• 它们两种溶剂作用力微弱

    And intermolecular interaction was very weak in other two solvents.


  • 全国各地都有报告维空间加班产生的类似问题

    People across the country have reported similar problems associated with working extra hours in another dimension.


  • 佩带宽松轻量级衣裳顶部衣物的层数好。

    Wearing loose lightweight clothes one layer on top of another is better than a single heavy layer of clothing.


  • 此举可能破坏斯巴鲁纯化商标无框已经不见了

    And in another move likely to upset Subaru purists, the trademark frameless doors have gone.


  • 某个方面也许感到不如人,方面,也许你就是最棒的。

    What you may feel you lack in one regard may be more than compensated for in another.


  • 深深凝视水晶内部就会出现三个金字塔图像其中两个前面体积小一些。

    Deep inside the crystal form one gazes upon three pyramid images, one in front of the other, in decreasing sizes.


  • 我们好的结果特别是我们慢慢的使一个球员回到球队不可思议的伤病危机之后

    We want to get a good result, especially as we are slowly getting everyone back in the side after that incredible injury crisis.


  • 为了提供一些观察长期业绩信息,我们按照五年时间跨度重新编排了第二页上的年度数据

    To provide you a longer-term perspective on performance, we present on the facing page the yearly figures from page 2 recast into a series of five-year periods.


  • 这个小组内,IDC可能发现使顾客选择类型基于供营商中国国际清楚属性-

    Within this group, IDC could find no clear attribute that would make a customer choose one type of vendor-china-based or international -over another.


  • 还有许多影星那儿或是临近弗利小山,其他好多成了的,离得富有影星在另利福尼亚南部

    Movie stars still live there, or in neighboring Beverley Hills, and so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern California.


  • 除了体重增长减慢以外,在另食用绿茶老鼠排泄物油脂上升30%。Lambett称,这意味着EGCG抑制了脂肪吸收

    In addition to lower weight gain, the mice fed the green tea supplement showed a nearly 30 percent increase in fecal lipids, suggesting that the EGCG was limiting fat absorption, according to Lambert.


  • 最近的这次袭击有1打死2人受伤

    In the most recent attack, one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.


  • 炸弹一家旅馆爆炸,6死亡、5受伤

    A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five.


  • 南极摄影师戴维·舒尔茨发现企鹅相机取景器里面看,只企鹅似乎摆姿势照相

    Photographer David Schultz found the penguin looking through the viewfinder of his camera in Antarctica as two others appeared to pose for a photograph.


  • 战车包括星期三运达纽约这辆,当年发现堆放墓室前厅东南角辆则是墓室宝库中发现的。

    Four chariots, including the one which will arrive in New York on Wednesday, were found piled up along the south-east corner of the antechamber, and two in the Treasury room.


  • 战略准备工作量所需资源包括人力资源)两方面超出必要的范围

    The other two strategies go beyond the necessary scope with respect to the preparation effort and the required resources, including personnel.


  • 其中个国家,尼泊尔菲律宾,是废除死刑再次执行;两个国家,冈比亚巴布亚-几内亚引入之前从未执行死刑。

    Two of them, Nepal and the Philippines, have since abolished it again; in the other two, the Gambia and Papua New Guinea, there have been no executions.


  • 今年年初,发起研究,提议要么泰晤士河口新址修建一个四跑道的枢纽机场,要么扩大伦敦附近现有机场(盖特·威克机场斯坦斯特德机场)的容量

    At the start of this year, he produced a study calling for either a four-runway hub airport on a new site in the estuary or increased capacity at existing airports nearby, such as Gatwick or Stansted.


  • 是时安全公司联手合作。

    Barr was working in conjunction with two other security companies.


  • 一个男孩一家意大利餐馆干活两个孩子年大学,女孩念书也没工作

    Another boy was a waiter in an Italian restaurant, the other two were in college, and the girl was neither studying nor working.


  • 俄罗斯之外两个调解力量美国法国不断施压

    The Americans and French, the other two mediating powers with Russia, are increasing the pressure.


  • 我们这些短语商务会议情况如何用的。

    We'll see how these idioms are useful in a different context, a business meeting.


  • 2009年起,飞机及其支援基础设施部署战区两架飞机2011年初也部署完毕,以支援利比亚的作战

    Two aircraft and the supporting ground infrastructure have been deployed in theatre since 2009, and a further two were deployed to support operations in Libya in early 2011.


  • 为什么相同股票完全不用的命运市场

    Why can two identical stocks have completely different fortunes in the market?


  • 不过了电影惯例手法来制作工作室里的图片——这叫做人工修饰——也就是使生命看起来艳羡的时候。

    But he also used movie conventions to make even studio photographs-which are by definition artificial-appear to be life at its most enviable.


  • 不过了电影惯例手法来制作工作室里的图片——这叫做人工修饰——也就是使生命看起来艳羡的时候。

    But he also used movie conventions to make even studio photographs-which are by definition artificial-appear to be life at its most enviable.


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