• 巴菲特反对要求伯克希尔公司数十亿美元资金签署的金融衍生品合约拨备的规定

    Buffett is against provisions that would require Berkshire to set aside billions in capital to cover derivatives contracts it has written.


  • 如果这些条件得不到满足反对要求就会变得更加激进

    He says the opposition will radicalize its demands if these conditions aren't met.


  • 反对要求重新举行昨天进行的议会选举

    The opposition has demanded a re-run of parliamentary elections held yesterday.


  • 反对要求辞职

    The opposition have called for him to resign.


  • 反对领袖要求首相宣布进行大选

    The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election.


  • 反对一再要求总统辞职

    The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation.


  • 反对领袖现在正在迫切要求宣布整个选举无效

    Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled.


  • 上世纪90年代一次实验中普林斯顿大学心理学家乔尔·库珀等要求参与者关于反对残疾人提供资金的文章。

    In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.


  • 反对反对一般来说,外行缺乏评估此类广告专业知识可能会要求他们医生提供不合适药物

    Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications.


  • 允许感情完全破裂作为离婚理由,也允许要求离婚,即使对方反对,也可以同意离婚。

    It also accepted "complete alienation of mutual affection" as grounds for divorce and allowed one party to ask for it, even if the other party opposed.


  • 我们反对谴责以色列巴勒斯坦野蛮侵犯,要求以色列巴勒斯坦地区全部撤军。

    We oppose and condemn the barbarian agression by Israel on Palestine, and demand Israel fully withdraw from the Palestinian area.


  • 其中的原因包括所带来的成本项目进行过程中会变化要求以及当前实现干系人的反对

    Reasons for this include cost, requirements that change as the project progresses, and organizational opposition by stakeholders of the current implementations.


  • 周日印度立场坚定地反对西方要求接受排放的限制即便克林顿最终达成有利于印度气候变化协议表示乐观。

    On Sunday, India stood firm against Western demands that it accept binding limits on carbon emissions even as Clinton expressed optimism about an eventual climate change deal to India's benefit.


  • 第二反对理由认为指令似乎要求经理首席经纪商,乃至保管人都从属与欧盟之下。

    The second objection is that the directive seems to require everyone from managers through prime brokers to custodians to be based in the European Union.


  • 作为美国肥胖流行病回应疾病控制中心要求反对饮用为了水解而含多余糖分的饮料。

    Responding to America's obesity epidemic, the Center for Disease Control recommends against using drinks with added sugar for purposes of hydration.


  • 但是国际原子能机构理事会不顾美国反对批准叙利亚要求,即规划一个民用核电厂方面向它提供技术援助

    The IAEA's board has nonetheless approved a Syrian demand for technical assistance in planning a civilian nuclear power plant over U.S. objections.


  • 由于金融部门反对先前要求出台的更严厉规范已经化为泡影。

    Previous demands for stricter regulations came to nothing because of financial sector opposition.


  • 计划已经形成便遭到银矿所在普诺省原住居民的强烈反对要求取消所有矿产开采水电合同。事件造成死亡

    The decision followed violent protests in the region of Puno to demand the cancellation of all mining and hydroelectric contracts in the country, which left five people dead.


  • 反对收紧披露要求包括提供更多贷款回购信息,以便于投资者可以更好甄别假冒放贷者

    Few would argue with its tightening of disclosure requirements, including more information on loan repurchases so that investors can better identify shoddy lenders.


  • 诚然,这场危机结束后,华尔街游说者反对资本金要求流动性方面的繁重监管

    The lobbies of Wall Street will, it is true, resist onerous regulation of capital requirements or liquidity, after this crisis is over.


  • 地区土耳其表示反对并且要求停火卡塔尔赞成行动

    In the region, Turkey was reported to have registered opposition while demanding ceasefire, but Qatar said it would support the operation.


  • 充当做市、且美国偿付场外交易95%份额的五家大型银行可能反对登记要求因为打击它们利润

    The five big banks which serve as marketmakers and account for over 95 per cent of the US's outstanding over-the-counter transactions are likely to oppose it because it would hit their profits.


  • 曾在破产希腊面前行动迟缓欧洲诸国,如今不顾对方反对,急切要求负债累累的爱尔兰施以总计高达1000亿美元的资助

    European nations were slow to bail-out bankrupt Greece last spring but are now pressing debt-addled Ireland to take a $100 billion stability fund check over Irish objections.


  • 即使根本上反对药物测试,也等到他们要求药物测试的时候再告诉他们的反感

    If you have a philosophical objection to drug tests, wait until they ask you to take a drug test and tell them about your objection.


  • 反对联盟不同派别不能答应他们的要求

    The different factions within the opposition coalition cannot agree on their demands.


  • 现在如果你们布雷迪法案进攻性武器禁令一整天甚或小时林子一无所获活,想让你们反对票,因为是我要求支持这些法案的。

    Now, if you missed a day, or even an hour, in the deer woods because of the Brady bill or the assault weapons ban, I want you to vote against me, too, because I asked him to support those bills.


  • 法令反对强制要求购买健康保险的命令违宪的

    Opponents of the law contend that the mandate to buy health insurance is unconstitutional.


  • 法令反对强制要求购买健康保险的命令违宪的

    Opponents of the law contend that the mandate to buy health insurance is unconstitutional.


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