• 我们不得不寻找另一前进方式。

    We will have to look for another way to go forward.


  • 我们需要找到方式承认恰当地表达我们的感受然后再次孩子一样继续前进

    What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and then again, like children move on.


  • 我们需要找到方式承认恰当地表达我们的感受然后再次孩子一样继续前进

    What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and thenagain, like childrenmove on.


  • 我们件事都迈向另外一个方向甚至“什么没做”本身也是行为我们前进或倒退。

    Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another, even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward.


  • 或者自传英雄》中提到了:,“艺术任何全新趋势都是迂回前进的,是一影子改变,一个转移镜子的变化。”

    Or, he doesn't say it; his autobiographical hero says it: "Any genuinely new trend in art is a knight's move, a change of shadows, a shift that displaces the mirror." Okay.


  • 我们理应做好准备应对随时可能发生的变化并且以一优雅平和的心态去面对,重要的是我们必须保持前进

    It's much better to be prepared so we can cope with changes as they happen-with grace and poise-and stay focused on moving forward.


  • “与其说生物学问题,不如说这是行为学上的问题,”Popkin博士:“有些‘非营养性甜味剂作为拐杖”(译者注:‘拐杖’引申为一假性帮助,而且让人产生依赖,例如巴达维主张马来人应该要丢下‘拐杖’,继续前进),而其他人利用它们帮助建立一个健康的饮食习惯。”

    It’s more a behavioral issue than a biological one, ” Dr. Popkin said. “Some people use non-nutritive sweeteners as a crutch; other use them to help create a healthy diet.”


  • 我们整个开发周期中前进的时候,我们需要使用适应项目管理风格才能获得成功。

    We need to use an adaptive project management style as we move through the lifecycle if we are to be successful.


  • 但是顾问团以及最近演讲来看表明了温和的前进

    But a look at his advisers, and his recent speeches, suggests a moderate approach.


  • 多哈回合失败仅仅前进道路上的失败、不是逆转

    Is Doha's collapse just a failure to advance, rather than a reversal?


  • 突然他们也产生多普勒效应他们转身背对时,当他们背离你前进时,你会听到微弱声音

    Suddenly they do the Doppler effect where they turn their backs to you, in a way, and they're marching away from you and you hear very little sound.


  • 化论生物学家中有思想,认为起主要作用的因素争夺基因而进行的竞争而并非为了财产

    But the thinking among evolutionary biologists these days is that what is mainly going on is a competition for genes, not goods.


  • 最佳生活方式就是泰然自若状态,充满自信地前进增强原本完整的自己。

    The best way to live is from a state of self-possession, to move confidently, expanding that wholeness.


  • 有时候完全淹没其中,就这样默默地漂游有时候凭借奇异心灵作用,他找回了些许精神力量,更加坚毅地前进

    Sometimes he was all but submerged, swimming through oblivion with a faltering stroke; and again, by some strange alchemy of soul, he would find another shred of will and strike out more strongly.


  • 不过现在必须找到方法离开第一选项前进第二后续选项卡。

    Now, though, you must create a way to get off of your first tab altogether and advance to the second and subsequent tabs.


  • 另有一当代心理学观点同样着重帮助个体前进并非向着精神领域的启蒙,而是朝向情感的治愈内心平和

    One contemporary psychological view is also focused on helping an individual move on, if not to spiritual enlightenment, to emotional healing and inner peace.


  • 接受失败变成选择调整我们的,向着我们的目标全速前进

    Don't accept failure as an option, adjust your sails, and you will sail safely to your goal.


  • 人类必须互相学习取长补短才能不断前进,而人类进步最终目标必然形式的大同之域。

    Only by learning from each other's strong points to make up for shortcomings can people constantly progress, the ultimate target of which is to achieve a kind of Great Harmony.


  • 还有阻止火势蔓延的办法是移除中的燃料——可以把砍掉隔火设施可以控制性火烧。

    Alternatively, removing fuel from the fireby chopping down trees, digging fire breaks and setting control burns ahead of it— also helps stop a fire in its tracks.


  • 国都正在朝着全新尚无定论的未来前进能否平行的方式界定未来?值得双方努力

    Both countries are moving into a new and somewhat undefined future and need to work on whether they can define it in a parallel way.


  • 推动德国前进不是推动大多数国家前进的那些什么伟大的抱负而是恐惧害怕“如果保持稳定会分崩离析”,科恩·布卢姆表示。

    Unlike most countries, Germany is not driven by any great ambition, but rather by the fear that "things could fall apart if they don't hold on to stability," suggests Mr Kornblum.


  • 看到所有线条前进大大提醒我,此时正在着一财务健康生活方式

    Seeing both of those lines heading south is a big reminder that I'm living a financially healthy lifestyle.


  • 本月介绍简单性能测试技术,在上述情况中的任何发生行测试。

    This month, I'll introduce two easy techniques for testing performance before either of these issues crops up.


  • 前进层度上讲,是奇迹

    Progression really is somewhat of a marvel.


  • 狂犬病毒有一不同寻常特性,能够逆向沿着神经通路前进

    One team of researchers harnessed the rabies virus, which has the unusual ability to travel upstream against the neural current.


  • 扭转地球前进方向的最后尝试,是终止那不断重复蒙昧毁灭怪圈方式

    It was an ultimate attempt to divert the direction in which the earth was heading, a way of interrupting cycles of ignorance and destruction which kept on repeating themselves.


  • 自己摆脱消沉需要寻找方式继续前进

    To get yourself out of the doldrums, you need to look for a way to get moving.


  • 幼年蝗虫相互蚕食趋势可能性.一点被认为为什么它们结队前进的原因.它们通过不断运动以避免成为同伴的盘中餐,当然也成为了行进路线发生突然改变的一大诱因.

    This is believed to be why they march in crowds. By keeping on the move they avoid becoming a meal for a neighboursurely a powerful incentive for a sudden change of direction, too.


  • 幼年蝗虫相互蚕食趋势可能性.一点被认为为什么它们结队前进的原因.它们通过不断运动以避免成为同伴的盘中餐,当然也成为了行进路线发生突然改变的一大诱因.

    This is believed to be why they march in crowds. By keeping on the move they avoid becoming a meal for a neighboursurely a powerful incentive for a sudden change of direction, too.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定