• 世界上气候变化影响国家造成这种全球疾病责任微乎其微他们现在的影响最大

    The most climate-vulnerable countries in the world have contributed very little to creating the global disease from which they now suffer the most.


  • 轻度放牧区域,田云雀受的影响是哺育幼鸟雄性多于雌性

    In both of the lightly stocked areas, meadow pipits responded by producing slightly more male chicks than females.


  • 加拿大最近全球经济衰退中影响不大,部分原因是其保守的政策良好银行监管体系

    CANADA has had an easier time than most during the recent global recession, in part because of a conservative and well-regulated banking system.


  • 并不奇怪树冠筑巢鸟类种群的成员数量大幅下降接近地面处筑巢的鸟类的影响则小多。

    Not surprisingly, groups of birds that nest in the canopy of trees declined significantly, while species that nest in cavities or near the ground were affected far less.


  • 切尔诺贝利越近国家受的影响越大,“供职于慕尼黑德国环境健康研究中心的生物统计学家scherb。”

    "The closer the country was to Chernobyl, the stronger the effect," said Scherb, a biostatistician at the German Research Center for Environmental Health in Munich.


  • 而今年持续到现在稳定行情对于那些欧洲加拿大的管理天才来说,持续影响着他们学院的国际排名,特别是法国的欧洲工商管理学院受的影响最大。

    This year's still shaky market for MBA talent in Europe and Canada shook up this year's international ranking, with France's INSEAD (INSEAD Full-Time MBA Profile) taking the top spot.


  • 孩子成长多种因素影响

    A child's development is dependent on many factors.


  • 不要时尚影响

    Don't ever be swayed by fashion.


  • 制造业燃料短缺影响最为严重。

    Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.


  • 他们健康问题困扰,还担心辐射造成长期影响

    They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.


  • 詹姆斯非常容易奉承话影响

    James was extremely susceptible to flattery.


  • 带电气体粒子磁力影响

    The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces.


  • 尽管许多人欣赏蕨类植物的美丽,但对一些来说,蕨类植物威胁栖息地以及高地娱乐用途影响同样重要

    No less important to some people are bracken's effects on threatened habitats and on the use of uplands for recreational purposes, even though many appreciate its beauty.


  • 影响复杂的,社会经济因素卫生服务、情感支持多个生理机制影响

    The effects are complex, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological mechanisms.


  • 批评者这项政策与许多健康专家建议矛盾,专家们警告说一个体重基因环境因素影响

    Critics say the policy contradicts recommendations by many health experts, who warn that a person's weight is influenced by genetic and environmental factors.


  • 在低纬度地区制定历法月球周期影响太阳年影响大。

    The calendars that were developed at the lower latitudes were influenced more by the lunar cycle than by the solar year.


  • 技术影响航天飞机计划刚刚结束没有后续计划

    The technologically compromised space shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor.


  • 如今29%英国肥胖影响这个数据预计到2030年会上升至35%,我们现在应该视为一种疾病吗?

    With obesity now affecting 29% of the population in England, and expected to rise to 35% by 2030, should we now recognise it as a disease?


  • 不管怎样营养物质存在活性深处不是在表层附近,活性层径流影响最大地方

    The nutrients are deep down in the active layer anyway, not high up near the surface, which is the part of the active layer most affected by run-off.


  • 认知心理学家们断言我们行为我们的价值观我们了解自己处境方式我们选择影响

    Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice.


  • 结果显示比起鸟类影响较小池塘栖息地最近的池塘里污染物含量更高

    In ponds closest to the colony, the results showed there were far more pollutants than in ponds less affected by the birds.


  • 已经所有已知地震影响国家派遣了一个专家小组

    It has sent a team of experts to all countries known to be affected by earthquakes.


  • 因此一个国家财富很大程度制造业能力影响前提可以发现其他国家准备其制造业。

    A country's wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.


  • 勒科尔奥斯担心不仅模特本身还有大量模特形象影响女孩妇女

    Record and Austin are worried not just about the models themselves, but about the vast number of girls and women their images influence.


  • 污染的少地影响他们的健康

    The polluted water more or less influences their health.


  • 毋庸置疑,人们对于幸福看法很大程度上他们生活经验影响

    It is certain that people's views on happiness are affected greatly by their own life experience.


  • 正如今年互联网安全漏洞数量所显示虚拟牧场牧场一样容易影响

    As this year's crop of internet-security breaches shows, virtual pastures are just as prone to it as the grassy sort.


  • 近年来,越来越研究表明我们食欲食物摄入量除了能量生理需求影响外,还许多其他因素影响

    In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of other factors besides our biological need for energy


  • 近年来,越来越研究表明我们食欲食物摄入量除了能量生理需求影响外,还许多其他因素影响

    In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of other factors besides our biological need for energy.


  • 近年来,越来越研究表明我们食欲食物摄入量除了能量生理需求影响外,还许多其他因素影响

    In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of other factors besides our biological need for energy.


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