• 因为丹麦美国人饭桌最爱的道菜主要来源——餐厅里的顾客喜欢拜客牛排店的牛排,他们要么挨饿要么国产替代更多

    And since Denmark is the primary source of a favourite American dishcustomers at restaurants like Outback Steakhouse and Chili's either went hungry or paid more for home-raised substitutes.


  • 猜测,其中牺牲可能会美国图书音乐俱乐部从而斯托夫斯基通过出售这些项目,筹集资金更快增长的业务筹措资金。

    There is speculation one of the sacrificial lambs might be the U.S. book and music clubs, which Ostrowski could sell to raise money for faster-growth businesses.


  • 街头众多小贩兜售巴马T恤衫海报其他纪念还有公司分发小册子、胶贴标牌像章光碟及小吃。

    Streets were packed with vendors selling Obama T-shirts, posters and other souvenirs and companies giving away pamphlets, stickers, pins, DVDs and snack bars.


  • 然而艺术方面,巴马夫妇表现得相当果决

    Yet when it comes to works of art the Obamas have shown themselves to be anything but indecisive.


  • 尼尔说:“不想让这里人们失望,我不想再次成为波士顿的抵押。”

    I didn't want to let people down two years in a row. I didn't want to hold Boston hostage again.


  • 而且,“网络奢侈”一书作者乌切··库沃,奢侈公司早期的刻意回避网络使得造假者有机可乘。

    Also, by shunning the Internet in its early days, legitimate firms helped to create a vacuum that counterfeiters were happy to fill, says uche Okonkwo, the author of "Luxury Online".


  • 明两天(巴马来京期间),酒店奢侈商店VIP健身房都将停止营业

    Luxury shops and a VIP gym inside the compound were ordered to stay closed today and tomorrow during Obama's visit.


  • 这件·吉若尔利设计玻璃纤维雕刻顶端盏卤素,其下不同寻常通风良好休息处所

    This fibreglass sculpture, designed by Giorgio Gurioli, is a halogen light on top and an unusual, well-ventilated resting place below.


  • 辣椒克里风味调味款法风汉堡味道一下子俘获你的味觉。

    Red pepper and Creole seasoning give this Cajun-style burger a kick of flavor.


  • 衍生经纪公司MF Global首席经济学沙利文,市场上大量过剩房屋

    'There still is a huge, huge excess of homes,' says Jim o 'sullivan, chief economist at MF Global.


  • 多罗:"我们一切可能提供基本生活必需,但是还存在严重的风暴威胁。

    Teodoro said: "We are trying our level best to provide basic necessities, but the potential for a more serious situation is there. We cannot wait for that to happen."


  • 巴马这个组织募捐过,他们把照看孤儿妇女允许给他们一些必需例如缝纫机等。

    Obama had made donations to the project, which gave money to women who care for orphans, allowing them to buy things they need, such as sewing machines.


  • 西成为了一位艺术经销商,是梵高主要资助者情感依托

    Theo became an art dealer and Vincent's main source of financial and emotional support.


  • 在法那个时代封面手绘的,但如今的封面装配线,而艺术

    Unlike the Fabio era, when covers were painted by hand, today they are more assembly line than art.


  • 野牛弯镖西班牙维多省哥伦布·里斯附近洞穴彩画摹本

    The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in Pindal Cave near Colombres, Province of Oviedo, Spain.


  • 美国雕塑家登伯格正是这个领域重要代表人物,因为日常大体量雕塑而闻名。

    Claes Oldenburg is the representative guy in the area, who is best recognized with his large scale replica sculptures of every objects.


  • 贫民区基·多克斯意识到自己一项难能可贵的天赋自己孤独感转化为富有强烈感染力的艺术

    In the gutters, Oakie Dokes realized she was endowed with a priceless talent: she could transmute her feelings of loneliness into powerful art.


  • 建立首批醋酸国家对照

    To establish the reference standard of octreotide acetate.


  • 我们可以想象马刺拼图所有板块全部完整的时候:他们顺着圣安东尼而下发放胜利纪念

    We've seen what can happen when the Spurs have all of their pieces together: they float the Larry O'Brien trophy down the San Antonio River.


  • 一位富翁儿子爱好收藏画,他们收藏了毕加索拉费等很多艺术

    A wealthy man and his son loved to collect works of art. They had everything from Picasso to Raphael.


  • 必思(宁波)塑料包装有限公司一家中方和美必思公司合资成立专业生产壁吸的企业。

    Orbis Ningbo Plastic Packaging products Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between China and Orbis Corporation of the United States and is specialized in thick gauge thermoformed products.


  • 每一都是精心配方富含高效天然植物提取物最新先进瑞士化妆技术帮助纠正所有面部肌肤问题。

    Each BIOSWISS product is specially formulated with rich plant extracts and the most recent advancements in Swiss cosmetic techniques to aid and correct your skin at the cellular level.


  • 虽然有权出售有可能作为贷款抵押筹集资金

    While Orr has the right to sell the collection, it is more likely he will use it as collateral to raise money for a loan.


  • 这位新崛起收藏家弗洛里安。卡希处收购500·迪克斯,这也是他迄今为止最大次收获。卡希一位柏林艺术经纪人收藏家。

    Perhaps the biggest catch so far for the newly minted collector has been the acquisition of about 500 prints by Otto Dix from Florian Karsch, a Berlin-based art dealer and collector.


  • 这位新崛起收藏家弗洛里安。卡希处收购500·迪克斯,这也是他迄今为止最大次收获。卡希一位柏林艺术经纪人收藏家。

    Perhaps the biggest catch so far for the newly minted collector has been the acquisition of about 500 prints by Otto Dix from Florian Karsch, a Berlin-based art dealer and collector.


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