• 论文研究工作复杂机器人系统规划控制提供了理论指导具有一定的理论意义与实用价值

    The dissertation, which provides some theoretical guidance for planning and controlling of complex robot systems, has definite theoretical significance and practical value in a certain extent.


  • 机器人复杂系统对分析设计有着很高要求

    Robots are complex systems that require disciplined analysis and design techniques.


  • 社会的科学技术在进步,很多技术活已经复杂控制系统或是机器人系统所取代

    With every passing year, more skilled-labor jobs are replaced by complex automation or robotics systems.


  • 机器人动力学复杂动力学系统处理物体动态响应取决于机器人动力学模型控制算法

    Robot dynamics is a complex dynamic system, on the dynamic response of the processing object depending on the robot dynamics model and control algorithm.


  • 两个机器人通过操纵错综复杂帝国计算机系统解救者们提供适时的援助最新的情况。

    Both droids navigated the complex Imperial computer system to provide the rescuers with timely assistance and status updates.


  • 基于多智能体系统理论研究非结构、不确定环境下面向复杂任务机器人分布式协调系统实现原理方法技术

    Based on the multi_agent system theory, we studied the theory, method and technology of the multi-robot distributed coordination systems performing complex tasks in uncertain environment.


  • 解决机器人复杂多变环境适应性不强的问题研制模块化的多步行机器人系统

    To solve thee problem of robots' weak adaptability to various environmental conditions, a modular multi-legged walking robot system was developed.


  • 目前绝大部分自主式移动机器人导航系统是以计算机控制核心、以视觉传感器主要导航工具实现的,这样就使得整个系统实现的复杂程度费用很高

    At the present day, most of navigation systems of autonomous mobile robots are controlled by computer and the main navigation tools are optical sensors and so it is very complex and the cost is high.


  • 作为一个复杂智能控制系统智能移动机器人涉及人工智能、控制理论传感器技术计算机科学等多门学科

    As a complicated intelligent control system, the mobile robot has close relation to many technologies such as artificial intelligence, control theory, sensor technology and computer science.


  • 机器人一种机电一体化复杂动态系统应用不同领域工业农业医疗军事等。

    Robot is a mechatronic integration of complex dynamic systems which has been applied in various fields such as in manufacture, agriculture, medical treatment and military.


  • 机器人面部表情控制系统是个十分复杂探索性研究课题

    The countenance control system of anthropocentric robot is a very complex problem.


  • 机器人动作规划智能机器人控制系统一个特别重要而又十分复杂研究课题。

    Robot action planning is one of the topics associated with intelligent robot control systems that are especially important and very complex.


  • 系统功能强大结构简洁能够应用机器人控制算法复杂实时性可靠性要求场合

    This system is powerful and compact, it can apply to complicate, the realtime and high reliability fields such as robotic control.


  • 由于移动机器人一个复杂时变耦合的非线性系统

    It is well known that mobile robot system is complicated, time-varying and strong coupling system.


  • 重构机器一些模块构成复杂的模块化自重构机器人系统

    The self-reconfigurable robot hand is a complex self-reconfigurable robot system composed of modules.


  • 论述复杂曲面工件超声检测原理、检测机器人系统模型、分布式系统控制模式

    The principles of ultrasonic test for complex curved surface parts, the models of robot systems and the distributed control patterns had been discussed in detail.


  • 拖车轮式移动机器人系统牵引车挂若干节拖车构成,运动轨迹具有车体机器人无法比拟的复杂

    Tractor trailer wheeled mobile robot system is composed of a tractor and multiple trailers, its motion trajectories are much more complex than that for single body robot.


  • 为了解决大型频率选择表面曲面加工问题,结合机器人铣削数字化加工技术开发了复杂频率选择表面机器人数字化加工系统

    To solve the key technology of fabrication of large complex curved FSS (Frequency Selective Surface), a 5-dof robotic digital machining system is studied and developed.


  • 为了实现大型复杂曲面工件自动化缺陷检测,开发超声无损检测机器人系统

    In order to realize automatic flaw detect for the large-scale complex curved surface parts, ultrasonic non-destructive test systems had been developed.


  • 机器人系统是以机械电子及信息技术为基础,自动控制理论媒介有机结合起来的综合性复杂系统

    The telerobot system is a comprehensive and complex system integrating the mechanical, electrical technology and using automatic control theory as its medium.


  • 通过足球机器人系统分析研究使用模糊手段描述复杂的足球机器人状态空间

    According to the study and analysis of soccer robot system, fuzzy method is introduced to describe the complex state space of soccer robot.


  • 需要进行多个任务,将零部件放置到不同位置,需要复杂的相互作用时,机器人装配系统能够为您提供传统工具所不能提供的优质性能

    When multiple tasks, varying part placements, complex motion, or sophisticated interactions are required, the capabilities of a robot offer an advantage over traditional hard tooling.


  • 由于目前复杂环境中自主导航技术还不完善,本文最后设计并实现了一个移动机器人远程监控指挥系统

    Because of the immaturity of autonomous navigation in complicated environments, at the end of the article a remote supervision and control system is introduced.


  • 论文介绍了一种能够应用工业复杂巡检场合基于嵌入式系统智能巡检移动机器人

    This paper presents an intelligent inspection robot based on embedded system, which can be used in industrial complex inspection circumstance.


  • 数值计算结果表明协同优化可以成功地应用处理复杂机器人系统解决复杂的机械系统奠定基础

    The numerical results indicate that the collaborative optimization can be successfully applied to dealing with the complex robot system, and lay a foundation to solve more complex mechanical system.


  • 随着处理信息日益复杂并且考虑到工作环境需要,有线遥控机器人广泛地运用各个领域。本文设计主从遥控通讯机器人系统正是由于以上原因设计的。

    Considering that the information which needs to be deal with is being complex and the needs of working environment, more and more wireless remote control robot is used in various fields.


  • 随着处理信息日益复杂并且考虑到工作环境需要,有线遥控机器人广泛地运用各个领域。本文设计主从遥控通讯机器人系统正是由于以上原因设计的。

    Considering that the information which needs to be deal with is being complex and the needs of working environment, more and more wireless remote control robot is used in various fields.


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