• 时不时地推搡或是耳光。

    He would push or slap her once in a while.


  • 不知什么东西击中了她打趴在地上

    Something hit her and sent her sprawling to the ground.


  • 使用错误的魔法,所以惹得他

    She used the wrong Magic until she made him beat her.


  • 不敢回家,因为一分钱也没挣到,也许会挨父亲的的家几乎和街上一样冷。

    She was afraid to go home, she had earned not a coin, and perhaps her father would beat her, and her home was almost as cold as the street.


  • ,好像不止一次身上处的伤。

    He hit her, possibly more than once. She had multiple bruises.


  • 如果从来不电话在你时候看起来高兴呢?

    What if she never calls you, but seems happy enough to hear from you when you call?


  • 年前婚姻破裂以来吉尔四个孩子一直哥哥家中的间单人房间内。 哥哥的位于首都波哥达以北160公里处名叫萨马卡的小镇中。

    Since the breakup of her marriage three years ago, Gil and her four children have lived in a single room in her brother's house on the outskirts of a small town, Samacá, about 160 kms north of Bogotá.


  • 特定的文字数字游戏计算机跟踪记录每天的游戏分数

    A computer on which she plays specific word and number games tracks her daily scores.


  • 家伙大叫不示弱给耳光回敬了拳,把下巴脱臼了。

    The guy shouted, Clara shouted, she slapped him, he responded with a punch that dislocated her jaw.


  • 黄昏微风中宠爱孔雀蹬在木上睡瞌,鸽子沉默地站在它们角落里

    In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch, and the pigeons were silent in their corner.


  • 没有电话所以室友,你的室友慌了,然后又

    You didn't return her calls, so she called your roomie, who panicked and called me.


  • 有一次客户非常害怕小心翼翼地解释为什么他们这场官司。

    Once her clients are suitably terrified, she explains why they should still proceed-with caution.


  • 没有考虑才刚开学却是最后一分钟电话。

    Instead of remembering she has just started school and you did call her at the last minute.


  • 灵感来自于自己患有自闭症儿子航班上帮孩子掏耳朵不停哈欠并希望孩子也能一个。

    Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back.


  • 年轻女士形容未婚却带同事看上去会比较成熟男性同事也不那么的“主意”。

    One young woman described an unmarried colleague who wears a wedding ring to seem more mature and less available to the men she works with.


  • 此时,坐在自己席位上,陪同的是芝加哥小熊棒球队本垒明星萨米·索萨最近他们一起出生地多米尼加共和国

    She was sitting in her box with the home-run-hitting Chicago Cubs star Sammy Sosa, who had joined her on a recent trip to his native Dominican Republic.


  • 衣服——件裙子,几件衬衫条牛仔裤条短裤——购买了几个电话:个是亨利,一个父亲

    She wanted to buy some clothes — a couple of skirts, a couple of shirts, two pairs of jeans, another pair of shortsbut before shopping she had calls to make: one to Henry and one to her father.


  • 38米洛佩戴绚丽的粉色头饰魅力四射,人们一直认为选择张照片作为新书的主封面

    An accompanying picture of the 38-year-old in a bright pink headdress was widely believed to be the one she'd chosen to grace the cover of her new book.


  • 第一反应就是僵尸的下巴然后跳开再用的腿来一次下巴攻击!

    Her first response is to shove both her bare fists at its biting mouth, then leap two meters straight up and jam her leg in there too.


  • 什么的时候,和声招呼虽然并不一定是喜欢的表现。 不这样的话会让觉得那么在意

    Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.


  • 现实生活可能撞墙,踢他下楼,因为也是我想过的。

    In reality, I might as well be throwing her into walls, down the stairs and beating on her because that is what I am doing to her spirit.


  • 克劳迪亚烟头,还威胁如果试图逃跑将会杀了墨西哥父母

    She says he would beat her up, burn her with lit cigarettes and tell her he would have her parents in Mexico killed if she tried to resist or escape.


  • 嘶嘶地叫着喃喃自语,并不时地朝着展露它那两锋利牙齿而且拒绝的意愿行事时浑身寒颤。

    It hissed and muttered and flashed its long rows of sharp teeth at her, and shuddered as it resisted her will.


  • 经过无数辆车喇叭,超过来靠近讥笑,灯时故意超车之后放弃了。

    After numerous close calls and nearly getting side-swiped by a jerk who blasted the horn as he blew passed Serena while she was making a left-hand turn, I gave up.


  • 比如,在晚间7电话给如果电话15分钟后一次,然后一封邮件给

    Call her at 7:00 p.m., for example; if she doesn't pick up her phone, try again in 15 minutes, then send her an email.


  • 甚至主人也会开火,并且也不怕越挨就变得狠毒

    She'll snap at the master himself, and as good as dares him to thrash her; and the more hurt she gets, the more venomous she grows.'


  • 甚至主人也会开火,并且也不怕越挨就变得狠毒

    She'll snap at the master himself, and as good as dares him to thrash her; and the more hurt she gets, the more venomous she grows.'


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