• 肉类烧烤外部通常很快就会变褐色

    Meat and poultry cooked on a grill often browns very fast on the outside.


  • 可以看见油炸的薯条汉宝被置烧烤架上所发出的声音。

    You can see the french fries sitting in oil and hear the burgers on the grill.


  • 下面提供一些小窍门帮助烧烤最大限度地控制有害化学品形成

    Practise the following tips to help minimize the formation of harmful chemicals when you barbecue.


  • 而现任何人都可以任何时间享用腌鱼,特别是在烧烤中最常见。

    Kippers can be enjoyed at any time though, and make a great item to throw on a barbecue.


  • 餐桌没有闪烁烛光,有的只是烧烤架上嘶嘶作响的燃烧着的木炭

    No candle flickered at their table, but a bucket of fiery wood charcoal hissed in the tabletop grill pit.


  • 喜欢烟火都是花园里或是在烧烤台上烟火,我不会房子烧掉

    I also like fireworks, but I let them off in gardens and kebab stands, I didn't burn the house down," joked the Swede in relation to Balorelli's recent misdemeanour.


  • 烧烤之前可以通过微波加热分钟浇注果汁,可减少致癌化合物前体

    The precursors of cancer-causing compounds can also be reduced by microwaving the meat for a few minutes and pouring off the juices before cooking it on the grill.


  • 此刻可不是将烧烤野餐上喝醉的样子边幅上传到网上,自己收集里的悉数人分享的时辰。

    Now is not the time to post pics from a beer-sodden barbecue and share them with everyone in your network.


  • 10时候,根据头发颜色来命名的RedHot Red开始烧烤的小店演出赚取小费

    By age ten, Red Hot Red, as he called himself because of his hair color, was playing for tips at a drive-in barbeque stand.


  • 烧烤赠品优惠期父亲礼品向导之间,我们一直怎样时间花钱老爸身上才算合理。

    Between our grill giveaway, ten days of deals and our Father's day gift guide, we've been giving a lot of thought to how we spend our time and our money on Dad.


  • 烧烤蛋糕的时候,有会所有一切都变得触手可及,不是食品柜繁琐的开关之间浪费时间精力

    WHEN baking a cake it helps to have all the ingredients within reach, rather than wasting time and energy making frequent trips to the pantry.


  • 2014七月,FSA对2030进行网上调查结果发现,24%的人承认他们烧烤中担任主厨,可是他们家里通常下厨

    The FSA survey, which polled 2,030 people online in July, also showed that 24% of those who described themselves as the main cook at a barbecue did not usually cook at home.


  • 研究发现大多数英国人烧烤一些错误卫生习惯,这些不卫生的习惯会给他们带来风险。因此,食品服务机构要求人们烧烤之前先烤箱预烹食物。

    People are being urged to pre-cook food in the oven before barbecuing it after research found most Britons make risky hygiene mistakes at the grill.


  • 除夕那天我们海滩举行了烧烤野餐

    On New Year's Eve we had a barbecue on the beach.


  • 科学家并不知道是什么导致丙烯酰胺形成但是他们相信烘焙油煎烧烤烘烤过程中产生一种化学物质

    Scientists do not know what causes acrylamide to form but they believe it occurs as a result of a chemical process during baking, frying, or grilling.


  • 闭上双眼着,注意力集中厨房大蒜烧烤小食香味上。

    I sat with my eyes shut and concentrated on the kitchen scents of garlic and grilled snapper.


  • 可以烧烤一天排球晒太阳或者沙滩玩耍

    You can go to have a barbecue, play volleyball for the day, tan or have fun on the beach.


  • 星期三晚上朔勒营地烧烤最终信息公告

    This is the final information bulletin for the BBQ in Camp Scholler on Wednesday evening.


  • 科学家并不确定什么导致丙烯酰胺形成但是他们相信烘焙油煎烧烤烘烤过程产生一种化学物质

    Scientists do not know exactly what causes acrylamide to form but they believe it occurs as a result of a chemical process during baking, frying, grilling or toasting.


  • 我们夏天许多食物都是健康的,露营时围着篝火吃的热狗香米,烧烤啤酒棒球公园吃的汉堡包和墨西哥玉米片。

    Many of our favorite summer foods are far from healthy - hot dogs and s 'mores around the campfire, barbecue and beer by the grill, burgers and nachos at the baseball park.


  • 瑞典人们烧烤熏制油炸烘烤鳗鱼它们放进秋季鳗鱼派对准备的汤里这是南部斯科纳海岸有着数百年历史的传统

    In Sweden the fish are grilled, smoked, fried, roasted, or dropped into soup for the autumn eel party, a centuries-old tradition on the Skåne coast in the south.


  • 展示会之前, 沃特尔,微软顾问,一个烧烤土豆颜色销售机器,熟练的冲着我微笑.

    Before the presentation, Walter from Microsoft smiles his steam shovel jaw like a marketing tool tanned the color of a barbecued potato chip.


  • 还好,烧烤美丽的日落景色中结束了,期间还有友好袋鼠加入到我们晚餐中来。

    However, a beautiful sunset completes our barbecue scene and a friendly possum joins us for supper.


  • 因为烧烤需要昂贵的切块——肉上涂了一层层骨头脱落这不就

    Because barbecue doesn't require expensive cuts of meat - why bother when you're just going to slather it in sauce and cook it 'til it falls off the bone?


  • 后来烧烤告诉这个秘密白色牛排”(猪肉以色列委婉说法),书名也源自这个启发

    Then a grill man told him the secret: order “the white steak,” a common euphemism for pork in Israel, and one of the inspirations for the name of the book.


  • 后来烧烤告诉这个秘密白色牛排”(猪肉以色列委婉说法),书名也源自这个启发

    Then a grill man told him the secret: order "the white steak," a common euphemism for pork in Israel, and one of the inspirations for the name of the book.


  • Burger King(汉堡)也5推出了烧烤8根售价高达7美元。

    And in May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at a hefty $7 for eight.


  • 30年前如果参加家庭烧烤,那么主人屠夫铺子

    Thirty years ago, if you went to a multifamily barbecue, the host bought the meat at a butcher's shop.


  • 30年前如果参加家庭烧烤,那么主人屠夫铺子

    Thirty years ago, if you went to a multifamily barbecue, the host bought the meat at a butcher's shop.


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