• 为什么他们广告做出如此反应

    Why they respond to advertising as they do?


  • 华莱士夫妇直到1955年接受美国广告即便如此他们也不允许刊登任何有关香烟毒品广告

    The Wallaces didn't accept advertising in the US edition until 1955 and even then they didn't allow any ads for cigarettes, liquor or drugs.


  • 前天晚上他们“无毒美国”播出的一则广告如此令人恶心爸爸过去了。

    They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross I thought Dad was going to faint.


  • 人们发现很难忍受电视剧如此广告,所以制定条规则禁止过度广告投放。

    People found it hard to put up with so much advertising in TV series that a rule has been made to ban it.


  • 罗森博格由衷地认为,公共卫生倡导者应该广告学习,他们如此善于同行施压。

    Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.


  • 广告如此盛行每个难免它们的影响。

    So pervasive are advertisements that no one can avoid being influenced by them.


  • 坚持身体成长方式存在差异可以帮助孩子抵御“完美身材观念。这种观念媒体广告如此常见

    Affirming that people's bodies grow in different ways helps children resist the notion of the "perfect body" that is so common in the media and advertising.


  • 公司分析人口普查数据的时候,他们发现众多城市甚至邻里关系,如此不同以致一般的广告活动不再合适

    When companies analyse the census data, they will see that cities, and even some neighbourhoods, are so diverse now that broad advertising campaigns are no longer suitable.


  • 人们点击广告时,ISP从所得利润分一杯羹,因此它们才会如此热衷于此项技术

    The ISP then gets a cut when someone clicks on an ad, which is why ISPs are so keen on the technology.


  • 产品促销结合如此巧妙以至于网页浏览者们浑然不觉传递给他们广告信息

    So subtle is the mix of product and promotion, visitors hardly know an advertising message has been delivered.


  • 表示,换言之一种相当容易甚至很有趣挣钱出名方式对于没有广告推销能力某些人来说更是如此

    In other words, he implied, this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity, especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of.


  • 就是广告批评描述尽管如此引述批评家的话来衬托小说的出色之处。

    That's how this advertisement represents critics, even though it also invokes critics to describe what's powerful about the novel.


  • 许多研究表明,只广告因素还解释如此忠诚度

    And many studies have found that advertising alone cannot explain the strength of brand loyalty.


  • 贝纳通摘下广告公开道歉,尽管如此梵蒂冈周四发表声明,采取法律手段阻止张图片传播

    Although Benetton has pulled that AD and released an apology, the Vatican said on Thursday they would take legal action to stop the distribution of this image.


  • 至少曾经如此可以杂志广告得到清晰提示

    At least, they used to, clearly, if magazine ads are any indication.


  • 流量日益下滑广告收入不尽人意,谷歌可能再次如此高价

    Google is unlikely to want to pay such a high price again, given that declining traffic and thus disappointing advertising revenues.


  • 承认也是这些故事的爱好者之一,我只会威尔郡旅行时才会对此如此热衷因为当地许多民间传说航空广告上都会涉及馅饼的问题。

    I count myself a fan, but I only indulge on my visits to Cornwall: as such folksy tales and WCP's AD line imply provenance matters.


  • 谷歌不可能支付如此高昂费用因为MySpace人气一再下降广告收入也令人失望

    Google is unlikely to want to pay such a high price again, given MySpace's declining popularity and disappointing advertising revenues.


  • iPhone为什么要跟踪这些数据清楚尽管定位功能应用充满无尽可能性——位置广告服务、地理围墙应用,诸如此类。

    It isn't clear why the iPhone is tracking this data, although the possibilities for location-based features are endless - location-based advertising, geofencing apps, and so on.


  • 因此,如一个人查询抑郁症相关的单词,就该页看到Healthline的抑郁症治疗广告——而且在其他站点访问后续页面时也是如此

    So, for example, a person looking up depression-related words could see Healthline ads for depression treatments on that page-and on subsequent pages viewed on other sites.


  • 考虑到DoubleClick展示广告业务谷歌公司占据的重要地位应该让人觉得如此陌生。

    But it shouldn't be, given the huge role DoubleClick's display AD business plays for Google.


  • 广告狂人如此受欢迎有前提,那就是人物和剧情可以发挥类似安全阀的作用。

    One of the premises of 'Mad Men' is that the behavior on the show is something of a safety valve.


  • 我们知道为什么如此众多搜索引擎公司只是想着如何广告中获取更多利润我们提供一个完美的解决方案

    We want to know why so many search engine companies always discuss how they can make more money from advertisements but not propose a perfect solution for us.


  • 正是由于能够链接网络广告,才使得这些广告如此的值钱,使得欺诈行为如此有利可图比如说用户搜寻一个特定单词这些广告跳了出来。

    The ability to aim such advertisements so that they pop up, for example, when a user searches for a particular word, is what makes them (ads) so valuable-and makes fraud so lucrative.


  • 现在如此多的技术被应用于把条简单的广告放置页面都是出于希望人口统计学上的准确定向或者是一次点击能够导致希望结果

    There is so much technology now evolved in getting that single ad on a page - all in the hope of either perfect demographic targeting or a click which results in the desired action.


  • 的确如此没有人事先预知迄今为止论坛公司的广告收入今年每个季度下降至少15%。

    Indeed, few could have foreseen that Tribune's AD revenue would drop by at least 15% in each quarter of this year so far.


  • 尽管如此大多数用户表示付费程序相比他们更愿意选择广告支持免费程序。

    Still, most users said they would prefer to get apps for free in return for accepting advertising rather than pay.


  • 即便如此依然会效仿一家餐厅广告语(这家餐厅坐落栋空荡荡银行大楼里):“曾经在这儿现在轮到你的了”。

    Nevertheless, I'll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: "Put your mouth where your money was."


  • 即便如此依然会效仿一家餐厅广告语(这家餐厅坐落栋空荡荡银行大楼里):“曾经在这儿现在轮到你的了”。

    Nevertheless, I'll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: "Put your mouth where your money was."


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