• 眼睛光照闪闪发亮。

    Her blue eyes shone and caught the light.


  • 光照水面上泛起粼粼波光。

    Moonlight gleamed on the water.


  • 夜晚,周遭的铁丝网亮。

    By night, the perimeter wire was illumined by lights.


  • 拉开窗帘进来。

    She drew back the curtains and let the sunlight in.


  • 窗帘,一些明媚光照进来。

    Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in.


  • 光照闪闪发亮。

    The knife gleamed as it caught the light.


  • 光照湖面上

    A shaft of moonlight fell on the lake.


  • 在满是灰尘墙上反射回苍白的冷光

    Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.


  • 光照非常黑暗地方

    He shone a light into a very dark place.


  • LED可以提供足够的光照植物

    LED lights can give enough lights for the plants.


  • 正是光照引起兔子皮毛变化

    It's the amount of daylight that triggers the changing of the hare's coat.


  • 动物植物不同光照条件下不同外观

    Both animals and plants have different appearances in these various lighting conditions.


  • 首先不到那么的地方,所以完全黑暗的。

    First of all, sunlight doesn't reach that far down so it's totally dark.


  • 罗摄影法对化学处理使用革命性的,其中光照区域色调形成

    The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image.


  • 这些生长迅速物种可以覆盖生长较慢的珊瑚,使它们得不到光照,无法恢复生长。

    These fast-growing species can grow over the slower-growing species of coral, denying them light and preventing them from recovery.


  • 医生研究肺部X光照

    The doctor studied the X-rays of her lungs.


  • X光照显示没有骨折。

    The X-ray showed there was no break in his leg.


  • 光照水面泛起粼粼波光。

    The moonlight gleamed on the water.


  • 玻璃窗熠熠闪光。

    The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass.


  • 遭到车前灯射。

    She was caught in the harsh glare of the headlights.


  • 母亲坐在门廊打瞌睡

    My mother was sitting on the porch, drowsing in the sun.


  • 戴了一副墨镜,保护眼睛不受光照

    Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.


  • 走出户外时,一时被得眼睛昏花

    When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.


  • 我们尽量避开射。

    We did our best to keep out of the sun.


  • 火柴

    The flare of the match lit up his face.


  • 耀鸟儿啼啭

    The sun was shining and birds were singing.


  • 傍晚道旧砖墙,使它熠熠生辉。

    The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.


  • 今,灯光照亮了城市的天空。

    Now, light fills the skies over our cities.


  • 光照耀着空气中的小灰尘。

    The sunlight shines on the little bits of dust in the air.


  • 以汉字激光照排系统而闻名。

    He is famous for the Chinese Language Laser typesetting.


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