膨胀预期影响

    Empirical analysis shows that Chinese depositors' behavior mainly depends on their expectations of the inflation.


  • 大卫·欧文是杰富瑞集团的名经济分析师,他表示葡萄牙爱尔兰银行几月内将上调存款利率挽留投资者抛售他们的资金

    David Owen, an economist at Jefferies International, notes that Portuguese and Irish Banks have pushed up deposit rates in recent months in an attempt to dissuade savers from withdrawing their money.


  • 规模经济更多领域比如说存款收集、风险分析跨区销售批发债务发行同样有价值。

    Economies of scale will also count for more in areas such as deposit-gathering, risk analysis, cross-selling and wholesale-debt issuance.


  • 文章首先提出了外汇结构性产品概念分类,分析本金风险的外汇结构性存款期权特征及其收益的不确定性。

    This paper analyzes the option features of structured deposits of foreign currency with both non-risk principal and risk principal respectively.


  • 一家银行出现风险时,存款会将存款银行提出,导致整个金融体系出现风险。 第二章是商业银行风险的经济学分析

    When one or several banks occur banking risks, depositors will draw their deposits from the banks, which will lead the whole banking system to crisis.


  • 本文主要根据金融工程组合分解原理外汇结构性存款基本价值构成定价方法框架进行分析探讨

    According to the principle of decomposition and integration for financial engineering, the paper analyses and explores the basic valuation structure and pricing methods for FX structured deposits.


  • 章第二分析商业银行非公平关联交易商业银行、银行控制方中小股东、银行客户和存款以及整个金融体系等各个利益方影响

    The second part of this chapter surveys the improper related-party transactions' influence on commercial bank, control-party and other shareholders, bank clients, depositors, and financial system.


  • 本文通过分析存款提前支取及其付息情况对银行风险补偿影响研究银行存款利率定价问题

    Through an analysis of premature withdrawal, the corresponding interests payment and the following impacts on bank risk compensation, this paper studies the issue of deposit interest rates pricing.


  • 归纳DPS功能基础上,分析中国建立存款保险制度必要性

    On the foundation of concluding the functions of DPS, the necessity of establishing the deposit insurance system in China is analyzed.


  • 上述存款保险制度全面分析基础上,提出了我国建立制度的四点重要启示。

    On the analysis of these five countries' deposit insurance systems, gave four important propositions to our country.


  • 如果这些存款存在,对他们分析有助于我们理解太阳系其他卫星相互作用,”德拉克

    "If these deposits are present, an analysis of them will help us understand the interaction of the moon with the rest of the solar system," Vondrak said.


  • 分析银行存款余额未付支票提出付款安排的建议。

    Analyze bank balance and outstanding checks to make recommendations for payment arrangement.


  • 按照商业部经济分析标准,个人存款税后收入减去支出余留部分。

    Personal saving, as measured by the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis, is essentially the amount of after-tax income left after household bills are paid.


  • 本文对2001年2月- 2008年2月期间我国居民储蓄存款变化及其影响因素进行了分析

    In this paper, we analyses Chinese resident deposits and their influential factors during the February of 2001 to the February of 2008.


  • 本文全面系统分析国际多年来对存款保险定价进行探索成果理清存款保险定价的主要路径

    This article has analyzed comprehensively and systematically many years of achievements on the exploration to the deposit insurance pricing in the world and has cleared off the main way to it.


  • 同业客户财务价值非财务价值分析构建同业存款利率定价方法关键

    The analysis on the clients' financial value and non-financial value is crucial to the pricing.


  • 第三部分着眼于我国商业银行破产存款利益保护现状分析目前存在的问题。

    The third part is focused on the current situation of the protection for the interests of the depositor of Chinese commercial Banks insolvency, analyses the current problems.


  • 无限重复博弈框架中,分析银行为取得好的收益共谋确定存款利率的问题。

    Use the means of infinite repeated game discuss the competition and cooperation conspiracy between the banks when they will effect each other at long period of time.


  • 分析联邦储备体系高级学员得到指导如何正确填写一张存款

    The Federal Reserve System is analyzed, and advanced students are coached in the proper method of filling out a deposit slip.


  • 然后,针对银行业务中客户信用政策给出了实例分析,用算法建立了一个分类模型,根据存款金额贷款次数、及时还贷率数据信息实现对客户信用等级分类。

    In this example, according to the loan, the numbers of loaning and the payment-in-time ratio, a model worked for classification of customer credit-rating is created.


  • 然后,针对银行业务中客户信用政策给出了实例分析,用算法建立了一个分类模型,根据存款金额贷款次数、及时还贷率数据信息实现对客户信用等级分类。

    In this example, according to the loan, the numbers of loaning and the payment-in-time ratio, a model worked for classification of customer credit-rating is created.


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