• 水平公正——将人们平等处理同等收入

    Horizontal equityTreating people with equal incomes equally.


  • 小米总裁林斌曾介绍说,公司目标硬件服务产生同等收入目前硬件产生的收入占总收入的94%。

    Lin Bin, Xiaomi's President, has previously outlined a target for the company to generate equal revenues from hardware and services - today the former supplies 94 per cent.


  • “那样的话他们可以知道为了维持生活我们收入多少,”,“然后我们一起讨论那些可以带来同等收入行业以及怎样才可以得到这份职业。”

    They then get a sense of how much income someone needs to support this lifestyle,” he said.“We then discuss occupations that bring in that kind of income and the path to that career.


  • 有了被动收入停止工作时,收入仍然保持同等水平

    With passive income, when you stop working your income stays at the same level.


  • 经合组织30个成员国中,除了国家之外,都会出现这种现象:一对两个孩子的夫妇,只有一个上班工资,他们的收入同等平均年薪、没有孩子的单身人挣得

    In all but one of 30 OECD countries, a married one-earner couple with two children takes home more money than a single person with no children on the same average annual salary.


  • 而且,法律长期存在一个这样的要求同等职位女性男性提前5退休这样就会减少女性的收入退休金

    The law also sticks to the longstanding requirement that women retire five years earlier than men at the same jobs, thereby reducing earnings and pensions.


  • 调查收入较低收入地点并发症显示同等幅度减少

    The reductions in complications proved to be of equal magnitude in high and lower income sites in the study.


  • 这些因素有助于解释同等受教育年限条件女性平均收入低于男性原因

    These considerations help explain why the average earnings of women are below the average earnings of men with the same years of schooling.


  • 希望所有孩子女儿一样出生健健康康,长大时可以云游四海,享受着同等收入社会地位

    I hope that every child has the same chance as my daughter to be born free from HIV, regardless of location in the world, income, or social standing.


  • 开发人力资源保护自然资源对保持就业收入增长、实现长期繁荣具有同等重要作用

    The development of people and the protection of natural resources play an equally important role in sustaining jobs and incomes, and in increasing prosperity over the long run.


  • 而且女性CEO美国公司虽然稀少,但是她们授予了极高奖赏:她们的收入超出了同等职位男性的43%,而且增长迅速。

    And while female CEOs may be rare in America’s largest companies, they are highly prized: last year, they outearned their male counterparts by 43 percent, on average, and received bigger raises.


  • 可能一个收入职位下下来同等条件的职位非常稀缺。

    Maybe you've been laid off from a high-paying job and prospects for similar positions are scarce.


  • 受过同等教育收入不同还大有人在

    The differences of income among people who have the same education are huge.


  • 这项转移通过贷方余额同等金额借记收入账户,同时贷收益汇总账户来完成的。

    This transfer is accomplished by a journal entry debiting the revenue account in an amount equal to its credit balance, with a journal entry crediting the income summary account at the same time.


  • 我们容易循规蹈矩期待同样事情,同样问题,同样的收入同等水平上喜乐

    It's easy for us to get stuck in a rut expecting the same thing, same problems, same income, same level of joy.


  • 同等教育层次下他们职业地位收入水平低于白人。

    Their income and occupational status are lower than the American local with the same education background.


  • 除此之外,研究者比较同等有吸引力穿着的时候,他们发现穿着好的人的收入较高。

    In addition, when the researchers compared people of the same level of attractiveness to one another, they found that well-groomed people earned more money than poorly groomed people.


  • 另一年鉴中,穷理查说道,“如果想要变得富足就牢记节俭和赚钱同等重要”,东西印度群岛没有使西班牙因此富裕因为的消耗支出远远大于收入所得。

    If you would be wealthy, says he, in another almanac, think of saving as well as of getting: the Indies have not made Spain rich, because her outgoes are greater than her incomes.


  • 比起有着同等可支配收入的职业男性她们钟爱西方品牌并且不太计较价格类消费者极可能帮助公司创造打破销售纪录

    Less concerned about price than their male counterparts but with similar disposable incomes and a love for Western brands, these consumers have the potential to make or break a company's sales.


  • 最近妇女工作机会均等协会的一份报告中说,女性首席执行官收入只有同等职位男性平均收入三分之二

    A recent report by the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency found that female CEOs earned two-thirds of the median wage of male counterparts.


  • 同等学历计算机毕业生就业率收入明显高于其他专业

    The computer equivalent of graduates employment and income are significantly higher than other major.


  • 同等学历计算机毕业生就业率收入明显高于其他专业

    The computer equivalent of graduates employment and income are significantly higher than other major.


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