• 很自责成长过程缺乏那股阳刚之气,以至于勉强自己在最为古老行业里醉生梦死。

    I blamed the absence of machismo in my upbringing for my reluctance to indulge in the oldest profession.


  • 去年十一月地方选举查韦斯支持者们获得勉强多数反对派收获不菲

    In local elections last November, Mr Chavez's supporters won a narrow majority but the opposition made important gains.


  • 洛瓦人至今依然勉强生存安达曼群岛四个古老黑人部落一个

    The Jarawa are one of four ancient Negroid tribes barely surviving on the Andamans.


  • 普500指数能源板块今年以来上涨2.4%,其 在首季只是勉强维持上涨,而整体指数今年迄今已上涨6%。

    In the S&P 500 index, the energy sector is up just 2.4 per cent this year and was barely positive in the first quarter, lagging behind the index's 6 per cent gain for the year.


  • 1931年,古德赫已经成为职业选手,加入PG A的巡回赛,取得过一些令人沮丧的、离成功只有一步之遥的成绩,1933年美国公开赛也只勉强位居第二

    By 1931 Guldahl had turned pro, joining the PGA tour for some frustrating near-miss finishes, and narrowly coming second at the 1933 us Open.


  • 英国勉强伊拉克战争抽身,又纠结阿富汗战争资金生命代价令其重新评估自己世界地位

    As it limps away from the war in Iraq and struggles with the cost, in money and lives, of another in Afghanistan, Britain is re-evaluating its place in the world.


  • 斯科特教授承认受宠孩子不得不现实世界勉强度日时,有时感到人生很艰难

    Professor Scott agrees that favoured children can sometimes find life difficult when they have to rub along in the real world.


  • 如果真正选举勉强赢得胜利肯定服务于农村大多数而不是城市少数人需要

    If it somehow managed to win a genuine election, it would have to serve the needs of the rural majority instead of the urban minority.


  • 另一部分则负了伤撑着拐杖勉强站在列队方阵接受勋章

    Some, wounded, stood uneasily on crutches to receive decorations in their parade squares.


  • 如果继续保留黑箱模式,您可以使用这个模式勉强对付;有人认为,服务器部件部件模型输出一个黑箱。

    If you are going to stay within the black box, you might be able to get by with this model; it is assumed that the output in a server widget component model is a black box.


  • 卖空大众过程大多数国外对冲基金在了一起,参与一场英美勉强接受、在德国遭人唾弃交易

    Inshort-sellingVW he was siding with mostly foreign hedge funds and engaging in a form of trading that is grudgingly accepted in America and Britain, but is still frowned upon in Germany.


  • 在垄断夹缝勉强生存的小型企业认为将该法获得保障。一些专家指出,目前对市场"强势"控制的一些跨国企业微软英特尔,却可能因为该法的实施而面临挑战。

    The law, widely hailed by small enterprises, is regarded by experts as a challenge for some multinational companies, such as Microsoft and Intel, who hold overwhelming superiority in the market.


  • 勉强坐在奶奶狭窄相当整洁临时营帐然而,这并不足以开启老人的回忆

    Scarcely had Zhang sat down in Fu's cramped but impeccably tidy room in her barracks-like row of temporary housing, however, than she gave vent to her memories.


  • 在弗吉尼亚一个资金筹集活动麦凯恩回击了奥巴马。他说提高任何群体的纳税使现在勉强维持经济更为糟糕

    Speaking at a fundraiser in Virginia, McCain pushed back, saying tax increases on anyone would worsen the already struggling economy.


  • 这个示例一点勉强因为大多数web应用程序这样信息需要一个登录,数据将被存储以便下次登录使用。

    This example is a bit contrived, because in most web applications, such information would require a login, and the data would be stored for your next login.


  • 1951年,伯格穷困逝世遗孀三个孩子靠着他微薄的版税勉强度日。

    Schoenberg died a poor man in 1951, and and his widow and three children barely survived on the copyright royalties from his music.


  • 如果他们的出现水果公司广告,该乐队勉强可以接受

    Bands that have had their songs in an Apple AD are still marginally acceptable.


  • 多数时装设计师勉强接受时装作品添加军用风格的华饰;尝试招募真正军人职员的设计师更是之又少。

    Most designers settle for military-style flourishes on their clothes; few attempt to enlist actual military personnel.


  • 只有少数设备平台手机型号可以使用网飞公司(Netflix)的款软件观看媒体然而流式视频无线网络上勉强可用,但在移动网络却是极不流畅及费用昂贵的。

    Streaming was possible using an app from Netflix on a limited number of platforms and phone models, but streaming video, tolerable over Wi-Fi, is difficult and expensive over mobile networks.


  • 那些勉强听到起跑枪声的幸运儿,由于某些傻事,经常赛程破坏他们自己的努力

    Those who do manage to hear the starting gun often sabotage their own efforts during the race by doing something really silly.


  • 勉强承认声明谬误之处

    He barely acknowledged the errors in his statement.


  • 未能自己生活释放出不相容的部分时,你只能勉强容忍妨碍建立新的相容联系

    When you fail to release incompatibilities from your life, you settle for mere tolerance and prevent compatible new connections from forming.


  • 勉强承认声明谬误之处

    He reluctantly acknowledged the errors in his statement.


  • 勉强承认了声明谬误之处

    He unwilling acknowledged his mistakes in his statement.


  • 矗立小城雨季勉强才让T被打湿不能阻止心里潮水涌起,溢满怀抱

    Standing in the town, a rainy makes a T-shirt is not dozen wet, but also can prevent heart swelled the tides, with arms.


  • 顽固派斗争,其有些人还可以一定限度参加有些则可以保持善意,有些则可以表示勉强立。

    In the struggle against the die-hards, some may join in to a limited degree, others may observe a benevolent neutrality, and still others a rather reluctant neutrality.


  • 她们许多开始反对传统观念。她们选择保持单身竭力维持自己生活,而库多一样,依靠家庭勉强的一些施舍活下去。

    Many of them are beginning to defy convention by remaining single by choice, and eking out a life for themselves without depending, like Khuddo, on the grudging munificence of their families.


  • 摄影旅程勉强强算个敌人但是一旦回到你会发现已经是一个伟大的朋友

    It can be a bit of an enemy on a photo trip, but once returned home it is found to have been a great friend!


  • 有好几个的时间,马多克斯小姐我们之间存在的就是通道勉强打个招呼的关系。

    For several months that was all there was between Miss Maddox and us, a forced greeting in mid aisle.


  • 有好几个的时间,马多克斯小姐我们之间存在的就是通道勉强打个招呼的关系。

    For several months that was all there was between Miss Maddox and us, a forced greeting in mid aisle.


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