• 林赛·安德森执导的经典影片《如果,负责边线巡视的女舍监冲橄榄球球员高喊“、杀、杀”,并非杜撰情节。

    The matron patrolling the touch-line in Lindsay Anderson's marvellous film, If…, urging the schoolboy rugby players to "kill, kill, kill" is not a creature of the imagination.


  • 穆林队伍加时赛中以领先战胜对手,晋级冠军赛

    Mullin's team pulled out a one-point victory in OT for the championship.


  • 观众们注意了,你们即将见识发现号最后一飞行威力。”航天飞机指挥官史蒂芬·林赛发射几分钟无线电中说道。

    "For those watching, get ready to witness the power of Discovery as she lifts off one final time," shuttle commander Steve Lindsey radioed minutes before launch.


  • 林赛罗韩闪耀连身裤倒是毯上格外显眼,只不过这么裤腿是不是为了遮住脚腕上的酒精监测仪呢?

    Lindsay Lohan sparkles and shines in Pamella Roland jumpsuit as she walks the red carpet. The 23-year-old actress 'pants were quite loose, covering up her SCRAM alcohol-monitoring bracelet.


  • 浪花飞溅迈阿密海滩林赛罗韩浪花嬉戏

    Making a splash: Lindsay Lohan frolicked in the surf during a visit to Miami beach.


  • 《航空城》一书中,北卡罗莱纳州大学约翰·卡萨达合著者格雷格·林赛令人信服机场现代城市生活中心

    In "Aerotropolis", John Kasarda of the University of North Carolina and his co-author, Greg Lindsay, convincingly put the airport at the centre of modern urban life.


  • 许多地方发表演讲,并且成立了一个竞选研究委员会,请布鲁斯·林赛财务主管

    I gave speeches in a number of places and formed an exploratory committee, with Bruce Lindsey as treasurer.


  • 事实上来自得克萨斯州沃思林赛意识到,同事之间很容易可以发生外遇同一所房子的事,甚至是同一个房间。

    In fact, as Lindsay James of Fort Worth, Texas, learned the hard way that a partner can easily carry on an affair in the same house, even the same room.


  • 周一林赛·罗翰洛杉矶LAX机场“坦坦荡荡”的走出了机场大厅,周二纽约以真胸怀示人。

    Lacking support: Lindsay going bra-less at Los Angeles LAX airport on Monday (left) and again on Tuesday night in New York.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·卡维尔保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯特天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 组织后卫高中最后一年篮球队的队长。1982年全州锦标赛上瓦西拉击败安克雷奇夺冠时的最后一个三分球得分就出自手。

    Palin, who played point guard, was the team's captain her senior year, and scored the final point - a free-throw - of the 1982 state championship game that Wasilla won against Anchorage.


  • 林赛指着盖尔长城》,书中的照片使震惊,特别是一张盖尔座炮楼附近,长长的城墙伸向远方。

    William Lindesay had thumbed through Geil's book the Great wall of China, and was stunned by the photographs, particularly one showing Geil near a tower on a remote section of the wall.


  • 每次林赛盖尔书中封底照片时,总是疑惑盖尔美国如何不庆祝

    Every time Lindesay looks at this photograph, which serves as the closing picture in Geil's book, he wonders how he could be uncelebrated in the United States.


  • 五月,新近崭露头角的女明星林赛罗韩酒后驾车处罚再次违背了假释条例,她也要求携带这种类似的BI公司竞争者生产装置

    In May, starlet Lindsay Lohan was ordered to wear a similar device, manufactured by a BI competitor, after violating her probation stemming from DUI charges.


  • 上星期克伦南部地区林赛基地区(Kyarinseikyi)发生了一些零星的冲突

    Over the past week, separate clashes have also broken out in Three Pagodas Pass and Kyarinseikyi in southern Karen State.


  • BabyCenter网站,博客林赛针对书名提出问题他说节食成为一本写给孩子图片关键词

    At BabyCenter.com blogger Lindsay Weiss questions the book's title saying the word diet "should never be a key word in a child's picture book.


  • 美国劳工联盟(american Federationof State, County and Municipal Employees)资本策略主管林德赛(LisaLindsley)这一结果显示联系薪酬业绩方面我们还有许多工作

    Lisa Lindsley, director of capital strategies for the American Federation of County, State and Municipal Employees, says the results suggest 'we have a lot of work to do to link pay and performance.'


  • 美国卫生公共服务部部长凯瑟琳•赛贝林斯(Kathleen Sebelius)国会能源商务委员会(Energy and Commerce Committee)举行听证会宣布了甲流疫苗消息。

    The approval was announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a hearing that was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


  • 我们今日早些时候纽约采访到了加西亚谈到Lady Gaga林赛-洛翰。

    We caught up with Garcia earlier today at her in New York City to talk Lady Gaga, and even Lindsay lohan.


  • 桑德伯格林赛是绷紧的钢索;假如他们张力上一放松,就要摔个极端去,不是平淡无味,就是无病呻吟

    Sandburg and lindsay walked the tight-rope; if the tension of their verse slackened; they were precipitated into extremes of prosiness or sentimentality .


  • 林赛首龌龊之前,我宣布件事情。

    Lindsay: Before I vom over this vile song, I'd like to make one little announcement myself.


  • 林赛说:“非常担心第一次旅程,航拍无人机不见了。”

    "I was very concerned they'd come back from the first trip without the drone, " says William.


  • 赛丽丝王后建议我们派渡送信深林堡,通知陛下夜堡恭候大驾

    Queen Selyse has suggested that we might send word to Deepwood Motte by raven, to inform his Grace that I await his pleasure at the Nightfort.


  • 卡地欧麦供应有限公司加拿大安大略林赛拥有43,500平方英尺设备

    CardioMed operates from a 43,500 square foot facility located in Lindsay, Ontario Canada.


  • 清晰记得电影院听说林赛罗韩现实生活就是个像倒霉爱神》中的公关高级行政人员都快炸了,当时20岁啊。

    I distinctly remember being angry right there in the theater when I heard that Lindsay Lohan was some kind of hotshot PR exec in Just My Luck. In real life, she was 20 at the time.


  • 清晰记得电影院听说林赛罗韩现实生活就是个像倒霉爱神》中的公关高级行政人员都快炸了,当时20岁啊。

    I distinctly remember being angry right there in the theater when I heard that Lindsay Lohan was some kind of hotshot PR exec in Just My Luck. In real life, she was 20 at the time.


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