• 第二历史叙述范围选择

    The second chapter. Historical narration and Scope selection.


  • 历史叙述言语行为也是一种期待类型

    Historical narration is a linguistic behavior, and a type of expectancy as well.


  • 文学叙述历史叙述人类记录自身世界重要方式。

    The literary depiction and historical depictionare both important kinds of mankind records of itself and its world.


  • 作为历史叙述文本,《史记》主要两个叙述层次构成。

    As a historical narrative text, Records of the Historian is mainly composed of two narrative strata.


  • 中国传统叙事研究,却不能不将历史叙述纳入其中。

    A study of Chinese traditional narratives, however, has to include historical accounts.


  • 你声称做出无懈可击历史叙述时,很快便会有人发现谬误其中。

    When claim is made of an infallible historical account, it is not long before someone discovers error.


  • 文化史历史叙述逻辑马克思提出典型唯心主义文化哲学观

    In the logic of "cultural history", Marx put forward the typical cultural philosophy of idealism.


  • 这种定位基础上,需要正确地把握历史叙述文学评论两者之间的关系

    What's more, it should also properly handle the relationship between historical narration and literary comments.


  • 王政说:“让吃惊的这套剪纸十五以及十五张剪纸实际上表现出来的历史叙述。”

    "What struck me as extremely valuable is that this papercut set has 15 images total, and these 15 papercuts actually present a historical narrative," Wang said.


  • 历史学家代表性地使他们事实推断陈述推理交织在了一起,并且用他们自己的观点构建了一个天衣无缝历史叙述

    Historians typically interweave statements of fact, inferences they derive from the facts, and statements of their own opinion into a seamless historical narrative.


  • 通过马克思相关文本理论解读文章认为,“历史叙述”方法转换马克思文化哲学观变化的重要理论依据。

    Through reading Marx's relevant texts, the article considers that the turn of the "narration of the History" is the inner reason for the changes of Marx's views of cultural philosophy.


  • 宏大历史叙述广度来说作家们大都虔诚于“规模巨大”的国家叙事,再现重大历史事件恢弘历史进程。

    From the extent, the writers adopted nation narrative of large scale and depicted great historical events and courses.


  • 个人话语推向历史叙述中心历史剪裁细小碎片通过排列无序来传达历史偶然性复杂性多元性

    He regarded his own words as the core of historical narration and cut the history into small pieces, expressing the contingency, complexity and pluralism of history by disorder of arranging.


  • 现在时态现代历史小说独有的历史叙述方式历史背景,将故事放入现实舞台上演从而使久远过去获得现代意味

    Present tense is a unique narrative way in the modern historical fiction. It extracts the historical background, makes the story show on the real stage, and the long old past have a modern sense.


  • 本文历史亲历者表述中的历史事实历史学家研究程序中的历史事实两个方面讨论历史叙述现象,指出历史事实一种修辞建构

    This paper discusses two types of historical facts-those in witnesses' expressions and those in the historians' research process, and views historical facts as a rhetorical construction.


  • 王安忆甘露的作品上海历史叙述存在一种时间形式的差别这种差别可以清楚地揭示出他们分别赋予上海文化身份特征

    The description of Shanghai's history in Wang An-yi and Sun Gan-lu's works shows a distinction in time, in which the cultural identity of Shanghai is clearly disclosed.


  • 当代诗歌历史叙述中,“朦胧诗”、“第三“90年代诗歌”构成了八、九十年代诗歌的中心环节,关于它们的争论也是诗歌批评重要部分

    In the historical narration of contemporary poetry, the most important parts would be Menglong poetry, the Third Generation poetry and the poetry of 1990s.


  • 这本该项技术及其历史作了极其简明叙述

    The book gives an admirably succinct account of the technology and its history.


  • 妇女历史女性置于过去事件叙述中心位置

    Herstory designated women's place at the center of an alternative narrative of past events.


  • 我们谈论历史编辑的必要,就是过程呈现给大家,就是要挑战对过去现在未来绝对性叙述

    We need to talk about historiography, to surface this process, to challenge absolutist narratives of the past, and thus, those of the present and our future.


  • 弗格森任教哈佛大学历史商学院,一如既往地,在书中展现了自已非凡叙述才能读者讲述最有触感历史

    As usual, Mr. Ferguson, who teaches in Harvard's history department and business school, USES his powerful narrative talents in these pages to give the reader a highly tactile sense of history.


  • 但是,是不是塞西·尔斯家族天生谨慎小心使得先生(一个王朝的专家)没有象卡罗尔先生那么激情(热情)地叙述这段历史

    But has the Cecils' innate sense of caution led Mr Loades, an expert on Tudor England, to give a rather less passionate account of history than Mr Carroll?


  • 描述既非是“伟人”说,亦非“历史必然”说。他的叙述兼收并蓄

    Mr Rosen subscribes neither to the "great man" or the "historical inevitability" schools of history, and his account is wonderfully eclectic.


  • 创造神话不是为了叙述历史,主要目的为了赋予人物某些形式特征,”莫霍克教授

    "Mythologies aren't created for the purpose of telling history, they're created for the purpose of trying to devise some form of identity for people," said Professor Mohawk.


  • 经典作品叙述文化历史时可以达到当代作品无法企及的高度。

    The classics present cultural history in a way contemporary books cannot.


  • 历史叙述约书亚书》一直到《列记》,它提供了这些信息

    And that historical narrative that runs from Joshua through 2 Kings provides that information.


  • 会清晰地发现也是一首旧社会点滴叙述散文颂歌历史记载完好,热衷(有人这是沉迷)于保存过去

    And it becomes clear that it is also a prose paean to the accumulated detritus of an old society with a well-recorded history and a keen interest (some would say an obsession) in preserving its past.


  • 会清晰地发现也是一首旧社会点滴叙述散文颂歌历史记载完好,热衷(有人这是沉迷)于保存过去

    And it becomes clear that it is also a prose paean to the accumulated detritus of an old society with a well-recorded history and a keen interest (some would say an obsession) in preserving its past.


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