• 以为是个工人其实是个小偷

    I supposed him to be a workman, but he was in fact a thief.


  • 谦虚的态度骗了,其实是个骄傲

    Don't be fooled by his unassuming manner; he is really a very proud man.


  • 不起眼外表下,其实是个很有才气的钢琴家

    Beneath his inconspicuous appearance, he is a talented pianist.


  • 看起来好象悲观其实他是个雄心勃勃的家伙

    He seems to be a very pessimistic person, but actually he's a high-flying guy.


  • 虽然得管理整个公司,但其实是个极其随和

    He is a surprisingly relaxed man, despite the fact that he has to manage an entire company.


  • 其实是个医生业余时间写作所以本书

    Yup. But he's actually a doctor , just writes in his spare time, so he only has one book published.


  • 尽管查理名字听起来是个英国人,但其实是个法国人

    Though Charle's name looked English, his family was in fact French.


  • 阿里爸爸知道吗不是真的冰淇淋小贩,伪装的,其实他是个密探。

    Ali: You know, Father, he isn't really an ice cream man. He's just pretending. He's really a secret agent.


  • 其实是个非常好心的人,试图将善良隐藏一种厉害性急的态度背后——通常任何人

    He had, in fact, an extremely kind heart, which he tried to hide behind a quick, fierce manner - though this usually deceived no one.


  • 其实这点很不容易做到,主要是要讲究方式,大多数的时候我会采取一种委婉的语气,建议“这样是不是会更好”,这样让有一个从考虑到最后接纳的过程。

    Actually, it is difficult to do. Proper manners should be adopted.


  • 当然一个很好的朋友觉得一点上有点言过其实我们这点上意见不合。

    Well, he's a good friend of mine, but I think he may be overstating it a little bit; we have some disagreements.


  • 听到了谈话谈话其实每个早晨都会有的,在谈论着们以后一旦这里出去一辆机动三轮车,或者开一个茶铺

    He heard them talking, as they did every morning, about the autorickshaws they were going to buy once they got out of here, or the small tea shops they were going to open.


  • 确切地说……其实四个但是其中一个秘密因为私生子还是婴儿时候就送到意大利去了原因是……,不说也罢。

    Well, four, but one was a secret because he was born out of wedlock and had been shipped off to Italy in infancy becauseuh, never mind.


  • 片子结尾会意识演绎生活然后真正的生活又重新开始了:是个警察,刚才发生所有事情其实

    At the end of the clip, you realize that I was acting out his life, and it all starts over again. He was a cop and everything that happened was really him doing the same thing to me.


  • 巴赫故居博物馆馆长乔格·汉森说:“多数心目中,巴赫戴着假发老人是一个程式化形象其实我们没有真实画像。”

    "For most people, Bach is an old man in a wig, it is a stylized image, we have no realistic portrait of him, " Joerg Hansen, managing director of the museum said.


  • 写给蒙拣选太太儿女的,我们大多数认为是个隐喻其实是写给教会的。

    He's talking to an elect lady and her children, most of us think this is a metaphor and he's actually addressing this to a church.


  • 消息声称考凯恩之后又刀片剖开了鲍德利胸膛,切断了根肋骨后取出了一个自认为心脏器官事后证明其实男子

    Mr Cocaign then allegedly sliced open Baudry's chest with a razor blade, removed a rib and pulled out an organ which he believed was the man's heart, but which in fact was a lung.


  • 名气其实是个好的工具如果一个可以用好这个工具,传达信息就能数以百万计的人所分享,从某种意义上说数百万的交流

    Fame is also a tool that, if you know how to handle it well, can serve to reach millions and millions of people to convey a message, by communicating and connecting with them.


  • 其实这次久病长期疗养使逃脱了追捕法国即使公众愤怒不会长达个月熄灭

    However, this long illness and this long convalescence saved him from all pursuit. In France, there is no wrath, not even of a public character, which six months will not extinguish.


  • 同时国王看成是一个名副其实改革家(也许表面上看不出来),正在尽最大努力实现社会教育变革缓和哈比主义边缘矛盾。

    At the same time he sees the king as a genuine if unlikely reformer, doing his best to bring about social and educational change and soften the edges of unreconstructed Wahhabism.


  • 就是为什么奥巴马重视两党合作正确的决定,即便无法获得共和党的一张支持票——而且使自己法案生效其实并不需要这些投票

    This is why Obama is right to value bipartisanship, even if he doesn't manage to win a single Republican vote - and even if he doesn't need any to enact his legislative program.


  • 邓一向是个礼貌听众正视着眼睛,专注地着,其实他当时在撒谎

    Deng, ever the polite listener, looked her squarely in the eye and said earnestly, ‘He was lying.


  • 其实表演十分认真在片场是个出了名的完美主义者。

    In fact, he takes his acting seriously and is known to be a perfectionist on set.


  • 觉得尽管语言显然一个独特文化重要标志,但说语言组成语言使用者思维模式未免言过其实了。

    He suggests that, although languages are obviously key features of what make cultures distinct, it is a mistake to overstate how much they encode thought patterns unique to its speakers.


  • 是个脾气而且容易激动——丈夫其实很反感我对着又叫(吃惊吧?)

    I have a very short fuse and become irritable extremely easilybut my husband really doesn’t like it when I snap at him (big surprise).


  • 其实是个饭桶。

    In fact, he is good for nothing.


  • 一些认为伦勃朗是个伤感主义者,其实的画一样坚强

    Some people consider Rembrandt a sentimentalist, but he can be as tough as nails, as he is in this picture.


  • 一些认为伦勃朗是个伤感主义者,其实的画一样坚强

    Some people consider Rembrandt a sentimentalist, but he can be as tough as nails, as he is in this picture.


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