• 排成一保持…噢!

    All right, single file! Keep it!


  • 劳拉被抛弃而哭泣保持这种镇静

    It's Laura who cries at Dean's abandonment, while Dean maintains this composure.


  • 卷起进行批量固化之前要进行蒸发使用普MX染料处理时间限制4小时以内,从而可以保持清晰明快的线条。

    Evaporating before rolling up for batch curing and limiting processing time to 4 hours with Procion MX dyes, clear, crisper lines are maintained.


  • 基里高度赞赏中国重视青年体育运动事业,表示国际大体联中国保持良好合作举办的重大赛事十分成功

    Gillian spoke highly of the importance China attaches to youth sports, saying that FISU has maintained sound cooperation with China as all major sports events it staged in China achieved success.


  • Facebook邮件说道个人账户必须建立合法的实名制基础上,我们试图通过这种方式保持简单并且公正规则。”

    Facebook said in an e-mail to Anti that the company has "tried to keep the rule simple and fair by saying personal profiles must always be set up in the real legal name of the individual concerned."


  • 一些分析者确信家族保持权力

    Some analysts are convinced the Ampatuan family will remain in power.


  • 阿桑女士周前健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。

    Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.


  • 永的Hurstel先生担心如何使长时间工作的合伙人保持心情愉快,精力充沛,尤其是丑闻损害了会计业良好的声誉之后。

    Mr Hurstel, at Ernst & Young, worries about how to keep long-serving partners happy and energised, especially after the Enron scandals have eroded their godlike status.


  • 斯诺登俄罗斯律师托利·库切列纳:“这儿很多朋友——这些美国居住这里知道了斯诺登的情况保持联系,他真是太幸运了。”

    "He made a lot of friends hereand great for him that those Americans who live here and found about his situation and were in touch with him," his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said.


  • 美国众议院议长保罗·要求美国启动英国自由贸易谈判,“展示美国与英国的团结一致”,确保在英国脱欧后美国和英国依然保持平稳关系”。

    US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan has called for the US to start negotiating a new free trade deal with Britain to 'show solidarity' and ensure a 'smooth relationship' post-Brexit.


  • 就是规范目前电子产品设计必须保持遵守规范

    Safety is safety norms, at present is refers to the electronic products in the design must be kept and abide by the regulations.


  • 事实上我们自己茶叶产品能够保持一贯品质感到自豪

    Lian: In fact we pride ourselves on the consistency and high grade of our tea.


  • 相信玛丽如果不是被迫保持沉默即使能表现得悲痛欲绝

    Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence, I could produce a grief of broken heart even for you.


  • 米兰看作是小组出线热门小组还有莱赫特里尔,我们当然要赢得比赛但是我们必须保持足够警惕

    The Rossoneri are favourites to start Group H of the Champions League – which also consists of Anderlecht and Lillewith a win, but the tactician is remaining wary.


  • 亿多样化写作中又始终保持思想情感就是个体生命关注命运书写一直创作重要主题

    But much of Wang Anyi's writing has always maintained a kind of thinking and feeling, and that is the concern of individual lives, the fate of writing has been an important theme in her writing.


  • 现在仍然持有菲亚特30%控股股份格尼利斯家族赴曾表示为了保持竞争能力,菲亚特必须大的主要竞争对手合作

    The family, which still holds a 30% controlling stake in Fiat, has said in the past that to stay competitive, Fiat needed to link up with a larger rival.


  • 卡斯特拉尼”球场1-1的比分保持86分钟最后4分钟米兰连进两球,先是布罗西尼随后卡卡锁定胜局

    The result at the 'Castellani' remained 1-1 until the 86th minute, when in 4 minutes Milan first doubled the score thanks to a great Ambro, then sealed the victory with Kaká.


  • 如果阿穆尼亚依然无法上场,那么温格必须决定是否20岁的年轻小将斯斯尼继续保持信心拉福的比赛中,他就没有选择法比斯基

    If Manuel Almunia is ruled out again, arsene Wenger must decide whether to keep faith with goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny, after the 20-year-old was preferred to Lukasz Fabianski at old Trafford.


  • 黑莓手机用户会赚钱,也倾向保持长期关系手机的最有礼貌

    BlackBerry owners earn the most and are more likely to have long-term relationships, while people with Android handsets have the best manners.


  • 特力ors203种油性防锈油具有极优良的水份驱替性抗盐雾性能,在金属表面形成一层粘性,能长期保持排水性和自密封特性。

    Antirux ors203is an oily-type rust preventive possessing excellent water-displacing and penetrating property it forms an tacky oil film which remains water-proof and self-sealing over long periods.


  • 直到重启之前,都会保持在5 -6

    It stays 5-6 ma on standby until next reboot.


  • 名官员由于非季节性降雨使德拉邦烟草遭到了破坏,德拉邦今年烟草总产量预计保持今年目标水平,即1.7亿公斤

    The state's total tobacco production is expected to remain at the target level of 170 million kg this season as unseasonal rains have damaged the crop in the state, the official said.


  • 可是当今婴儿长大后大脑圆,德特整个一生大脑都是保持着婴儿时的状态

    But whereas modern humans' brains become rounder as they mature, Neandertals retained the elongated shape throughout their lives.


  • 阿穆尼亚也机会法比斯基没有机会,至于费尔马伦我们需要保持耐心

    Almunia has a chance, Fabianski no and for Vermaelen we need to be patient. "Sagna is as good as you can be."


  • 阿穆尼亚也机会法比斯基没有机会,至于费尔马伦我们需要保持耐心

    Almunia has a chance, Fabianski no and for Vermaelen we need to be patient. "Sagna is as good as you can be."


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