• 冰山冰山大自然壮观的创造之一,大多数从未看到过冰山一种朦胧神秘的气氛笼罩着它们。

    Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one.


  • 一旦冰架脱离这些冰山就会受到南极洲附近洋流季风系统的作用,开始漂移。人们可以在南极洲较暗淡的冰山找到这些散落冰山

    Once detached from the ice shelf, these bergs drift in the currents and wind systems surrounding Antarctica and can be found scattered among Antarctica's less colorful icebergs.


  • 默茨冰山形成不是全球象征冰山只是地球环境系统中的一个普通组成

    By itself, the new Mertz iceberg is not a sign of global warmingicebergs are a normal part of the system.


  • 黑暗冰山》(6 - 8)一次冰山移动行为研究它们如何互相隔开

    Dark ice (images 6-8) is a study of icebergs' movements and behaviors; the way they space themselves out.


  • 柯达只是占据了胶卷影像冰山尖顶,但是截至今天,没有任何一个品牌到了数码影像冰山山顶

    And so far no brand, including Kodak, has managed to climb to the top of the digital-photography iceberg.


  • 首次冰山警报了望员FrederickFleet敲响铜钟三声发出,而正是这座冰山导致泰坦尼克号沉没

    The first alarm over the iceberg that was to sink the Titanic was raised by the lookout, Frederick Fleet, ringing a bronze bell three times.


  • 但是,在4月1日这天,斯密斯运载的所谓南极冰山大船到达港口时,老天突然开始下雨,船上用泡沫刨冰块塑造的冰山立马雨水冲走了,他的恶作剧在大自然力量的作用下露馅了。

    It started to rain, and the foam and shaving cream that were posing as ice washed away. (via Museum of Hoaxes)


  • 一张照片,上面冰山漂流冰山周围融化了海水原本应该坚实的。

    There's a photograph of me rafting an iceberg, the melted sea all around, the sea that should have been solid.


  • 我们急忙沿着海湾向北时,水中出现了小白映入眼帘冰山残片接着冰山最后是一滩半融化的海冰

    As we buzzed north, following the coast, white dots appeared in the water: first growlers, then small icebergs, and at last a mush of half-melted sea ice.


  • 冰山大自然壮观创造之一大多数从未看到过冰山一种朦胧神秘气氛笼罩着它们

    Icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them.


  • 冰山融化冰山会再多浮出水面几乎相同比例。伯兰·肯伯格解释

    If the top melts, the iceberg surfaces out of the water by almost the same share "explains von Blanckenburg."


  • 如果岩石冰山携带而来,那么这些冰山肯定非常相似

    If both groups of rocks had been carried by icebergs, the icebergs must have been remarkably similar.


  • 意识组成冰山,‘意识’只是冰山一角,很小的一部分。

    Just like an iceberg, the conscious mind is only the tip. It is a small part of who we are.


  • 由于冰山密度海水要小一般露出海面的部分冰山的十分之一左右。

    Because their density is only just smaller than sea water, a portion around one tenth of the iceberg usually sits above the surface.


  • 名绿色和平组织船员一个巨大冰山上,冰山高出凯恩海湾水面36

    Two Greenpeace crew members walk along a huge iceberg rising 36 meters from the waters of Kane Basin.


  • 过去这些冰山足有100最近,在坠入中前,它们更愿意脱离移动冰川冰山变得越来越小了。

    The bergs used to reach 100 metres tall, but more recently, as they tend to break from the moving glacier before reaching the sea, the bergs are much smaller.


  • 而相邻冰山以及图片左右其他冰山,则显得斑驳陆离有如矿石晶簇一般

    The iceberg next to them, and others along the left and right edges of the image, have mottled surfaces resembling druzy.


  • 澳大利亚南极冰河学家尼尔·杨,“这座冰山可能以前罗斯冰架上碎裂脱落下来冰山一部分

    Neil Young, an Australian Antarctic division glaciologist, said: "The iceberg is likely to be part of one of the big ones that calved from the Ross ice shelf nearly a decade ago.


  • 佩雷斯·图尼克看到了一些正在融化冰山这种冰山南极大陆经常都可以看见

    Preztunik caught sight of some melting icebergs, which she said are frequently visible around the continent.


  • 还有种微乎其微十分危险可能性就是冰山崩裂——模拟显示如果冰山发生崩裂,将会造成毁灭性的灾难,包括将近200英尺约60海浪

    There is also the rare but dangerous possibility of an iceberg fracture — simulations of such a breakup suggest "total chaos" that includes waves almost 200 feet (60 meters) high.


  • 冰山有些冰块可能是汉博尔德冰川脱落走时,其它冰山崩裂落下来

    This berg has some ice-debris on it that has probably fallen from other ice calvings, as it drifted by the Humboldt glacier that it has calved from.


  • 海洋冲刷冰山形成了海上山洞冰山最终消失了。

    Sea caves are formed when the ocean washes up against an iceberg, which eventually gives way.


  • 未来几十年里某个时候冰山消融减少冰山径流,从而减少智利城市居民的用水供应

    Some time in the coming decades, the shrinking of glaciers will cause a drop in the level of glacial runoff, reducing the supply of water to urban Chileans.


  • 这些天然冰雕式样繁多,结构奇特,其中包括一种最为神奇的“瑞士干酪冰山,这种冰山看起来就像是出了许多有些洞穴甚至形成了巨大冰室

    The vast array of frozen sculptures includes 'Swiss cheese' icebergs which appear to have deep holes drilled into them and some that have formed gigantic cathedrals of ice.


  • 当瞭望台当时还只能通过瞭望台观测冰山)发现冰山之后,黑暗中行驶的泰坦尼克号没能最后一分钟足够灵活躲开冰山

    The ship wasn't nimble enough to avoid an iceberg that lookouts spotted (the only way to detect icebergs at the time) at the last minute in the darkness.


  • 平台设计可抗击六百万重的冰山工程师认为这种冰山发生机率为万次,平台巨大、工程设计非常到位。

    Designed to withstand the impact of a six-million-tonne iceberg, which the engineers thought might occur once every 10,000 years, the platform was enormous and hugely over-engineered, she says.


  • 平台设计可抗击六百万重的冰山工程师认为这种冰山发生机率为万一次平台巨大、工程设计非常到位。

    Designed to withstand the impact of a six-million-tonne iceberg, which the engineers thought might occur once every 10, 000 years, the platform was enormous and hugely over-engineered, she says.


  • 侵蚀式:这座巨大冰山表面上了一条条巨型的纹路,旁边漂浮着一块较小冰山,二者有些相似。

    Erosion: Giant ridges have been carved into the surface of this massive iceberg which dwarfs another smaller creation floating nearby.


  • 侵蚀式:这座巨大冰山表面上了一条条巨型的纹路,旁边漂浮着一块较小冰山,二者有些相似。

    Erosion: Giant ridges have been carved into the surface of this massive iceberg which dwarfs another smaller creation floating nearby.


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