• 前款规定的退伙实际发生退伙生效

    The withdrawal from partnership as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall take effect on the date the fact occurs.


  • 前款规定期限违法行为发生计算

    The period of time prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date the illegal act is committed;


  • 前款规定期限违反治安管理行为发生之计算

    The period of time specified in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date the act is committed against the administration of public security;


  • 被保险人索赔期限损失发生之日不得超过

    The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss.


  • 表列第一身故必须意外事故发生12月内造成者。

    Under Item 1, Death must occur within 12 calendar months from the date of accident.


  • 保险单项索赔时效,事故发生之日起,不得超过

    The time of validity of claim under this Policy shall not exceed a period of one year counting from the date of accident.


  • 债务人行为发生年内没有行使撤销撤销权消灭

    Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor's act.


  • 债务人行为发生年内没有行使撤销的,撤销权消灭

    Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor 's act.


  • 发生之日一个合理时间最多超过90天,协商不能取得买卖双方都满意的结

    Seller and the Buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not


  • 提出仲裁的一应当劳动争议发生之日60内向劳动争议仲裁委员会提出书面申请

    The party applying for arbitration shall submit the arbitration application to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee within 60 days when the labor dispute arises.


  • 第八十二条提出仲裁要求一方应当劳动争议发生六十内向劳动争议仲裁委员会提出书面申请

    Article 82 the party that requests arbitration shall file a written application with a Labour dispute arbitration committee within 60 days from the date of the occurrence of the Labour dispute.


  • 第二百六十四条根据海上保险合同保险人要求保险赔偿的请求权,时效期间保险事故发生之起计算

    Article 264 the limitation period for claims with regard to contracts of Marine insurance is two years, counting from the day on which the peril insured against occurred.


  • 船舶发生灭失或者失踪的,租金应当自船舶灭失或者得知其最后消息停止支付,预付租金应当按照比例退还。

    Should the ship be lost or missing, payment of hire shall cease from the day when the ship was lost or last heard of. Any hire paid in advance shall be refunded in proportion.


  • 马修马克卢克一直认为最后晚餐发生的时间恰好就是犹太人庆祝逾越开始之日。而约翰,最后晚餐是在逾越节前进行的。

    While Matthew, Mark and Luke all say the Last Supper coincided with the start of the Jewish festival of Passover, John claims it took place before Passover.


  • 这种状况周一发生了变化波动指数攀升15%,至39.18,为120以来最大涨幅,那天正是股市另一个经历惨痛抛售的梦魇之日

    That changed on Monday, as the VIX jumped 15% to 39.18, its biggest one-day gain since Jan. 20, which was the day of another brutal market selloff.


  • 2010年112111·15特大火灾发生第七上海民众之日前往事故现场献花哀悼火灾逝者。

    By 2010, Nov. 21 is 11 · 15 ultra large fire happen on the seventh day, Shanghai people in the first seven before the accident site wreath-laying condolences to fire gesture.


  • 借款方发生很可能发生以上情形一的,贷款方书面通知借款方浮动抵押财产确定之日

    If any case above said occurs or more than likely to occur, the floating Mortgage converts into being fixed Mortgage at the date of notice sent by the Lender.


  • 接收应当视为交付发生买方接到WIRTGEN CHINA发出的关于交付物收的通知之日发生

    The acceptance shall take place either upon the delivery date, or, alternatively, upon the day on which the Buyer has been notified by WIRTGEN CHINA that the delivery is ready for acceptance.


  • 第25保险契约发生之权利自得请求行使而消灭。

    Article 25 all rights generated from an insurance contract shall, if not exercised, be extinguished 5 years after the date of eligibility for claims.


  • 汉字产生之日起,至《说文解字》立为正体小篆止,数字的字形发生了或大或小的变化。

    From the emergence of Chinese character to the period of Xiaozhuan, many of character forms have changed.


  • 发生出口业务企业发生笔出口业务未满12个月企业

    The enterprises with new export business refer to the enterprises whose export business is less than 12 months since the date of the first export business.


  • 发生损失起至第六个月止,在期间营业结果损失受到影响。

    The period beginning with the occurrence of the damage and ending not later than sixty (60) days thereafter during which the result of the business shall be affected in consequence of the damage.


  • 此类撤销通知保管人收到通知个月届满第一发生效力

    Such withdrawal takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of the receipt of the notification of the depositary.


  • 第五十七裁决书自作出发生法律效力。

    Article 57 An award shall be legally effective on the date it is given.


  • 第五十七裁决书自作出发生法律效力。

    Article 57 An award shall be legally effective on the date it is given.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定