• 我们呼吁国际社会相关沿岸国司法能力建设提供必要协助

    We call on the international community to provide necessary assistance to the littoral countries in their judicial capacity building.


  • 近年来,上海合作组织举行3次联合反恐演习成员国开展情报交流司法协助等方面进行了卓有成效的合作

    In recent years the SCO has held three joint anti-terrorist exercises and its member states conducted fruitful cooperation in the fields of information exchange and judicial assistance.


  • 参加外国签订有关司法协助条约谈判作为条约中央机关协调具体执行事宜;

    To participate in the negotiations with foreign counties for the signing of related judicial assistance treaties and coordinate the implementation of the treaties as the central department;


  • 双方将积极履行法律程序,推动《中菲刑事司法协助条约》尽快生效,愿探讨早日启动两国《移管被判刑协定》的谈判,重申打击包括贩毒人口贩卖在内的跨国犯罪活动方面加强合作

    They reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation in combating transnational crimes, including drug traffickling and traffickling in persons.


  • 公证员协会依法登记成立协助司法行政机关公证行业进行管理社会团体

    The notarial association is a social organization that is registered and established according to law and assists the municipal judicial administrative organ to administrate the notarial trade.


  • 协助设计实施下哥罗德司法援助项目,该项目系俄罗斯莫斯科司法援助中心负责管理示范性项目,旨在减少羁押时间

    He helped design and implement the Nizhegorod Project on Justice Assistance, a demonstration managed by the Center that reduced the length of time people were held in jail before trial.


  • 国际民事司法协助外国法院判决其特定含义

    The judgments of foreign court have particular meaning in international civil judicial assistance.


  • 减少避免域外证据开示冲突途径多国协商解决加强国际司法协助

    The better way to reduce and avoid conflicts of extraterritorial discovery is the compromise settlement among all nations and strengthening international judicial assistance.


  • 执行法院拍卖机构之间司法协助关系不是民事委托关系买受人通过拍卖原始取得拍卖所有权

    The relationship between the executive court and the auction organization is not the civil assignment but the judicial help relation, the buyer obtains originally the ownership of thing by auction.


  • 最后司法称赞西门子公司提供了有价值的协助其中包括追踪国际交易协助

    In the end, the Justice Department credited Siemens with providing valuable assistance, including help tracing international transactions.


  • 因此包括美国在内许多国家已经参与双边多边谈判,处理国际司法协助的细节。

    Thus, bilateral and multilateral treaties have been entered into by a number of states including the United states dealing with particular aspects of international judicial assistance.


  • 虽然国际司法协助在没有正式国际协议的情况下可行的,但是这些协议的存在通常促进国际法院之间协作

    Although international judicial assistance is possible without formal international agreements, the existence of such agreements generally improve cooperation among national courts.


  • 双方寻求依赖双边司法协助协定执行没收令,尽可能避免采取单边执法行动

    Both countries seek to rely on bilateral mutual legal assistance to implement forfeiture orders, and seek to avoid unilateral enforcement action of forfeiture orders to the extent possible.


  • 区际侦查合作中国区际刑事司法协助基本形式可以静态动态两个角度进行分析

    Regional investigation cooperation, being a basic form of China's regional criminal judicial coordination, can be analyzed from the dynamic and static perspectives.


  • 国际司法协助案件解决过程中起到了不可忽视的重要作用,域外送达制度就是其中重要的制度之一

    Judicial assistance plays a great role in settling this kind of international cases, of which service abroad is an important part.


  • 这种国家法院另一个国家的法院诉讼人提供协助称为国际司法协助”。

    The assistance that the courts of one state lend to courts or litigants of another state is referred to as "international judicial assistance".


  • 我国解决港澳内地之间区际司法协助已有三个安排,没有一个涉及区际法院判决承认执行

    China has three assignments in solving regional judicial assistance, but there is nothing about recognition and enforcement of regional judgments.


  • 最后通过分析我国参与各种国际刑事司法协助形式活动中的我国参与国际刑事司法协助提出四点建议。

    In the last part the article gives four Suggestions through the analysis of the losing and gain of China's international judicial assistance in criminal matters.


  • 引渡司法协助高级形态,是各国追究跨国有组织犯罪者刑事责任的基本合作手段

    Extradition is a higher pattern of judicial cooperation, and it also is basic method of delivery of organized offender.


  • 第二十九涉及追究洗钱犯罪司法协助司法机关依照有关法律规定办理

    Article 29 Legal assistance for investigation into any crime of money laundering shall be handled by the judicial organ according to the provisions of relevant laws.


  • 区际司法协助介乎于国际司法协助域内司法协助之间有别于二者

    Interregional judicial assistance stands between international judicial assistance and local judicial assistance, but differs from both of them.


  • 中国区际刑事司法协助中的案犯移交国际刑事司法协助中的引渡,性质不同,问题相似

    Transfer of criminal in interregional criminal judicial assistance and extradition in international criminal judicial assistance are different in nature but similar in problem.


  • 中国区际刑事司法协助中的案犯移交国际刑事司法协助中的引渡,性质不同,问题相似

    Transfer of criminal in interregional criminal judicial assistance and extradition in international criminal judicial assistance are different in nature but similar in problem.


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