• 只有不到一半美国他们烹饪水平处于中等水平只有20%的人他们有高超的烹饪技术,因此,危机来自于他们对自己的信心

    Since fewer than half of Americans say they cook at an intermediate level and only 20% describe their cooking skills as advanced, the crisis is one of confidence.


  • 只有来自美国,你才真正理解东北部地区不切实际文化

    Only if you are from the United States will you truly understand the highbrow culture of those from north-eastern region.


  • 即使IRS仍然坚持敌对态度,甚至比OECD更远瑞士的2万亿离岸资产也许只有5%资产来自美国

    Even if the IRS remains on the warpath and goes beyond the OECD rules, perhaps only 5% of the $2 trillion of offshore assets in Switzerland comes from America.


  • 来自尼尔森公司最新报告显示只有5%的美国手机用户订阅手机电视服务

    According to a new report from Nielsen mobile, only 5% of all U.S. cell phone owners subscribe to a mobile TV service.


  • 然而这个TMF管弦乐队成员里有相当大一部分人并非来自美国,所以只有不到一半知道首歌

    The TMF Orchestra was comprised of a fair percentage of musicians NOT from Americaless than half the group knew the music.


  • 美国饮食只有一半来自玉米

    Only about half of the added sugar in the American diet comes from corn sources.


  • 1987年,美国95%鸡蛋产出分别来自于2,500个不同的厂家而如今只有192家了。

    In 1987, 95% of the country's output came from 2,500 producers; today, that figure is a mere 192.


  • 相比而言,美国卡夫公司只有41%的销售额来自国外市场

    By contrast, Kraft Foods Inc. of the U.S. generates about 41 percent of revenue from outside its home market.


  • 29岁的布伦达·谢里丹(BrendanSheridan)来自美国,如今在大东海海滩经营着一家只有个房间的小店出售出租冲浪板,他中国人冲浪很难。

    Getting Chinese to try the sport can be a challenge, says Brendan Sheridan, a 29-year-old American who sells and rents surfboards from a one-room shop near Dadonghai Beach.


  • 公益腕带理念最初来自美国自行车手兰斯•阿姆斯特朗1996年诊出患有癌症只有五成存活几率

    The awareness band concept began with Lance Armstrong, an American cyclist who was diagnosed with cancer in 1996, and only given a 50% chance of survival.


  • 这项网站可用性机构Webcredible举行调查采访了1,000名消费者(受访者中40%来自美国,40%来自英国,20%来自全球其它国家地区),并发现只有9%的受访者表示旅游网站难于使用,仅比新闻媒体网站多2%。

    The poll by usability agency Webcredible of 1, 000 consumers (around 40% us, 40% UK, 20% RotW) revealed just 9% found travel sites difficult to use, 2% behind news and media sites.


  • 另一个可能严重问题如今通用汽车福特国际化得多,通用三分之二销售额来自美国以外福特得这个数字只有二分之一

    Another, potentially even bigger problem is that GM is now more international than Ford: two-thirds of its sales come from outside America, whereas half of Ford's sales are domestic.


  • 索科,纳布科计划是大部分来自土库曼斯坦天然气穿越土耳其抵达巴尔干地区,这一规划只有欧盟美国大力支持下才能付诸实施

    Socor said Nabucco, intended to carry mostly Turkmenistan gas across Turkey to the Balkans, will happen only if the European Union and the United States give the project high level support.


  • 今天来自亚洲流量只有54%经由美国,而年前则有91%。

    Today, 54% of the traffic originating in Asia goes through Unites States compared to 91% ten years ago.


  • 美国前十名易被盗车型仅仅只有来自外国制造商(保险公司的现金支付数来衡量)。

    Only two of the top ten stolen cars in America (measured in terms of cash paid out by insurers) come from a foreign manufacturer.


  • 迪克·采尼,Halliburton(美国能源服务公司)前任总裁,确信只有那些来自能源产业伙伴才是可信任依赖的人。

    Dick Cheney, a former boss of Halliburton, an oil-and-gas company, made sure his secretive energy task-force relied heavily on his buddies from the energy industry.


  • 这份报告兰贝尔女士挑战;当步行穿行最近沃尔玛会发现所有商品只有50%来自美国制造

    Here's the reporting challenge for Ms. Rampell: walk through your nearest WalMart and find even 50% of the items made in the USA.


  • 祖父来自匈牙利他家只有一个定居美国了。

    My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States.


  • 只有来自提供EU认证的人那里的产品才能出售有机欧盟市场针对美国市场的产品须通过NOP认证。

    Only products from EU certified suppliers can be sold to the organic EU market, while products for the us market must be NOP certified.


  • 安防行业起始于1992年,用户主要来自金融系统产品由欧、引进国内产品生产商只有少部分工程

    Russian 11st starting in 1992, from the major users of the financial system, products from Europe and the United States introduced, no domestic producers, only a small part of the project business.


  • 安防行业起始于1992年,用户主要来自金融系统产品由欧、引进国内产品生产商只有少部分工程

    Russian 11st starting in 1992, from the major users of the financial system, products from Europe and the United States introduced, no domestic producers, only a small part of the project business.


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