• 我们平壤机场第一次接受现实检查我们手机都被没收了这种完全国家控制行为直接令人震惊

    We had our first reality check at Pyongyang airport, when our mobile phones were confiscated. This evidence of total state control was immediate and shocking.


  • 卫组织平壤国家办事处提议保健提供直接援助,以便查明可能人间病例加强监测诊断能力

    The WHO country office in Pyongyang has offered direct assistance to the Ministry of Public Health in strengthening surveillance and diagnostic capacity for the detection of possible human cases.


  • 此相对应国务卿克里斯托夫·希尔平壤达成协议确实非常含糊不清,协议部分内容甚至仅仅口头上达成

    Compared with that, the agreement reached in Pyongyang by Christopher Hill, an assistant secretary of state, is vague indeed: part of it has been reached only verbally.


  • 1999年,即使平壤用尽营养不良2004年,这种情况非常不同-整个城市看上去一个市场

    In 1999, even in Pyongyang, people were exhausted, malnourished, feeble... in 2004, the situation was very different - the whole city looked like one big market.


  • 平壤“凯旋青年游乐场(Kaeson Youth Funfair)”(拥有全球真正令人心惊胆颤过山车),射箭游戏所用的箭靶都是大鼻子美国怒眉瞪眼日本人画像。

    At Pyongyang's "Kaeson Youth Funfair" -home of the world's most genuinely frightening rollercoaster-the crossbow stall's painted targets are of big-nosed American soldiers and glowering Japanese.


  • 接下来140天里我们转移到了平壤并被迫分开,经过多次审讯之后我们进行了审判判处我们做12苦役

    Over the next 140 days, we were moved to Pyongyang, isolated from one another, repeatedly interrogated and eventually put on trial and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor.


  • 发出这份挑衅性声明同时,平壤方面再次试验了颗短程导弹,这也是他们周一核试验以来试射第五颗导弹。

    The belligerent talk was accompanied by Pyongyang's test-firing of two short-range missiles, bringing to five the number launched since its nuclear test on Monday.


  • 谈到首尔秘密平壤支付巨款2000年举办一次两韩首脑峰会时,统一部表示未来任何接触必须保持透明度

    Referring to huge payments Seoul secretly made to Pyongyang to bring about a 2000 summit of the countries' leaders, the Unification Ministry says any future engagement must be done transparently.


  • 平壤新义州火车上只有妻子卧铺车厢里因此我关上门拿出我的相机,开始一通狂

    On the return train from Pyongyang to Sinuiju, there were only my wife and I in the sleeper compartment, so I closed the door, took out my camera, and started taking pictures.


  • 相对于其他运输方式地铁拥有乘客运载保证平壤交通的顺畅中起到了很大的作用。

    The metro has a greater transport capacity than other means of passenger traffic and gets a large share in guaranteeing the smoothness of traffic in the city of Pyongyang.


  • 虽然朝美关系时好时坏,时任美国国务卿奥尔布赖特2000年访问了平壤,朝美双方军控条约达成一致。

    Despite ups and downs in the relationship, Madeleine Albright - then secretary of state - visited Pyongyang in 2000 and an arms control treaty was agreed.


  • 监测暴发时,世卫组织平壤工作人员粮农组织的地方区域办事处密切合作组织提供专门技能

    In monitoring the outbreak, WHO staff in Pyongyang are working closely with the FAO local and regional offices, which are also offering specialized expertise.


  • 一界奥运会取得50枚金牌目标似乎不难达到,自从苏联1988年平壤获得55金牌以来,中国奥运会中获得金牌数最高的一次。

    The round, impressive number of 50 gold medals appears quite attainable, which would be the highest tally for any nation since the Soviet Union won 55 in Seoul in 1988.


  • 来自伦敦莫斯科,萨耶瑞平壤新闻立即地到达CNN 上和,对于成长人数英特网个人计算机

    News from London, Moscow, Sarajevo, and Pyongyang arrives instantly on CNN and, for growing numbers of people, on personal computers fed by the Internet.


  • 来自伦敦莫斯科,萨耶瑞平壤新闻立即地到达CNN 上和,对于成长人数英特网个人计算机

    News from London, Moscow, Sarajevo, and Pyongyang arrives instantly on CNN and, for growing numbers of people, on personal computers fed by the Internet.


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