• 我们首先看到喧嚣繁忙阿斯旺市区,一排排大型游船停泊岸边,戴着太阳帽游客们早早河畔餐馆享用午餐了。

    First we watched the bustle of downtown Aswan, where giant cruise ships lined the Banks, and tourists in sun hats enjoyed early lunches at riverside restaurants.


  • 克莱斯勒加拿大总部2002年一片热闹喧嚣成立,如今已是半空,冷冷清清矗立河边上,展示间玻璃窗上贴着“出租”的标识

    On the riverside promenade the headquarters of Chrysler Canada, opened with much hoopla in 2002, stands partly empty, a “For Rentsign on the plate-glass window of its showroom.


  • 尽管时而有种被围困感觉,时而觉得自己很可怜;她还感到自己仿佛是纽约沥青钢筋混凝土构成的世界里吃力寻找一个出口和一刻喧嚣中的宁静,她都无法想像离开纽约会是怎样。

    Beleaguered and poor though she sometimes felt, or craving an interruption in the sea of asphalt and iron, a silence in the tide of chatter, she couldn't imagine giving it up.


  • 一会儿三个(安德鲁舅舅了)就跌跌撞撞回到了伦敦喧嚣炎热刺鼻气味中。

    Next minute all three of them (Uncle Andrew now awake) came tumbling into the noise, heat, and hot smells of London.


  • 文艺清新聚集鼓浪屿岛上气候宜人四季如春,车马喧嚣鸟语花香素有海上花园之誉

    Gulangyu is small gathering of fresh literature, the island has a pleasant climate throughout the year, without horses hustle and bustle, with flowers, known as "sea garden" reputation.


  • 某些方面某些类型成功必须更多认识不是你如何努力工作,喧嚣研究

    In some respects, certain types of success have to do more with who you know as opposed to how hard you work, hustle, or study.


  • 因此能远离小心翼翼踮足生活喧嚣尘世,无忧无虑湖边,一心一意聆听击声。

    It took her away from the noisy, squawkish world of the cat-walk and let her lie untroubled at its side, listening only to the gentle lapping of its waves.


  • 俄罗斯就餐,觉得热心不用特意鼓动不一会他们就会炽热起来有唱有空气非常喧嚣炽热

    And the Russian people, you will feel very enthusiastic, need not deliberately to encourage, soon, they will heat up, sing dance, very noisy hot air.


  • 克莱斯勒加拿大总部2002年一片热闹喧嚣成立,如今已是半空,冷冷清清矗立河边上,展示间玻璃窗上贴着“出租”的标识

    On the riverside promenade the headquarters of Chrysler Canada, opened with much hoopla in 2002, stands partly empty, a "For Rent" sign on the plate-glass window of its showroom.


  • 约?埃里克弗莱不动声色指挥台上,反对喧嚣消退

    On the podium j? Eric humphrey stood impassively waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.


  • 关上公用室里喧嚣就神奇消失了

    The noise from the common room miraculously extinguished with the closing of the door.


  • 每次冬天冷静沉默的,不动声色看着原本热闹喧嚣世界变得冷静萧条

    Every time, the winter is cool, silent, quietly watching the original noisy bustle of the world becomes calm depression.


  • 加拿大世界第二大国一个国家美国接壤意味着这里广袤可以作为远离喧嚣避难

    Canada is the second largest nation in the world, yet it only shares a land border with one other country: the U. S. A. That means there is a great expanse to escape to.


  • 法国爵士乐缓缓配合着暂时脱离南京城喧嚣,融入法国咖啡馆宁静浪漫中。

    French jazz plays softly in the background, allowing you to temporarily escape the hustle of Nanjing and relocate to the romantic calm of a French cafe.


  • 中国唯一片栖身都市中央的油菜花喧嚣安静只有一江之隔。

    This is China's only rape flower field locating in the city center, where there is just a river isolating the uproar and tranquility.


  • 老虎乐队音乐朋克音乐中喧嚣狂暴的吉他电子钢琴以及其他强劲的音乐元素有机融合在一起。

    The music of le Tigre combines the loud, hostile guitar of punk music with electronic drums, piano and other aggressive sounds.


  • 喧嚣城市来人往,没有注意到在马路边,小小的面包正在悄悄移动着

    In the hustle and bustle of city, people, no one will notice in the road, there is a small piece of bread is quietly moving.


  • 温暖早晨喧嚣不断老年男女中发出,他们的眼睛,死死的注视着眼前的六台一排的显示器

    On a warm morning, loud cheers erupted sporadically from the crowd of elderly men and women who had their eyes glued on an array of half a dozen television screens.


  • 火车离开喧嚣城市看着对面铁轨上停着,一张张或许再也不会相见面孔偶然邂逅

    Sitting gon a train, leave the noisy city, looking across the tracks, also parked a column, perhaps never meet each other face, accidentally met.


  • 或许将来人类海里远离拥挤喧嚣城市

    Perhaps in the future man will live in the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.


  • 梦想喧嚣生活安静我们这样脚踏走向未来

    The dream is bright, the life is normal, we move to the future with our feet on the ground. Just like this way.


  • 逃窜远处粼粼波光喧嚣着,似乎和池喋喋不休进行争吵,企图逃到岸上去。

    The furthest waves of light, fleeing out, seemed tob e clamouring against the shore for escape, the waves of darkness came in heavily , running under towards the centre. (D.


  • 我们酒店理位置便捷远离城市喧嚣坐落波兹南(Poznan中心靠近购物中心、国际会展大多数旅游景点

    Our hotel is conveniently located in the centre of Poznan, near the shopping centre, International Fairgrounds and most of the tourist attractions, yet away from the city's hustle and bustle.


  • 我们酒店理位置便捷远离城市喧嚣坐落波兹南(Poznan中心靠近购物中心、国际会展大多数旅游景点

    Our hotel is conveniently located in the centre of Poznan, near the shopping centre, International Fairgrounds and most of the tourist attractions, yet away from the city's hustle and bustle.


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