• 那么什么最好谈判的方式得到移动的工作生活方式

    So what is the best way to negotiate your way into a mobile work lifestyle?


  • 锻炼谈判能力,提出一些实现方案从而承诺的日期内交货。

    Develop your negotiating skills and push for realistic solutions so that you can deliver what you promise.


  • 对立需求巴基斯坦双方自己土地领域上穷追阿富汗叛乱分子,再拿到桌上协商谈判指日

    Contradictory demands, telling Pakistan both to hunt down Afghan insurgent leaders on its soil and to bring them to the negotiating table, will not get far.


  • 赖斯已经多次前往中东但是谈判双方仅取得了很少的公开进展

    Secretary Rice has made numerous trips to the Middle East, but negotiators have made little public progress.


  • 尽管他们能够达成的“自下而上”的方向更多由于无计不是战略使然,某种程度上反映出国际谈判走向。

    In some ways it reflects the way that international negotiations have been heading, though their new "bottom up" direction was reached more by default than by strategy.


  • 尽管双方谈判代表之间气氛融洽,阿拉法特巴拉克看起来并不是这样。

    While the chemistry between the teams was good, the same could not be said of Arafat and Barak.


  • 得到法律授权、遵守居住国现行规章条例从业律师代表球员俱乐部参与转会雇佣合同谈判

    A legally authorised practising lawyerin compliance with the rules in force in his country of domicile may represent aplayer or a club in the negotiation of a transfer or employment contract.


  • 即便是乔治•布什(他并非一位天真的裁军者)也通过谈判约定2012年,将国各自拥有的核弹数量冷战结束双方同意6000枚1700到2200并且愿意进一步削减

    Even George Bush, no dewy-eyed disarmer, negotiated cuts down to 1, 700-2, 200 apiece by 2012 (from the 6, 000 agreed upon after the cold war had ended) and was ready to go lower.


  • 制定BATNA的时候,首先应当列出谈判无果的时候考虑所有替换性选择。

    When creating a BATNA, you should first brainstorm a list of all available alternatives that might be considered if the negotiation proves unfruitful.


  • 莎拉提出单独谈谈克里斯蒂娜推测出莎拉怀孕了没有告诉,立刻占据了谈判的主动。

    Sara offers to talk to her alone, but Christina quickly throws her off-balance by having deduced that Sara's pregnant… and that Michael doesn't know.


  • 或评价:国际法有关涉外法律基础较分析判断问题能力较强熟练运用英语谈判审理案件

    Self Descriotion: Good command of international law and relevant foreign related laws, Strong ability of analysing and judging issues, ability to negotiate and handle cases in English.


  • 如果约翰·f·肯尼迪罗纳德·里根苏联进行谈判那么在今天强大又自信美国与次强大对手进行谈判

    If John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could negotiate with the Soviet Union, then surely a strong and confident America can negotiate with less powerful adversaries today.


  • 置疑是,英国试图通过谈判他们之前伙伴利用双方有利协议达成一项特殊协议,同时许多国家来说,英国本身就是巨大市场

    The British would doubtless try to negotiate a special deal with their former partners, using the argument that trade benefits both sides and that Britain is itself a large market for many.


  • 我们伊朗领导人发出信号也是明确的:以核实方式停止你们浓缩计划以便开始谈判

    Our message to the leaders of Iran is also clear: Verifiably suspend your nuclear enrichment, so negotiations can begin.


  • 熟练运用这些句型避免双方误会帮助我方脱离困境,并使我方赢得最终谈判

    By using these ways skillfully, we can avoid misunderstanding of both parties; escape from dilemmas as well ass win the final battle of the negotiation.


  • 良好沟通执行力谈判能力团队合作精神责任心强,承受一定工作压力

    Good communication, execution and negotiating skills, team spirit to be strong, strong sense of responsibility, can withstand certain work pressure.


  • 通过国际原子能机构,各国谈判订立规则防止进一步传播加大扩散风险浓缩再处理能力。

    Through the IAEA, states also could negotiate new rules to prevent the further spread of those uranium enrichment and plutonium -reprocessing capabilities that heighten proliferation risks.


  • 现在以色列甚至愿意与哈马斯谈判对于哈马斯而言,黎巴嫩冲突之后,很有再次做起通过武力解放巴勒斯坦的美梦

    But right now it is not even talking to Hamasand Hamas, after the Lebanon war, is in danger of subscribing anew to the old illusion that Palestine can be liberated by force.


  • 谈判后期阶段突然中段。原因是伊朗答应同样工作,并且做出包括水泵大的捐助

    But negotiations were abruptly broken off at an advanced stage, after Iran promised to carry out the same work-and give a bigger donation to the town as well as the water pumps.


  • 通过分析电力零售过程零售电价构成,研究了电力零售合同中的可谈判内容

    The negotiation contents in the retail contract are summarized through analyzing the process of electricity retail wheeling and the sale power price composing.


  • 75年前为了结束当时关税世界各国领导聚到了伦敦地质博物馆化石展厅内可谈判很不光彩的失败告终。

    Seventy-five years ago, the world's leaders collected in the Hall of Fossils in London's Geological Museum with the aim of ending a tariff war.


  • 75年前为了结束当时关税世界各国领导聚到了伦敦地质博物馆化石展厅内可谈判很不光彩的失败告终。

    Seventy-five years ago, the world's leaders collected in the Hall of Fossils in London's Geological Museum with the aim of ending a tariff war.


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