• 瓦努阿图太平洋群岛埃法岛上一项重要考古发现揭示了古代航海民族的踪迹,即今天的波利尼西亚人远祖

    An important archaeological discovery on the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces of an ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of todays Polynesians.


  • 建筑业巨头日集团共雇佣大约3千参与施工,将拥有今后75通行税征收

    Some 3,000 people have been employed by the French construction giant Eiffage, which holds the right to draw a toll for the next 75 years.


  • 埃法认为一节似乎暗示人类必须组织自己社会,而不是舒舒服服坐下来,等着来包揽一切

    That verse, Mr Fadl has argued, seems to imply that far from sitting back and letting God do everything, human beings must organise their own society.


  • 埃法认为一节似乎暗示人类必须组织自己社会,而不是舒舒服服地坐下来,等着来包揽一切

    That verse, Mr Fail has argued, seems to imply that far from sitting back and letting god do everything, human beings must organise their own society.


  • 菲尔普斯尔德两个银行家坐在餐桌的角落里,他们可以在那里新的重利以及这个新动产证券贷款影响讨论完毕。

    The two bankers, Phelps and Elder, sat off in a corner behind the dinner table, where they could finish their discussion of the new usury law and its effect on chattel security loans.


  • 如果的情况符合这些条件,那么允许通过(或者偶尔以色列雷兹)两个过境点出境,也常常得不到保证。

    If you fit into one of these categories, you may be allowed to leave through Egypt's Rafah crossing, and occasionally Israel's Erez crossing. But even this is not guaranteed.


  • 下面阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚尔加拉灯光岸边闪耀

    Below, the lights of el Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina, shine by the lake shore.


  • 阿-比教授所设想的这个摄像头可以一分钟间隔拍摄静态

    As professor Wafaa Bilal's brainchild, the camera can take still pictures at one-minute intervals.


  • 正发(AK)党内部规定下,尔多安先生不能竞选第四首相,因此除了往上爬之外别无他

    Under AK's internal rules Mr Erdogan cannot run for a fourth term as prime minister, so he has nowhere to go save upstairs.


  • 沙龙阿拉特采取强硬态度,胡德·巴拉克美国支持这样做。

    Sharon would take a hard line toward Arafat and would be supported in doing so by Ehud Barak and the United States.


  • 反对异端史诗著作《帕里昂》中,尼乌斯给了我们许多伊便尼派生活细节

    In the Panarion, his epic treatise against heresy, Epiphanius gives us many details about the Ebionite lifestyle.


  • 博格坎普,再布雷加斯看着他们来来去去

    From the [Patrick] Vieira days, to [Dennis] Bergkamp, [Cesc] Fabregas, I've watched them come through and move on.


  • 玛·斯塔——上天眷爱那年代曙光,他奥非里斯等待十二,等着载他返乡的,载他回到诞生小岛

    Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth.


  • 纳舍(Nocera)的发现发表星期五的《科学杂志上,廉价方便储存能源认为这一方可以太阳能变成主要的能源来源

    Nocera's discoverya cheap and easy way to store energy that he thinks will be used to change solar power into a mainstream energy sourcewill be published in the journal Science on Friday.


  • 综合性著作《药库》(Panarion),在其中详细反击了80种异端学说

    Epiphanius' most comprehensive writing was the Panarion, which details and counters some 80 "heretical" beliefs.


  • 硅谷大腕甲骨文公司(Oracle)拉里.里森激将对于SAP老总孔翰宁来说实在没有什么意义,SAP巨型软件公司位于德国沃尔多夫(Walldorf),是甲骨文的强硬对手。

    TAUNTS from Larry Ellison of Oracle, a big Silicon Valley software firm, cut no ice with Henning Kagermann , the boss of SAP, a rival software giant based in Walldorf, Germany.


  • 他们有接近两百万散布厄立特里亚塞俄比亚吉布提(过去被称为属阿斯和萨斯)。

    Up to 2m of them are spread across Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti (previously called the French Territory of Afars and Issas).


  • 大约同一时间守护神博尼出生于附近克雷迪收到克塞特早期训练

    Around this same time the Patron Saint, St Boniface, was born in nearby Crediton and it is said that he received his early training at Exeter.


  • ·了条汽艇看看怎么样

    Eddie Fahrway's got a new steam launch, and he wants me to come up and see how it works.


  • 拿破仑布维报告中间插了几句讽刺的话好像没有那儿,并不期望事情别样的结果。

    Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence.


  • 米兰-国际米兰足球俱乐部尔·贝尼特斯现在希望宣布,双方已经就提前结束合作关系达成了相互满意协定

    MILAN - F. C. Internazionale and Rafael Benitez wish to convey that, together and with mutual satisfaction, they have reached an agreement for the early cancellation of their working partnership.


  • 普通传统林三十多年学术生涯凝结。

    The Common Law Tradition is the congelation of Llewellyn's learning career.


  • 玛丽三个小组他们公共电视节目的需求曲线小时T计量分别如下给出

    There are three groups in Marietta. Their demand curves for public television in hours of programming, t, are given respectively by.


  • 在那里瑞克斯献给了宙斯;羊毛送给忒斯国王。国王将羊毛树上,派了一条不睡觉的负责看护。

    There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave its golden fleece to King Aeetes, who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge.


  • 在那里瑞克斯献给了宙斯;羊毛送给忒斯国王。国王将羊毛树上,派了一条不睡觉的负责看护。

    There he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave its golden fleece to King Aeetes, who nailed it on a sacred tree and put a sleepless dragon in charge.


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