• 一个著名的受尊重名字如此商业化似乎太可惜了

    It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honoured name should be commercialized in this way.


  • 一辈子没有感到过如此孤独如此抛弃

    Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned.


  • 如此重要如此需要。

    You are important and you are needed.


  • 如此陶醉,你没有你自己控制

    You were so intoxicated, you didn't have control of yourself.


  • 不要经常眼睛鼻子嘴巴微生物就是如此被传播的。

    Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.


  • 换言之只是物质宇宙如此创造出来形而上宇宙也是一样。

    In other words, not only was the physical universe thus created, but the metaphysical universe as well.


  • 我们注意力如此事物牵扯,以致于我们的意识完全消失在其中。

    Our attention is so drawn by the subject that our consciousness disappears into it.


  • 我们邀请今年来年加入我们大师秘会之中如果内在如此引导的话

    We invite you to join us at the Masters Conclave this year or next if you are so guided from within.


  • 失察经常发生技术不是工程师直接经验做出决定并且严重如此考虑

    This oversight often happens when a technology is not in the direct experience of the engineers making the decisions, and so it is not seriously considered.


  • 残杀如此有印象而且因为资讯科技是有关封闭时间的事,决定关闭店铺而且按照牵转具。

    The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut the shop and follow the dog.


  • 谈论热情地致敬赞扬”这个定义。我认为我们言辞如此被接受如果我们坚持件事

    I'm talking about this definition, to greet or acclaim enthusiastically, which is how I think our words will be received if we stand on these four things.


  • 可以显示广告的力量有多大并且可以显示出广告一种非常好的信息源因为如此广泛的应用。

    This just shows how powerful advertising can be and how it can also be a credible source of information because it is so widespread.


  • 由不得的,因为玩弄傀儡游戏的存有,他们声称自己而实则并不是,让人类物种如此欺骗操控

    This cannot be helped, for so conned and so manipulated the human species has been by beings playing in the shadows-play, stating that they are God when they are not.


  • 沉思分钟毫无疑问,她对于她父亲那样一个如此被灌输了错误知识的人却生养出一个科学家(译者注:即她本人)而感到疑惑。

    She pondered that one for a minute, no doubt mystified as to how a father as misinformed as hers could have possibly spawned a scientist.


  • 因此所有这些有助于社区形成一种从众态度也可以明白为什么这种谦逊的、非常朴素的风格英格兰农村地区如此广泛地模仿

    So all these help to create an attitude of conformity in the community, and you can see why a modest, a very plain style would have become so widely imitated throughout rural New England.


  • 一部如此令人激动的恐怖电影不能标榜悲观电影。

    A horror movie so exciting cannot be advertised as a pessimistic movie.


  • 另外两个选项中,“普遍拒绝不会提供任何对比对立面则表明了一种关系无法解释为什么音乐受到如此广泛推崇

    Of the other two choices, "generally rejected by" would provide no contrast, while "antagonistic toward" suggests a relationship that would not explain why music was so widely esteemed.


  • 问题在于,那些竞争挤出市场的无利可图公司因为裁员如此而存活了下来。

    The snag is that unprofitable companies, which should have been squeezed out by competition, have remained alive because it is so hard to fire workers.


  • 如果他们继续如此,就暴民接管危险

    If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over.


  • 知道,知道,注定是个悲剧可怜的女人束缚一个没有爱情婚姻,诸如此类的。

    Oh, I know, I know, it's meant to be so tragicpoor woman, trapped in a loveless marriage, yadda yadda yadda.


  • 来自于它们颜色环境反射颜色补充了,就是为什么它们能够如此精确模仿颜色。

    The colors from the color sacks are supplemented with colors that are reflected from the environment, and that's how they are able to mimic colors with such precision.


  • 之所以如此是因为某种力量鞭策——正如鞭策的茧子一般。

    I may be so because there is some kind of power that spurs mejust as the silkworm is spurred to make its cocoons.


  • 这项技术如此精细以至于即使是一个无声的举动,小心翼翼地放置特定位置时,它就已经赋予特定功能

    The technology is so fine-tuned then that even a non-sound, when carefully placed in a particular position, has been invested with a specific function.


  • 好的评分系统特征衡量的人通常认为公平合理的,而这次并非如此

    One feature of a good grading system is that those measured by it generally regard it as fair and reasonable—not the case here.


  • 事实上变得如此珍贵以至于称为“白金”,间谍中国查明他们如何处理粘土,从而生产出如此高质量商品

    In fact, it became so valuable that it was known as white gold and spies were sent to China to discover what they did to the clay to produce such high-quality merchandise.


  • 坟墓费用如此之高,以至于大多数选择一个坟墓3甚至遗体挖出之后,仍然不能长久地安息

    The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed.


  • 尽管如此,还是一些经验证明益处

    There are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits.


  • 尽管如此,还是一些经验证明益处

    There are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits.


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