• 爱因斯坦时代全世界只有几千物理学家那些在智力上与爱因斯坦匹敌理论家,可能有轨电车就都坐下了。

    In Einstein's day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.


  • 许多国家都表示如果那些留下病毒彻底摧毁的话,全世界安全很多。

    Many other countries say the world would be safer if those stockpiles of the virus were destroyed.


  • 全世界每年记录鲨鱼咬伤不足70尽管这个数字包括那些没有统计数据国家发生的事件。

    Fewer than 70 people are recorded as being bitten annually worldwide, although the number does not include incidents in countries where statistics are not kept.


  • 全世界还有无数居住机会提供那些为了杰作付出辛勤工作的创作者。

    For those wanting to put in some serious work on their masterpiece, there are numerous residency opportunities worldwide.


  • 那些得更多引起全世界关注城市——纽约芝加哥洛杉矶落选了。

    The cities that have done most to excite attention the world over-new York, Chicago and Los angeles-are also-rans.


  • 我们关注那些来自全世界社会各个领域榜样

    We wanted to focus on role models from all over the world and from all walks of life.


  • 他们还记得2008年那些黑暗日子财政官员们全世界飞来飞去,试图说服人们相信依赖出口的韩国不会一个冰岛,然而可并非易事。

    They remember the dark days of 2008 when finance officials jetted around the world trying to convince people that their export-dependent country was not the next Iceland. It was a tough sell.


  • 大学生费利西蒂》也许不能仅仅谈论全世界范围内一个困扰大学生的问题因为那些问题存在

    It may be that Felicity simply can't talk about the universal problems that beset a college student, because those problems don't exist.


  • 对于那些相信强劲的全球经济增长全世界股价上扬提供了支撑投资者来说,面对上海股市的暴跌,他们应当鼓起勇气保持平静。

    But for investors comfortable that strong global growth underpins the rise in share prices around the world, a collapse in Shanghai is an occasion to hold one's nerve and remain calm.


  • 那些人能他们顾客个人层面联系或者拥有专业权威地位,或者上千全世界各地的人们认识相信

    People who connect on a personal level with their customers. People who hold a position of authority. People who are known and trusted by thousands of people all over the world.


  • 非常同情尊重那些能够骄傲的让全世界知道他们的真实自我,他们都知道一旦坦白就意味着可能生活中的一些断绝往来

    I have great compassion and respect for people who proudly share their real selves with the world, knowing it will probably create a disconnect with some people in their lives.


  • 先前的研究显示全世界的儿童健康水平正处于下降趋势,包括那些处于正常体重的儿童,只是英国其他国家下降得更快

    Previous research has also shown that children's fitness is declining worldwide, including in those who are at normal weight, and is going down faster in England than the national average.


  • 十年数字了四倍,而且全世界那些负盛名球星如今每周都会出现英格兰赛场上。

    A decade later that figure has quadrupled, and there are now scores of the biggest names in global soccer trotting out to play each week in England.


  • 新政一项内容解决全世界那些目前面临饥饿营养不良甚至饥荒的人民的紧急危机需求

    Part of that New Deal is meeting the immediate crisis needs of those who are now facing hunger, malnutrition, and even starvation across the world.


  • 那些国家计划建造电力在运行期内排量将会全世界1850年来的工业污染量匹敌

    The lifetime emissions from these countriesplanned power stations would match the world’s entire industrial pollution since 1850.


  • 纪念伊拉克阿富汗死去平民不仅安抚那些年轻人全世界表明我们国家理解战争代价

    A monument to the civilian dead of Iraq and Afghanistan would not only provide comfort to these young men but also signal to the world that our nation understands the costs of war.


  • 我们全世界人都应当感谢那些设计计算机编写程序的人们,他们中间的很多表现孤独症性格

    The world owes a great deal to those who design and programme computers, many of whom show autistic traits.


  • 但是从总体上来看全世界对大米需求的增长速度可能超过生产增加的速度,使大米价格保持高位并且那些粮食供应量的贫穷国家造成社会混乱

    But overall, the demand for this grain worldwide is likely to outpace production, keeping the price high and promoting social unrest in poor nations where food supplies are low.


  • 即使在不当季时候,酒馆里也有来自全世界各地顾客那里工作TerryKemp认为附近那些怪圈毫无疑问帮了大忙”。

    The pub has customers from all over the world, even out of season, and the nearby formations have "no doubt benefited the business", says Terry Kemp, who works there.


  • 他们海外设立“滩头阵地”办公室那些全世界都有业务顾客服务。

    They have moved abroad with "beachhead" offices that serve existing clients who do business around the world.


  • 这个环境下我们决定不但影响我们工作人和我们一起工作的人,而且会影响着全世界那些依赖我们药物服务

    Within this environment, we make decisions that affect not only the men and women who work for us and with us, but also those who rely on our medicines and services worldwide.


  • 全世界那些顶尖创业大佬成吉思汗身上汲取力量灵感时来自个人品格塑造所形成实力一定令大佬关注因素

    When the whole world the top entrepreneurial gangster from Cheng Jisihan who draw strength and inspiration, from his personal character formed by the soft strength is very big attention to factors.


  • 确实没有计划接下来25年的时间在全世界追逐那些哲学家们

    I certainly had no plan to spend the next quarter century pursuing philosophers around the globe.


  • 全世界医疗保健系统比较中,欧洲国家普遍其他国家那些方面得更好

    When healthcare systems are ranked throughout the world, European countries generally do better than those on other continents.


  • 全世界医疗保健系统比较中,欧洲国家普遍其他国家那些方面得更好

    When healthcare systems are ranked throughout the world, European countries generally do better than those on other continents.


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