• 比较肿瘤类型中,这里很多类似生化标记物区别前列腺其它

    In comparing across tumor types, there are many biomarker similarities from CaP to other cancers. This suggests that work in this field many be applicable across tumor types.


  • 关键作用成分番茄红素,这种抗氧化剂被确定可降低男性前列腺心脏病风险

    The key ingredient is thought to be the lycopene, the antioxidant already credited with cutting the risk of prostate cancer in men and protecting against heart disease.


  • 这两上市后用来治疗良性前列腺男性前列腺高危人群的预防虽然推荐。

    Both drugs are marketed for use in benign prostate hypertrophy and have also been investigated for - but not approved for - prostate cancer prevention in men at high risk.


  • 甚至前列腺心脏病受到精神作用的影响,随着研究发现这些疾病过早秃顶而早衰的男性普遍

    Even prostate cancer and heart disease may be influenced by the mind, with studies finding they are more prevalent in men who are prematurely aged by going bald early.


  • 它们提供必要的协同反应能够对于大量其它癌症其中重要的包括前列腺乳腺癌产生影响。

    These provide the necessary synergistic reaction that has an influence on a large number of other cancers, including, importantly, prostate and breast cancer.


  • 国家癌症机构杂志报道,这次下降主要是因为男性中,肺癌前列腺结肠直肠癌病例有所下降。

    The report in the Journal of the National cancer Institute said the drop was mainly the result of fewer cases of lung, prostate and colorectal cancer in men.


  • 研究表明遵照计划进食人们体重逐渐减轻,高血压心脏病糖尿病前列腺结肠癌机率也随之下降

    What it means for you: Studies show that people who follow this approach to eating generally weigh less and have lower rates of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.


  • 国家肿瘤研究所宣称,合作的初始动机希望通过三年的研究确定前列腺乳腺癌患病风险相关基因变异

    According to the NCI the initiative "is a three-year study designed to identify common genetic variations associated with risk for prostate and breast cancer."


  • 几个国家研究人员现在正在进行调查,是否能力早期可治疗阶段侦测出肺癌乳腺癌前列腺皮肤癌

    Researchers in several countries are investigating whether dogs have the ability to detect lung, breast, prostate and skin cancer at an early and treatable stage.


  • 以前研究业已表明,绝经后乳腺癌前列腺某些类型结肠癌均与水平IGF-1具有相关性,而IGF-1是一种具有较强的促进细胞增殖作用生长因子

    Past research has linked pre-menopausal breast cancer, prostate cancer and certain types of colon cancer to high levels of IGF-1, a powerful growth factor that promotes cell proliferation.


  • 科学家最新研究表明,每天番茄汁可以增强骨质,预防骨质疏松症。起关键作用成分番茄红素,这种抗氧化剂已被确定可降低男性患前列腺心脏病的风险。 加拿大多…

    Tomato juice a day helps beat bone disease Two glasses of tomato juice a day strengthens bones and can ward off osteoporosis, say scientists. The key ingredient


  • 为何有益健康:番石榴富含一种前列腺番茄红素,而且含量其他任何食物都要包括西红柿西瓜

    Why it's healthy: Guava has a higher concentration of lycopene - an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer - than any other plant food, including tomatoes and watermelon.


  • 来自其他大型研究结果,其带有足够数量晚期致命性前列腺病例数据进一步阐述这个问题。”帕克研究小组总结道

    The results from other large...studies, with adequate numbers of advanced and fatal prostate cancers, may shed further light on this question, " Park's team concludes.


  • 来自其他大型研究结果,其带有足够数量晚期致命性前列腺病例数据进一步阐述这个问题。”帕克研究小组总结道

    The results from other large...studies, with adequate numbers of advanced and fatal prostate cancers, may shed further light on this question," Park's team concludes.


  • 研究的领头人,AnnW . Hsing博士认为虽然水果蔬菜略有降低前列腺风险,但属蔬菜这方面更为明显

    Study leader Ann W. Hsing, PhD, found that although fruits and vegetables slightly reduced prostate cancer, the lower risk associated with allium vegetables was much more pronounced.


  • 对于前列腺治疗方法后续事宜仍然很多如今我却是真正做到驾驭自己的癌症后生活,并且真正这个角度来看待这些问题

    I still have plenty to say about prostate cancer, its treatment and aftermath. But now I can look at those topics from the point of view of a man leading a post-cancer life.


  • 最近,一项针对维生素E抗癌试验报告显示长期规律服用维生素E补充剂会增加健康男性前列腺癌的风险

    A recent review of the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial showed long-term, regular use of Vitamin E supplements increase the risk of prostate cancer in healthy men.


  • 实验中,一种原型呼吸检测仪不仅检测出癌症区分常见四种类型肺癌肠癌乳腺癌前列腺癌。实验虽很成功

    In a small but successful study, a prototype breath test was able not only to detect cancer, but also to differentiate between the four most common forms of cancer: lung, bowel, breast and prostate.


  • 然后研究小组对老鼠试验中显示使用STO 609后,CAMKK2的产生活性停止了,有效堵塞前列腺癌细胞传播减小了肿瘤大小

    The team then showed in mice that stopping both the production and activity of CAMKK2 using sto 609, blocked the spread of prostate cancer cells and reduced the tumour size.


  • 以前的研究表明阿司匹林可以预防肠癌对于其他癌症乳腺癌前列腺癌,它的效果不太明显

    Previous research has suggested that aspirin can protect against bowel cancer, although results for other cancers, such as breast and prostate, were less clear-cut.


  • 但是他们补充说,研究无法表明奶制品食物摄取量除了消化系统其他前列腺癌,乳腺癌其他任何癌症有什么关联

    However, no association between calcium and dairy food intakes were observed for prostate, breast or any cancer in another anatomical system besides the digestive system, they added.


  • 美国癌症协会把死亡人数减少部分归结减少吸烟改善直肠癌、乳腺癌前列腺癌的诊疗技术。

    Much of the decrease was a result of reductions in smoking and improved detection and treatment of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers, the American cancer Society said.


  • 需要每天走出门口,享受100%免费日光浴就可以预防甚至治疗前列腺癌、乳癌许多其它疾病

    You can prevent and even cure prostate cancer, breast cancer, and many other diseases by simply stepping outside your door every day and soaking up the 100% free healing treatment from the sun.


  • 那次检查后7年中,检查组里已有50名男子前列腺癌,而其他只有44个;接下来的10里,这个数字分别9282。

    At the end of the seven years, 50 men in the screening group had died of prostate cancer, compared with 44 in the other group; at the end of 10 years, those Numbers were 92 to 82.


  • 认为大豆一个真正的superfood最近研究表明有助于防止男性前列腺癌,乳腺癌妇女自由基损伤

    I think soy is a genuine superfood, and recent research has shown that it helps prevent prostate cancer in men, breast cancer in women, and free radical damage.


  • 作者警告说替代治疗并非没有风险,比如会发生前列腺癌。女性水平升高会最近糖尿病心血管疾病风险

    But the authors warn that it is not without its risks, which include prostate cancer. And high testosterone in women boosts the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


  • 目标发现那些能够筛查出前列腺癌属于侵袭较小侵袭性类型标记物。“一标记物这一方法有助于我们。”

    The goal is to find markers that sort prostate cancers into aggressive and less aggressive types, Lichtenfeld said. "This marker may help us in this process, " he added.


  • 研究者,其中令人惊讶发现2型糖尿病一个叫做JAZF1基因之间联系,研究者们最近发现JAZF1前列腺癌中作用

    One of the surprising finds was the link between type 2 diabetes and a gene called JAZF1, which researchers recently showed plays a role in prostate cancer, the researcher added.


  • 研究者,其中令人惊讶发现2型糖尿病一个叫做JAZF1基因之间联系,研究者们最近发现JAZF1前列腺癌中作用

    One of the surprising finds was the link between type 2 diabetes and a gene called JAZF1, which researchers recently showed plays a role in prostate cancer, the researcher added.


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