• 一个简单术语概括了以下事实工作中的关系可以合理是非亲密的,无关紧要的,不重要的,甚至可以说可抛弃可替代的。

    It's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.


  • 合理假设良好劳动关系、良好的工作条件、良好的工资福利以及工作保障因素会激发工人的积极性。

    It is logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits, and job security motivate workers.


  • 如果处理数据结构复杂,并具有多种关系那么这么合理的。

    If you're working with highly structured data with lots of relationships, it's the way to go.


  • 虽然认为这种划分编程而言合理的,但不能保证适用xml建模——使倾向于这种关系第二观点

    While I think the separation is sensible for programming, I am not sure it is always applicable to XML modelingwhich leads me to the second industry perspective on this relationship.


  • 尽管如此合理使用可以显著提高语义元素之间关系清晰度

    Nonetheless, its appropriate use can significantly enhance the clarity of relationships between semantic elements.


  • 而是应该上司建立合理友善积极支持关系

    Develop a legitimate, friendly, positive, supportive relationship with your boss.


  • 合理调整收入分配关系

    We will adjust income distribution in a reasonable manner.


  • Mongo集合(非常关系数据库)需要正确进行索引以便确保合理查询性能

    Mongo collections, much like relational database tables, need to be properly indexed to ensure reasonable query performance.


  • 精确地指出情意始于何时,那困难合理猜测这种亲密关系两万多年开始了。

    It is hard to be precise about when the friendship began, but a reasonable guess is that it has been going strong for more than 20, 000 years.


  • 在线社交网站对于’关系合理补充。”互联网咨询公司PearlResearchAllisonLuong如是说。

    Online social-networking is a logical extension of such relationships, says Allison Luong of Pearl Research, an internet consultancy.


  • 这个关系Facebook上显得很合理所以问题在这里

    Taking this relationship and moving it to Facebook as is just doesn't make sense. So there's a problem there.


  • 将会首先讨论可跟踪性理论然后是有关如何捕获使用这种关系得到软件系统合理矩阵

    I'll talk first about the theory of traceability, and then about how to capture and use relationships to gather appropriate metrics for software systems.


  • 因此预测好胜性和面型的关系似乎合情合理

    It seems reasonable, therefore, to predict a correlation between aggression and face shape.


  • 即使英美关系较为合理世界的舞台上追求这种关系也是一种有缺陷策略

    Even if the relationship were more equitable, to pursue it at this stage would be a flawed strategy.


  • 社会绩效金融业绩这些关系可以通过解释回报代表性变量因子模型进行合理难以通过产业效应起到同样效果。

    These relationships between social and financial performance can be rationalized by multi-factor models for explaining the cross-sectional variation in returns, but not by industry effects.


  • 某些纯粹主义者也许会坚持所有这些行动都是非法合理的,但是国际关系实际应用法律教条重要

    Certain purists may insist that all these actions were illegal and illegitimate, but the actual practice of international relations matters more than legal doctrine.


  • 这种担心合理的,因为如果这种微妙关系处理得不好通常结局就是那个女性不想见到你——就太糟了

    It's a valid concern, because if you approach this delicate situation the wrong way - it will usually end up with the woman not wanting to see you anymore... which sucks.


  • 一旦标准问世之后尤其是1992年进行重大修订之后,开发人员可以创建前端应用程序合理保证可以针对多个关系进行工作

    Once that happened, especially after a major revision in 1992, developers could create front-end applications and be reasonably assured it could work against multiple relational back-ends.


  • 关系银行利益:银行底线允许的范围内采取合理行动

    It's a matter of profit: Banks are doing what makes sense for their bottom line.


  • 因为很多雇佣关系是很随意的,或者雇主随时可以结束雇佣关系,或一个合理工作原因来降低薪资

    Because most people are employed "at will, " you or your employer canend the arrangement at any time and your salary can be lowered, as longas it is done for a legitimate business reason.


  • 我们幸福感他人体重之间这种相关关系当前西方肥胖症流行提供了一个合理心理学解释

    This positive relationship between our happiness and other people's weight provides a good psychological explanation for the current obesity epidemic in the west.


  • 因为很多雇佣关系很随意的,或者雇主随时都可以结束雇佣关系,或一个合理工作原因降低薪资

    Because most people are employed "at will," you or your employer can end the arrangement at any time and your salary can be lowered, as long as it is done for a legitimate business reason.


  • 接下来问题就是怎么样才算是合作伙伴关系涉及合作结构股权债务是否合理

    Then the question is what is likely to make it feel like a partnership, and that is down to deal structure - whether equity or debt is correct.


  • 探针响应进行分析可以很不同工作负载之间建立合理关系并且有利于理解各种类型用户执行情况。

    Analysis of the probe response is a good way to establish equitable relationships between the different workloads, and it is a good way to understand how certain types of users perform.


  • 人生两种重要实践合理安排时间培养不断增加人际关系

    The two most important practices in life necessitate the proper management of time and the continual development of personal relationships.


  • 合理地管理金钱比例关系能否平稳理财最为重要因素之一

    Managing your money ratios well is among the most important things one can do financially and can substantially contribute to your financial peace.


  • 所以继续维持这种暂时关系,也使珍妮弗免遭强烈的情绪痛苦觉得这种不诚实合理的。

    So to preserve a temporary solution to his problem and to keep Jennifer from experiencing intense emotional pain, he felt that dishonesty was justified.


  • 所以继续维持这种暂时关系,也使珍妮弗免遭强烈的情绪痛苦觉得这种不诚实合理的。

    So to preserve a temporary solution to his problem and to keep Jennifer from experiencing intense emotional pain, he felt that dishonesty was justified.


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