• 这个国家经济困境正在抑制科研机构发展

    The country's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions.


  • 废物回收创造更多就业机会刺激当地经济发展,为产品循环利用产业提供精制原料削减控污能源支出

    Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.


  • 经济合作发展组织一直在说教成员国中的发达国家,让继续推行自由贸易私有化富有弹性劳动力和产品市场

    THE Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has long lectured its rich member countries about pursuing free trade, privatisation, and flexible Labour and product markets.


  • 中国庞大经济规模意味着尽管不能与美国经济实力分庭抗礼但是的确拥有影响周边国家经济发展前景能力

    China's massive size means that, though it is not yet a rival for the economic might of the United States, it does have the ability to influence the prospects of countries far beyond its borders.


  • 中国作为蒙古的邻国人口超过450,连续三十经济飞速发展,作为地广人稀经济落后的小国,蒙古国这样强邻的担忧不可避免的。

    For a vast, poor and sparsely populated land, anxiety about a neighbour with over 450 times as many people and an economy that has been booming for three decades is perhaps inevitable.


  • 同时指出这些小型计划经济社会也给自己施加了交易成本随着他们发展壮大,交易成本也会随之增长

    Mr Coase also pointed out that these little planned societies impose transaction costs of their own, which tend to rise as they grow bigger.


  • 那些澳大利亚不甚了解把她的成功归因于有幸拥有如此广袤矿产资源,且毗邻的经济飞速发展中的亚洲国家都购买

    Those with a passing acquaintance of Australia will attribute its success to its luck in having such an abundance of minerals that its booming Asian neighbours want to buy.


  • 然而,拜飞速发展经济增长所赐,即使中国达到了能源强度降低目标排放量将会持续增加

    Thanks to China's galloping economic growth, however, its emissions will continue to increase even if it meets its energy-intensity target.


  • 经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)双倍上修明年增长水平,即30个首要发达经济平均增长水平达到1.9%,预计2011年将达到2.5%。

    The OECD doubled its growth forecast next year to an average of 1.9% for 30 leading developed economies, and to 2.5% in 2011.


  • 经济合作与发展组织计算出,富裕的成员国大部分财政赤字2003占GDP4 %减少2007的1.6%。

    The OECD reckons its mostly rich-country membership cut its fiscal deficit from 4% of GDP in 2003 to 1.6% in 2007.


  • 论文综述了社会经济效益、实现原理关键技术组成现状发展趋势

    In this paper its society benefit, economy benefit, principle, key technology, system constitution, current status and development trend are surveyed.


  • 经济合作与发展组织(OECD预测今年全球经济增长将会3%,低于此前估计的3.3%。

    The OECD, a think-tank, predicts that global growth will be 3% this year, below its previous estimate of 3.3%.


  • 21世纪经济会是什么情景发展趋势怎样?

    The 21st century what will be the economic scene, and its development trend?


  • 数学做为一门科学技术基础工具学科之一,在今日飞速发展知识经济信息时代,重要性愈加突出

    Nowadays with the rapid development of knowledge economy and information, mathematics, a basic tool subject in science and technology, its importance is becoming more and more obvious.


  • 分析表明,污水处理回用具有明显经济效益社会效益环境效益,发展潜力巨大的。

    Sewage treatment and reuse has visible economic benefit, social benefit and environmental protection benefit and the developmental potential is big.


  • 近年家族企业日益成为大家较为关注的对象,近年来不断发展壮大,整个国民经济中所的比重和地位不断提高有关的。

    Family business has gradually drawn our attention in recent years, which results from its continual development and its proportion and status' constant improvement in national economy.


  • 港口经济经济地理学角度分析武汉港条件,论述今后发展趋势

    In this paper, from the Angle of port economics and economic geography, the advantages of building Wuhan port are analysed, and the trend of Wuhan port development in future is put forward.


  • 大力发展现代流通服务第三产业,逐步提高国民经济中的比重

    We will energetically develop modern distribution, tourism, intermediary services and other aspects of tertiary industry, and gradually raise their proportion in the national economy.


  • 日本金融衍生市场诞生时间要晚美国但是凭借着国内巨大的经济实力推动着金融衍生品市场飞速发展

    Japan's financial derivatives market was born later than that on the United States, but its great virtue of domestic economic strength, driving the rapid development of financial derivatives market.


  • 形成背景是全球经济金融一体化发展趋势现代金融在经济核心作用形成

    The developing tendency of global economy and finance, together with the nucleus role of modem finance in economy, makes the background for its emergence.


  • 重点阐述了多联机空调系统设计应用,研究了经济性能论证了多联机系统的优势发展前景。

    The design and application of VRV air-conditioning system are expounded with its economic performance, demonstrating the advantages and the prospects of VRV air-conditioning system.


  • 旅游一跃成为世界产业经济格局中的产业地位已逐渐被公认发展潜力巨大。

    Tourism has become an industry in the world and has been publicly recognized in the economic structure, has great potentiality.


  • 本文结尾对此类结构做出了总结肯定了良好经济实用性展望了发展前景,提出了今后需进一步研究的问题。

    At the end of the article, the practicality and economy of the structure are reviewed and well established, and future development and research of the structure are also prospected.


  • 包装作为我国一种重要经济产业发展前景可观。

    Packaging has broad prospective as an important economic industry in China.


  • 包装作为我国一种重要经济产业发展前景可观。

    Packaging has broad prospective as an important economic industry in China.


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