• 尤其具有挑战性头部损伤无论轻微还是严重能够扰乱位于大脑外面身体嗅觉感受器神经细胞功能

    Especially challenging are those that result from head injuries, whether minor or severe, that disrupt the function of the body's smell receptors - olfactory nerve cells that lie outside the brain.


  • 哺乳动物身上位于鼻部神经细胞运用特殊气味感受器探测气味信息传输给球——嗅觉整合中枢

    In mammals, neurons located in the nose detect scents using special odor receptors, and shuttle the information to the olfactory bulb, which is the integration center for smell.


  • 多尔曼指出例如鼻腔一半面积附有细胞,而对于人类来说这种嗅觉接收得多——“也就鼻腔的3% - 5%吧。”

    For instance, Dorman notes that half of the nasal cavity of a rat is lined with olfactory-system cells. In humans, this receptive area is much smaller, he says - "only about 3 to 5 percent."


  • 嗅觉信息这些接收器细胞沿着神经被运输球,大脑关于气味信息处理。

    From the receptor cells, information about smell travels along nerves to the olfactory bulbs, the parts of the brain where information about smell is processed.


  • 相反的,其他区域海马嗅觉相关球区,他们的基因表达互相包含。

    Conversely, in other regions such as the hippocampus and olfactory bulb, which is associated with smell, gene expression was more contained.


  • 人类鼻腔屋顶,有块面积如邮票大小被称之为上皮嗅觉器官

    The human nose contains a postage stamp-size smelling organ, called the olfactory epithelium, at the roof of the nasal cavity.


  • 鸟类里,嗅觉度便是相当于对比于鸟类前半脑体积,并且常常百分比表示

    In birds, the olfactory ratio is the relative size of the bulb compared with that of the brain's cerebral hemispheres and is usually expressed as a percentage.


  • 人工智能嗅觉系统一种新颖模拟嗅觉分析识别检测复杂味和挥发性成分的仪器

    The artificial intelligent olfactory system is a novel apparatus, which simulates human olfaction to analyze, identify and examine complex gas and volatility.


  • 电子鼻一种新颖模拟嗅觉分析识别检测复杂味和挥发性成分的仪器

    The electronic nose is a novel apparatus, which simulates human olfaction to analyze, recognize and examine complex gas and volatility.


  • 目的:填补国人神经形态学资料鼻腔手术提供保护病人嗅觉功能的解剖学依据。

    Objective:To Provide morphological data of olfactory nerves, bulb and tract of Chinese to protect olfactory function in the operation of nasal cavity roof and anterior cranial fossae.


  • 气味物质作用细胞产生神经冲动神经传导,最后到达大脑皮层中枢形成嗅觉

    Odour material action at smell cell, generation nerve impulse is conducted via olfactory nerve, reach the smell center of pallium finally, form smell.


  • 结论球内突触小球神经元减少细胞器老化可能导致老年性嗅觉障碍主要原因

    Conclusion:The decreasing of the synaptic glomerulus and ageing of the organella maybe the main factor of causing the olfactory bulb sensation obstruction.


  • 目的研究凋亡是否参与上皮正常生理更替和球摘除后嗅觉神经元死亡后再生过程,探讨凋亡神经元再生的关系

    Purpose To study whether apoptosis play a role in controlling the number of olfactory receptor neurons, so as to reveal the speciality and its relationship in neurogenesis.


  • 对于AD早期诊断,则有望通过对内区的新陈代谢嗅觉变化研究得以实现。

    The research of metabolism of ER and olfaction changes can contribute to the early diagnosis of AD.


  • 主要由于鼻腔复杂结构区的特殊生理位置直接嗅觉实验研究带来不少困难。

    The main reason is the complicated anatomic structure of the nasal cavity and the special physiological location of the olfactory region, which has caused much trouble in direct experiment studies.


  • 事实上由于球比较,它们的嗅觉并没有那么灵敏,所以遗留小鸟身上的气味并不会让抛弃它的小孩

    Birds can't actually smell all that well because of their small olfactory bulbs, so your scent won't make the mother bird abandon its young.


  • 我们运用生理、神经遗传工程行为分析手段研究嗅觉信号球,内侧杏仁核下丘脑的加工和表征

    We are using approaches including electrophysiology, neural tract tracing, genetic engineering, and behavioral assay to study the representation of the olfactory signals in this pathway.


  • 我们运用生理、神经遗传工程行为分析手段研究嗅觉信号球,内侧杏仁核下丘脑的加工和表征

    We are using approaches including electrophysiology, neural tract tracing, genetic engineering, and behavioral assay to study the representation of the olfactory signals in this pathway.


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