• 投资者的目的:在保证固定消费正常进行条件使最终财富期望效用最大。

    Under the condition that the fixed consumption can be guaranteed, we tries to maximize expected utility from final wealth.


  • 开端至今自己们曾经获得不错地成果具有本身网站固定消费

    From the start date, we have achieved good results, with its own web site and a number of fixed consumer group.


  • 受过良好教育年轻女性愿意放弃她们事业而成为二奶一些人说这流油富人们的固定消费中最下策花法之一。

    That well-educated young women would be willing to forgo their careers to become ernais is, some argue, an example of the worst excesses of China's newfound fixation with the trappings of wealth.


  • 然而即便那些仓储超市中可自由支配开支也已让位于固定消费,其中沃尔玛百分之四十营业收入来自食品销售

    Even in these stores, however, discretionary spending was curtailed in favor of necessities, with 40 percent of Wal-Mart revenues generated from food purchases.


  • 中国平衡经济固定资产投资模式转向国内消费服务模式的过程中,持续金融业改革非中介必不可少的

    Continued financial sector reform, and disintermediation, is essential in China's efforts to rebalance its economy away from a fixed-asset investment model towards domestic consumption and services.


  • 全社会固定资产投资总额17.23万亿增长25.5%,国内需求特别是消费需求对经济增长的拉动作用增强。

    Fixed asset investment across the country totaled 17.23 trillion yuan, up 25.5%. Domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, played a greater role in boosting economic growth.


  • 每天固定自然生态食物消费可以减少癌症爆发的机会

    The daily consumption of certain molecules that occur naturally in foods decreases the chances of developing cancer.


  • 债券收益率固定按揭利率关键组成部分,与美国消费者密切相关

    Bond yields are the key component of fixed mortgage rates, widely used by us consumers.


  • 需求上升了:消费书上钱是固定的,所以他们要买更多的书。

    And demand has grown: consumers spend the same amount on books, so they must be buying more.


  • 假设美联储不管其利率商业银行首要贷款利率消费贷款固定信用卡利用固定利率保持在3.25%。

    Assuming the Fed leaves rates alone, commercial Banks' prime lending rate, used to peg rates on certain credit CARDS and consumer loans, will stay about 3.25%.


  • 买下这家公司将会增强利姆先生消费者们提供各种移动电话固定电话以及宽带服务能力

    Buying it would strengthen Mr Slim's ability to offer consumers a bundle of mobile, fixed-line and broadband services.


  • 然而经历资产价格膨胀各个国家我们仍然没有看到消费价格下降或者货币升值(因为它们通常固定的)。

    But again, we do not witness consumer prices falling, or currencies rising (because they're usually fixed), in the various countries experiencing asset-price booms.


  • 固定-移动融合给予了消费很大的便捷消费者在此基础上只需部手机,一个电话一个语音信箱就足够使用了,并且家中打电话还能获得高质量的接收信号便宜的价格。

    For consumers, fixed-mobile convergence promises the convenience of a single handset, a single address book and a single voicemail box, plus good reception and cheaper calls when at home.


  • 当然固定-移动的融合技术可以做到一点的,他集合固定技术,移动技术,网络接入技术的优点于一身。特别是他的这种“粘性方式,可以称之为吸引住消费者的有力工具

    FMC is, of course, a bundle: it ties together fixed, mobile and broadband services in a particularlystickyway that makes it a powerful customer-retention tool.


  • 中间货物,中间产品作为投入通过其它一些生产活动进一步转化货物;用作消费固定资本存量补充

    Intermediate goods: those goods used as an input for further transformation by some other production activity not for consumption or as an addition to the stock of fixed capital.


  • 同时,根据Informa公司预测2011年认购固定-移动的融合业务的人数进展到总消费人数的10- 15%,但是,这项业务的收入占到总收入的20 - 27%。

    Informa forecasts that by 2011 business users will account for a mere 10-15% of FMC subscriptions but as much as 20-27% of FMC revenues.


  • 这样对于那些已经放弃使用固定电话消费者,或那些已经从其他固定电话供应商里认购了更加便宜固定电话业务的消费者,或是没有认购宽带服务的消费来说融合业务就显得有些昂贵了。

    So to anyone who has already dumped their fixed line, switched to a cheaper fixed-line provider or does not have broadband, Fusion looks pricey.


  • 用上电脑化管理以后这些问题基本解决美容院问题关键在于怎样固定稳定消费群体

    Spend computerized management after these issues are basically resolved, beauty salon the key is how a fixed number of stable consumer groups.


  • 中间货物,中间产品作为投入通过其它一些生产活动进一步转化货物;用作消费固定资本存量补充

    Those goods used as an input for further transformation by some other production activity, not for consumption or as an addition to the stock of fixed capital.


  • 商业伙伴消费推销产品不是固定零售商店而是通过商业伙伴消费的人对人关系

    Business owners merchandise products to consumers, not in fixed retail stores, but through person-to-person relationships between business owner and customer.


  • 本条例直销员,是固定营业场所之外产品直接推销消费人员

    The sales promoters, as mentioned in the present Regulation, shall refer to any personnel who sell products directly to consumers outside the fixed outlets.


  • 同样情况发生耐用消费固定资产我们再耐心点,衰退自行结束的,就19世纪所发生的那场衰退一样

    The same story can be told for durable goods and assets throughout the economy: given time, the current slump will end itself, the way slumps did in the 19th century.


  • 统一固定利率影响消费消费路径选择从而影响储蓄率资本积累增长速度

    That the interest rate is never constant will influence the consumer's choice on consumption path and therefore change the saving rate, the capital accumulation and growth rate.


  • 消费群体一直固定公款消费大款消费礼品消费

    Consumer groups has been fixed in the public consumption, and wealthy consumer consumption and gifts.


  • 即使是高利率时代,在固定利率下,一旦降息,消费可以还贷再重新按利率贷款,银行客户提供此类服务

    Even in the era of high interest rates in the fixed rate of interest once, consumers can re-start owing on the loan at the new rate loans, banks also provide such services to its customers.


  • 传统服装工业大规模、批量化生产款式单一型号固定服装已经不能满足日趋个性化服装消费需求

    Traditional garment industry's garment productions, which are of few patterns and models, can not meet with the requirement of individualized garments.


  • 传统服装工业大规模、批量化生产款式单一型号固定服装已经不能满足日趋个性化服装消费需求

    Traditional garment industry's garment productions, which are of few patterns and models, can not meet with the requirement of individualized garments.


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