• 进入内阁任命右翼高兴。

    His appointment to the cabinet would please the right wing.


  • 收到了右翼团体死亡恐吓

    He received death threats from right-wing groups.


  • 在政界右翼人士中这种想法流行

    Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians.


  • 米德团体称为“激进右翼团体”。

    Mead calls the group "rabidly right-wing."


  • 新社会主义者一个小型右翼团体

    The neo-Socialists were a small right-wing group.


  • 被告据称右翼团伙中的

    The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang.


  • 工党已经转向右翼变得你们民主党了。

    The Labour Party has moved to the right and become like your Democratic Party.


  • 谴责政客们煽动排外情绪赢得右翼选票

    He accused politicians of whipping up antiforeign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.


  • 骨干右翼参议员企图左右他们同事

    A hard-core group of right-wing senators had hoped to sway their colleagues.


  • 属于党内右翼

    He is on the right wing of the party.


  • 拉米雷斯上尉率领突击队他们的右翼开火

    The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.


  • 反对人工流产运动右翼成员有左翼成员。

    The pro-life movement has right-wingers and left-wingers.


  • 政府宣战并且力劝右翼分子们消灭他们对手

    He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.


  • 在整个欧洲主张强硬路线右翼分子正在赢得政权

    Across Europe, hard-line right-wingers are gaining power.


  • 整个周末右翼分子外国人袭击最终发展成为骚乱

    The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.


  • 这位言辞激烈的右翼领导人在会后缓和好战言辞

    The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.


  • 不断增加的暴行左翼右翼极端主义使得需要更多警力

    Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left and right-wing extremism.


  • 1988年年明显迹象表明右翼联盟极度脆弱

    By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition.


  • 阿连德智利总统萨尔瓦多·阿连德隔代表亲,阿连德1973年的右翼军事政变谋杀。

    Allende is the first cousin once removed of former Chilean president Salvador Allende, who was murdered during a right-wing military coup in 1973.


  • 那么事情就是这样左翼愤怒批评者右翼愚蠢支持者中间一如既往地是大多数努力生活取得成功的勤恳人士

    Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.


  • 党的右翼听不到什么不同政见。

    Very few dissenting voices were heard on the right of the party.


  • 右翼报章描写成了魔鬼

    He was demonized by the right-wing press.


  • 选举结果标志右翼失势

    The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing.


  • 党内许多右翼分子都重复过观点

    This is a view echoed by many on the right of the party.


  • 共和党右翼分子看不起

    The Republican Right despise him.


  • 当然那些右翼经济哲学相吻合。

    This of course meshes with the economic philosophy of those on the right.


  • 大多数右翼组织在政治生活之外活动。

    Most ultraright groups operate outside political life.


  • 他们甚至不怕招来麻烦数目泄露了麦特·德拉吉,就是这个右翼互联网记者披露比尔·克林顿莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻。

    The Clinton campaign took the trouble to leak the figure to Matt Drudge, a right-wing Internet journalist who broke the news of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.


  • 他们甚至不怕招来麻烦数目泄露了麦特·德拉吉,就是这个右翼互联网记者披露比尔·克林顿莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻。

    The Clinton campaign took the trouble to leak the figure to Matt Drudge, a right-wing Internet journalist who broke the news of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.


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