• 20世纪世界货币体系存在制度设计缺陷

    The 20th century monetary system inhibits three failures with regard to its institutional design.


  • 不动产登记作为物权变动公示方法,是人类法律生活之一制度

    The registration of real estate, which is the pattern of the change of property right, is an important system in the legal life of mankind.


  • 目前处理关系关键在于扫除征信制度完善失信惩戒机制不健全制度障碍

    At present, the key to dealing with this relationship is to sweep off the two institutional obstacles such as immatureness of credit survey system and faultiness of penalty mechanism in credit loss.


  • 西周监狱管理中,形成了囚制、土制嘉石制等三大制度展现一个东方文明古国标本。

    In the management of prisoners of Xizhou, the system of imprisonment, detention and Criminal detention are formed, and unfold the prison management pattern of Oriental ancient state.


  • 教育制度没有差别

    There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.


  • 他们面临官僚制度

    They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.


  • 挑战能源行业制度法规框架进行调整应对上述挑战

    An additional challenge is to adapt institutional and regulatory frameworks in the energy sector to meet these new challenges.


  • 由于制度市场商业复杂度方面表现糟糕全球第二经济体日本排名落后在了后面:亚洲排名第三全球排名第九

    Japan, the world's second largest economy, lagged behind, ranked third in Asia and ninth globally, faring poorly on measures of its institutions and market and business sophistication.


  • 并不完全个“皮革马利翁式”故事,一个重要原因在与导演霍伯打算讽刺电影看点的等级制度

    It isn't exactly "Pygmalion," not least because Mr. Hooper has no intention of satirizing the caste system that is one of this movie's biggest draws.


  • 军种都应有设计自己人事制度自由五角楼对此干涉降到最低。

    Each of the four military branches is free to design its own personnel system, with minimal Pentagon interference.


  • EPE观察当前石油储存量最多前20国家法规制度

    EPE looked at the regulatory regimes in the 20 countries with the biggest oil reserves.


  • 不过,所有新闻正是那些向我们兜售丧失专注力的工具企业制度产物

    But what is new is the assiduity with which companies and institutions are selling us the tools of distraction.


  • 巴克更为严格制度影响

    Buck says the tougher rules will have a big impact.


  • 纵使一定失败几率这种没有墙的监狱制度在对社会正义犯罪改造方式以及社会的进步方面,迈出了

    And even accepting a certain failure rate, by nearly any measure such "prisons without bars" would represent a giant step forward for justice, criminal rehabilitation, and society.


  • 一个补救办法加速通往采取欧元货币制度路径甚至允许他们立即采用

    One much-touted remedy is to accelerate their path to the euro, or even let them adopt it immediately.


  • 作为心智健全立志博爱人,我们希望可以可爱的婚姻制度持相反态度解释出远离婚姻的10理由

    Being of sane mind and a lover of “everybody,” we want to take the counterpoint approach to the great and lovely institue of marriage and explain the top 10 reasons not to get married.


  • 限额可以这个游说团,给另一长条制度效果立马灰飞湮灭

    A chunk of allowances can be handed out to one lobby, a sliver to another, and soon the system's effectiveness has been sliced away.


  • 自从电影制作方式脱离制片厂制度(该制度贝蒂戴维斯门卫全职雇员)以来就一直虚拟模式

    The way that movies have been made since the industry freed itself from the studio system (where everyone from Bette Davis down to the doorman was a full-time employee) has been virtual.


  • 陪审团作为个组织存在是从美国人祖先建立坚定传统他们通过权利法案将制度确立下来。

    The grand jury as an institution was so firmly established in the traditions of American forebears that they included it in the Bill of Rights.


  • 斯蒂格利茨认为金融业需要结构上做出一些改变——那些不能倒的银行应该关门——有更多更好制度

    Mr Stiglitz argues that finance needs some structural changethe too-big-to-fail banks need to be broken up—and more and better regulation.


  • 这些国家放弃金本位制度原因在于,伴随着保持货币金子转换功能,三十年代萧条正在加深。

    The reason that countries dropped the gold standard was that under the effort to keep the currency convertible into gold they were worsening the depression of the 1930s.


  • 离婚损害赔偿制度确立我国新修订的婚姻法进步制度理论立法司法存在不少问题

    The establishment of divorce damages system in China is a great progress made in China's new marriage law, but there still exist many theoretical, legislative and judicial problems.


  • 小企业老板企业制度企业看文化

    Small businesses see the boss, see systems of enterprises, large enterprises culture.


  • 电影明星过去完全受制于制片厂制度

    Movie stars used to be slaves to the studio system.


  • 民事优先权顺位民事优先权制度中的另一关键问题因为民事优先权的顺位涉及民事优先权人的权利如何实现问题。

    The civil priority right sequence is another key issue in civil priority right system, because it is related to the issue, that is, how to realize the rights of the involving preferred creditors.


  • 英国按照套严格的制度运作学生录取人数严格的控制。

    British universities operate a closed Numbers system and the number of people who can study there is strictly controlled.


  • 建议建立适宜的保健制度和进行健康教育环节着手,进一步提高服务利用率

    It suggests that to set up appropriate medical system and to advocate health education will greatly raise the service coverage rate.


  • 许多牙医不再为依靠国民保健制度病人看病,该国的一倒退

    Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.


  • 许多牙医不再为依靠国民保健制度病人看病,该国的一倒退

    Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.


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